Lonesome Road trailer released

Now that's bleak. Looks interesting. Hope it can live up to the build-up. Bethesda's engine has always struggled with "epic moments".
hope they don't make Ulyss a "generic" end-boss ... but I have the feeling you somehow will kill him. Or at least the option to do so.

I am curious what kind of end it will have. I mean they really build the hype around it like it will be a climax bigger then the vanilla game. I guess as BN says. Hope it can live up to the hype.
dev said:
burningsnow126 said:
This is going to be epic.
any DLC can't be epic.

My buzz is sufficiently killed.
Amazing trailer.

99% of that amazingness is created by classic Fallout's music :-).

I really cannot wait for some nice package of all DLCs to get for my full second playthrough.
Paul_cz said:
Amazing trailer.

99% of that amazingness is created by classic Fallout's music :-).

I really cannot wait for some nice package of all DLCs to get for my full second playthrough.

I love Metallic Monks (the BoS music with the air raid sirens).

<Ulysses>Amazing trailer, did its job. Got me pumped for this DLC. Sad to hear about the Vault 21 suit, MCA said it was cut. Those mushroom clouds need a lot of work.</Ulysses>

The voice over here was better here than the holotapes. I'm not sure why.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about the combat. All I want to do is explore the Divide, have an hour long conversation with Ulysses about nation building, then launch a freaking nuke.
VRaptor117 said:
The voice over here was better here than the holotapes. I'm not sure why.

It was slightly less elliptical, but mostly it helps that it's not audio-only. That'll help the holotapes ingame too.
As it looks like you can bomb the Mojave, I am curious about how much influence this will have on the general game after you have finished the DLC. Probably won't be much, but something must be done to not make it look like "it's there but nobody cares."
Lexx said:
As it looks like you can bomb the Mojave, I am curious about how much influence this will have on the general game after you have finished the DLC. Probably won't be much, but something must be done to not make it look like "it's there but nobody cares."

My guess is you will have the option of bombing McCarran as well as the Fort.
I dunno. In the trailer it doesn't look like either of these locations. Also there are two explosions, so it can't be that simple.

A part of me thinks, that a Lonesome Road ending will be used to transform the Mojave in a more Fallout 3-like enviroment. Changing general color scheme, adding more radiation everywhere, etc. so the whiny people who say FNV isn't enough Fallout 3-style post-apocalyptic, will shut the fuck up. :>
This looks awesome!! I still haven't picked up any of the DLC. Hopefully the release a big box set.
Lexx said:
A part of me thinks, that a Lonesome Road ending will be used to transform the Mojave in a more Fallout 3-like enviroment. Changing general color scheme, adding more radiation everywhere, etc. so the whiny people who say FNV isn't enough Fallout 3-style post-apocalyptic, will shut the fuck up. :>

Its also going to lower people's IQs?
Turning them into teddy bear collectors for example?

And perhaps the BOS into the heroic knights of the wasteland, out to destroy the evil mutants and Enclave and provide clean water to everyone.
Lexx said:
I dunno. In the trailer it doesn't look like either of these locations. Also there are two explosions, so it can't be that simple.

A part of me thinks, that a Lonesome Road ending will be used to transform the Mojave in a more Fallout 3-like enviroment. Changing general color scheme, adding more radiation everywhere, etc. so the whiny people who say FNV isn't enough Fallout 3-style post-apocalyptic, will shut the fuck up. :>

I fear this means the dialogues will be more "fallout 3" like as well ...

OakTable said:
TwinkieGorilla said:
Is this another one penned by Sawyer? I forget.
No, MCA.

No shit. Huh. Well, I ask because the trailer has done nothing for me. But neither did the trailer for Dead Money, which I thought was by far the best DLC the franchise has seen. Tell me MCA is behind this thing and I'll tell you I'll buy it no matter what my preconceived notions are. He has won my trust.
I believe the camera in 1:11 is in Canyon Wreckage, so the bombed parts of the Mojave are going to be something around Crescent Canyon and Searchlight Airport, since I believe this "decision affecting part of the Mojave" will be cosmetic.

It could also be Mojave Outpost, but it's unlikely, since people would whine about killing Cass etc. If it WILL happen, though, it will be tits.