I really hate it when developers/publishers/whatevers decide to put out trailers and they do CGI ones that show nothing of the actual game bar some thematic elements and story elements (which might end up being twisted) or when they put out live-action trailers that just seem like an even bigger waste of a trailer (I mean come on, at least CGI trailers show off dem c00l graphix yo, but live-action? We have films for that, with way better effects) but this is just getting absurd.
"Oh hey we got a new trailer out! Yeah it shows off the gameplay so we nicked it the "gameplay trailer" no it is not a gameplay trailer as it shows not a single scrap of actual gameplay, ingame content being shown in a cinematic fashion is 'not' gameplay.
*sigh* Am I demanding too much from the video game industry? Is it really too much to ask that they give us some actual gameplay so we can decide whether we're interested or not? Maybe that's it though, maybe they know people would steer clear of the game if they showed actual gameplay so they hype it up and avoid gameplay videos at all cost so that people will buy/pre-order it before they can realize that the game is actually shit.
I've learned my lesson from being drawn in by the hype-machine before, until they show me some actual gameplay (10 minutes at the very least) then I have no interest in it, even if it is Mad Max.