Mods you hate or dislike


Все умрут, а я волномут
Either it's content didn't satisfy you much or broke your game, let's talk about the bottom of modding communities' content.

First one is actually quite contrary, one of top of nexus' network, which name is "A world of pain" for New Vegas. It bloats the worldmap with loads and loads of dungeons and boring copy & pasted quest of kill x or deliver y and various fluff like player houses which does nothing but eats your time on crap and makes you level up too fast. It basically applies Fallout 3 philosophy to New Vegas. Dungeons feels exactly like dungeons instead of real world locations, which is what Fallout 4 suffered later from.

Second is everything related to Mothership Zeta for F3. DLC was a chore but playing more of this? No, thanks.

Fallout 1.5: Resurrection. Now, as a roleplaying game it's superb but the edgy writing is a complete horseshit alarming about lack of taste of people who wrote text for this total-conversion. Even if it makes sense for NPCs to behave like that in post-nuclear New Mexico, stuff like teenage virgin selling herself to the player character casts a certain thoughts about writers. Original games and Nevada handled dark humor better IMO.

Loverslab content for Oblivion is tasteless tentacle anime pandering, makes the game even more unstable at best, ruins it in later perspective and often conflicts with each other and some of the useful mods.

Packs of inventory stuff from Baldur's Gate ported to Planescape: Torment. Obviously, doesn't fit into the setting.
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If we are talking by games I can speak about NV, but Skyrim is too dull for me to mod.

In New Vegas:

-World of Pain《- the same issues as you have got.
-Monster Mod - it adds OP enemies that do not belong to Fallout franchise. Also makes the game hard in stupid way.
-T-60 mod - shitout 4 crap
-Quick loot menu - look above
Actually, quickloot can be useful, in long sessions when inventory menu starts to struggle to open, quickloot can save some precious time.

Yeah and take away even more from RPG. I still remember how in Fallout 1 and 2, you had to manually check. And that it was dangerous during combat.
Yeah and take away even more from RPG. I still remember how in Fallout 1 and 2, you had to manually check. And that it was dangerous during combat.
I think it tradeoffs with another kind of danger - you look into the inventory of dead body, any hesitation and you're dead while in full intentory you can open it and think about what should you take from.
Loverslab content for Oblivion is tasteless tentacle anime pandering, makes the game even more unstable at best, ruins it in later perspective and often conflicts with each other and some of the useful mods.
It's the price you pay for ingame porn.
EPA in restoration project for fallout 2. It should remain cut from a game.
Whole place feels disconnected from the rest of a game.

MotherSHIT Zeta is the most boring poorly design place in gaming hystory.
Giving that crap 0/10 score is still too generous. I couldnt even finish it, I just quit after some time and uninstalled failout 3 forver.
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Honestly, it would have to be a lot of the quest mods for Fallout 3. They just feel lacklustered in comparison towards the superior ones for New Vegas (Like New Vegas Bounties, Autumn Leaves, Project Brazil, ect).
I try to use as few mods as possible. But the ones I use are ususally bugfixes, rebalances and the like.
I usually give the mod author feedback, be it what he could improve on or that I really like the mod.

And yes, I have modding experience.

And while my earlier post mentioned that I have a dislike for unlorefriendliness and FanFiction, I still use mods like that for a not so serious playthrough as Fanon and FanFiction can be very interesting and sometimes even better than canon. Though I usually stay not very close to these specific mods.
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The stuff made by the Someguy for FNV, the quest mods.
I always absolutely loathed that Legion had fuck all for content and that Obsidian could never bother to give us one single damn DLC that gave us a more positive look at the Legion (shades of grey my ass, Legion is so dark grey that it is practically pitch black) and so when finally modders have the chance to develop something they don't take the opportunity to explore a culture, religion and society vastly alienating from anything else we've so far experienced in Fallout.

And Someguy? He turned them into cartoon villains. The most cartoonishly evil stuff he could come up with he tossed the Legion's way.

I actually went off on him once about it and in retrospect I was being an entitled little shit but still, people praise his quest mods and I can't stand them. They're well designed in some ways (Some of his level design, some of his encounter design and some of the characters you hunt in bounties are entertaining in a silly way) but the writing when it comes to morality is so try-hard to make each side just a different kind of flavour of shit and forcing you to pick one or reducing it to cartoonish evil that just comes across as edgy to me.

I love the Legion and I think there is a case for supporting them but it is so abysmal that it feels like pointless to argue about them being any kind of moral choice for the future of the wasteland simply because we don't fucking know what their society is like. We know what their veteran soldiers who are constantly on skirmishes and wars are like. But we don't know what their homelands are truly like.

There was an opportunity there, a good writers wet dream: A pitch where you're allowed to pretty much do whatever you want to.

And hell, if the mod was amazing? I'd fucking canon that fanon.

Unfortunately, look at what we were left with. A bunch of clunky fetchquests who were completely unbalanced (it felt like he designed it mostly for those who've leveled up their characters in such a way that they've become gods and so he upped the anté for that whereas I used weapons, gear, stats and perks that fit my RP so it felt completely unfair a lot of times) and voice acting who's quality ranged all over the place (which is understandable I suppose. You're just a modder and need voice acting talents from multiple people who will come from all over the world and have their own mic's that range in quality. But to me it doesn't matter and doesn't excuse it if I feel taken out of the game whenever a mod character speaks) and had poor writing and oversimplistic morality that either were so try-hard to be grey that each side just came across as a different flavour of shit or it was "how evil can a human become... Let's find out!"

Needless to say, I will not be installing thatguy's mods whenever I get the urge to go back to FNV. It is a uh... Rhinestone in the rough. Could definitely be good if he polished the stuff up some mroe but the way they currently are? I don't find them enjoyable.
Cause I'm fine with using mods and I don't expect them to have triple-a quality to them, but... There is a difference between a mod flowing seamlessly in with the rest of the game and a mod that just scream brightly that it is a mod. And that's Oneguy's mods for me, every second of interaction with them in the game I feel like a bugtester testing out an alpha-soon-to-be-beta mod and it completely shatters the immersion.

I commend him on what he's been able to create, he made far more progress than my sorry ass did trying to just create a fucking survival ingredient merchant... He definitely stands out in the Bethesda game modding scene for the amount of quest mods he makes and puts effort into. However; quality, not quantity. If he's still around he should put effort into polishing the mods and maybe redesign a few things.

Until he does, I have zero interest in his mods cause no matter how commendable it is I simply feel like a beta-tester when playing his mods. :shrug:
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Willow, any mod that includes teddy bears as features in general.

I didn't mind the Hope Lies mod, though to be fair I never got far with it as I stopped playing New Vegas. Might have eventually got rid of the mod.

Willow...was ok but I never felt she was a part of the world if that makes sense. If I ever install a companion mod again I want a character I can look at and listen to and think they were actually from the NCR or wherever, that they actually lived in the wasteland.
Willow was written for lonely teenagers who watch too much Endless Sunshine of a spotless mind.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly.
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly.
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
Sleek. But boy some mods do suck
Sleek. But boy some mods do suck
So do some people that have no skill to make mods, who can't open a creationkit/G.E.C.K. Who have no talent towards writing, scripting, design, or any creativity for that matter. The only thing they are good for is bitching about things they know nothing about.

Don't like it, do better then that person, or help them get better.
You are right, we should also never criticize bethesda's games either.
1. 2 a (1) : something produced; especially : commodity 1 (2) : something (as a service) that is marketed or sold as a commodity

1. 3 a : the making of a limited change in something; also : the result of such a change

1. : one that consumes: as a : one that utilizes economic goods

1. 1 a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

1 a : the act of criticizing usually unfavorably <seeking encouragement rather than criticism>

All I am saying is that no one here really has the skill set to cast judgment on a modification except perhaps, @lolpop109 @Risewild and myself. The people in this thread do not have the skill set or effort to make/share mods, so their opinions are unfounded and carry no weight. You are entitled to an opinion. But maybe you should keep it to yourself. I purchased Bethesda games and I review my purchases.
You did not buy the mods, you did not donate to the author, you do not contribute in any way to anything modding related other then to bitch, you have no objectionable skill in how to properly criticize anything, and your basis for criticism is based off of your personal preference and really doesn't mean much, other then circle jerking and butthurt soapboxing.

I never wrapped my head around how this makes sense.
That's because you are brainwashed and have not contributing anything.