Unorthodox Outlander
It Wandered In From the Wastes

So, I recently started another play-through of New Vegas, and as I approached Novac I was wondering about something. Namely, Davison and his band of nightkin.
I can't help but wonder which is worse: Killing off the nightkin--considering that Davison is fairly reasonable and doesn't go complete murder-hobo and the rest aren't exactly in the best state of mental health--or letting a band of violent nightkin go running off back into the wasteland and possibly killing innocents as a result of their madness.
To put it in more simple terms....
Put them out of their misery and prevent any potential harm that could be done, or leave them to their own devices?
I can't help but wonder which is worse: Killing off the nightkin--considering that Davison is fairly reasonable and doesn't go complete murder-hobo and the rest aren't exactly in the best state of mental health--or letting a band of violent nightkin go running off back into the wasteland and possibly killing innocents as a result of their madness.
To put it in more simple terms....
Put them out of their misery and prevent any potential harm that could be done, or leave them to their own devices?