Fallout 2 utility Most up to date Fo?

Kaian Monte

First time out of the vault
Hello, sorry if my question sounds dumb, but I'm new to modding and i'd like to ask if is possible (or desirable) to have the most up to date fallout 2 modding tools and mods themselves, basically I want to have the most to date Sfall version, RPU and (if possible) Fo:Ettu. Also there some other mod recommendations?
Look for burn's signature (visible after logon for most up to date RPU) Latest EtTu should be obtainable via git hub app and the git repository.. all of this has the most recently released sfall which to my knowledge right now is v4.3.0.2 newer builds are experimental and not released publicily yet afaik..

as for other mods check the stickies one guy made a detalied list o them..
my personal favorites are total convrsion ones and frankly there are more classic Fallout adventures counting 1,2 and all TC mods, than bethesta released it's so called *fallout* FPS abominations...