New animations 2

Thanks! The missing animations aren't a problem, as I only want to use them for NPCs anyway.
Here is Louis Salvatore's new critter:

Gizmo was the inspiration of course. Animations:
Твои новые анимации\спрайты смотрятся великолепно! Когда финалку ждать (ведь тут явно не всё, хорошо бы добавить вариант от огня, лазера и пулемётной очереди)?
Hello guys, I've been looking for a mod/way to remove the helmetless PA from the Megamod, i'ts amazing (boy did it take quite the effort to be made) but I rather keep the helmet all the times. I've been looking in various thread for a solution, but did have any luck so far. So I'm asking if anyone on this thread knows how to do it. Of course, if this isn't the right place to ask, I'll remove this comment.
Thanks for reading.
If I'm not mistaken, if you remove/delete the FRM files for that particular animation, that should go back to the default armor animations. I've never played Megamod, so I don't know much about that, but that has worked for me in the past, with animations.
Say... How come there isn't more critter animation for some robots like the Mr. Handy MK II or perhaps some protectrons for a change. You know, like something being pulled out of the toolbox? A buzzsaw, a flambethrower, or even a portable brewing machine to throw hot coffee! Now that would be something to see here.
I'm waiting for certain stuff from other people and felt incredibly bored, so inspired by this I've spend about 7 1/2 hours on repainting red shirt guy.


Too lazy to make gif animations.

Has all red shirt animations except for the rifle. Some of the more complicated death animations look a bit sloppy too... making out red blood on red shirts is really not that easy. Also truth told, I just wanted to get done with it. Not sure if I will go back and fix it... but maybe someone else feels the motivation.



-> Download.

Originally wanted to repaint the loser critter, but sadly wasn't able to match the tone.
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Kinda mediocre, but oh well. What's done is done.
Also half of the death animations kinda suck again as well.



-> Preview.
-> Download.
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New stuff.

Improved Death Animations - Animation Fix

This mod increases the size of the "flame boy" and "electrocuted" death animation for super mutant (120%) and power armor (larger than normal, but smaller than mutant-size) critters to match their normal scale.

Originally made by @.Pixote. (Super Mutant death animations) and @Sduibek (Power Armor death animations, I think). The animations have been polished up some more and are now cleaner and less pixelated.



Animation files
Files on GitHub

"Yellow Pants" Metal Armor Woman - Pistol and SMG animations
The vanilla critter only has knife and spear animations. To fix a bug in Fallout et tu, instead of editing the scripts, I decided to instead create the missing animation files. @.Pixote. helped me with wrapping it up.

The animations aren't perfect and could use some polishing, but for generic NPC critters it's not bad.


Animation files

Both projects are included in the new Fallout et tu release.
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New stuff.

"Yellow Pants" Metal Armor Woman - Pistol and SMG animations
The vanilla critter only has knife and spear animations. To fix a bug in Fallout et tu, instead of editing the scripts, I decided to instead create the missing animation files. @.Pixote. helped me with wrapping it up.

The animations aren't perfect and could use some polishing, but for generic NPC critters it's not bad.


Animation files

And to think that just a week ago I was wishing that I had this exact same thing. These mods are still relevant guys! Thanks Lexx and .Pixote..
That's reason enough to suggest it.

It reminds me of the UI they ultimately went with for Planescape; they did this for ToEE too.
I am just not a fan of radial UI. I did like the Fallout 1 stripe UI.

They must have had a reason not to use it... since it was already made, and integrated into the game.