New Arroyo

Little Robot

I know that a while ago there was a mod being developed which changed Arroyo once the game was completed into New Arroyo, post GECK-use. However, I haven't heard anything about it for a long time.

What happened to this mod? Is it another one which just curled up and died? It's a shame if so because I would love to see Arroyo become a thriving city that you can visit after the game completes.
Unless Arroyo looks like this after the destruction of the Enclave, I don't see the point of making a mod...

New Arroyo was meant to be the future, when both the Villagers and the Vault Dwellers built their new city - New Arroyo, so as I said, it should have elements in the design that look like the image above.
If you look in the albums section of NMA you can find some screenshots of the mod. It looked like it was nearly done, so if the incomplete assets were ever released I bet that it would be not too hard to wrap it up. The mod I saw looks a bit like a newer Vault City-- which makes sense, because they both used a GECK.
If you look in the albums section of NMA you can find some screenshots of the mod. It looked like it was nearly done, so if the incomplete assets were ever released I bet that it would be not too hard to wrap it up. The mod I saw looks a bit like a newer Vault City-- which makes sense, because they both used a GECK.

McRae is the person you wanna talk to, he is the one who made the maps.
Little Robot said:
The mod I saw looks a bit like a newer Vault City-- which makes sense, because they both used a GECK.

NCR (or Shady Sands) too was created with the help of a G.E.C.K., no? Yet it doesn't look like Vault City at all.
You need to speak to Silencer - he was involved in that project.

I looked it over once or twice. It certainly looked interesting.
Tha game lasts 13 years, so the "changes over time" mechanics used to make the Vault Village could do wonders here.
That was at a time the idea, although we would limit it to just a handful of sceneries (rope bridge being replaced by a wooden one and so on)