Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version


First time out of the vault
Updates can now be found here: GitHub (Last update 07/27/2024)

Secondary Attack
This module adds an alternate fire mode for various types of ranged weapons.
- Alternate Fire mode is activated with an Aimed Shot to the torso. (in the settings you can enable a mode in which each shot will cause the effect of an alternative attack)
- All animations depend on combat speed settings.
- NPCs can also use alt-fire.

Laser weapons:

- Laser weapons deal weapon damage (+ perks and critical effects) to all creatures in a line between the shooter and the target.
- The alternate firing mode consumes (2 + 1 * number of additional targets) microfusion cells/small energy cells.
- The maximum number of additional targets can be configured in the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file.
- Alternate mode increases armor penetration. ( All targets' laser defenses are multiplied by 0.5 )
- Hit chance and critical hit chance are calculated separately for each target.

Pulse weapons:

- Pulse and EMP ranged weapons deal weapon damage (+ perks and critical effects) in a “chain” of 2 creatures closest to the main target.
- The maximum distance between targets and the maximum number of additional targets are configured in the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file.
- The alternate firing mode consumes 3 microfusion cells/small energy cells.
- Critical hit chance is calculated separately for each target.

Gauss weapons:
- Gauss weapons deal weapon damage (+ perks and critical effects) to all creatures in the line of fire.
- The maximum number of additional targets depends on the attacker's damage, the amount of damage reduction for each target (configurable in the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file), and the armor defenses of the targets on the line.
- Hit chance and critical hit chance are calculated separately for each target.

PLASMA weapons:
- Plasma weapons deal weapon damage (+ perks and critical effects) to all creatures in a radius around the main target.
- The radius of the plasma explosion is configured in the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file.
- Damage depends on the distance to the main target. The greater the distance, the lower the damage (can be configured in the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file).
- The alternate firing mode consumes 3 microfusion cells/small energy cells.
- Critical hit chance is calculated separately for each target.

Pistols & SMGs:
- Non-energy Pistols and SMGs allow you to fire two single shots to the body of the same target for the cost of one aimed shot.
- The first shot (an aimed body shot) requires the standard AP cost, but consumes 1 fewer AP, allowing you to fire a second (non-aimed) shot at the same target for 1 AP.
- Second shot hit chance reduced by (15 + Wpn STR req * 3), but cannot be lower than 1/3 of the initial hit chance.
- Using inventory/changing weapons/using items/moving/reloading/shooting a different target interrupts the Double Tap.

- Aimed shots to the body knock back enemies and can knock them down.
- Affects targets closer than 10 hexes / half the weapon's maximum range.
- Heavier creatures like super mutants/robots/deathclaws/giant scorpions are knocked back less and are less likely to be knocked down.

Traits Plus:
Enhances base starting traits with new properties without altering their core mechanics. The goal is to improve the choice between traits, without nerfing "Gifted", but by adding unique properties and synergies between other traits. All new trait properties are scripted and will function even if the traits themselves have been modified by the player or other mods.
Fast Metabolism:
++ All food and chems remove 33% more poison and radiation.
+- All food and chems heal/damage 33% more HP.
+- All food and chems take effect and wear off twice as fast.
+- If "RegenMod" is enabled, health regeneration is increased by 33%. However, if the player is poisoned, its effectiveness is reduced by 50%. The reduction depends on poison resistance. For instance, with 90% resistance, the regeneration strength decreases by only 5%.

++ Maximum damage from unarmed, melee, and throwing weapons (excluding grenades) is doubled.
++ The 'Melee Damage' attribute now affects the maximum damage of throwing weapons

Small Frame:
++ Maximum chance to hit a player reduced by 10%, accounting for any other reductions from other mods/perks.
++ Sneak skill is 10% more effective.

++ One-handed unarmed attacks now also receive a +20% hit chance bonus.
++ Ability to attack with one-handed weapons even when both arms are injured (hit chance bonus does not apply when both arms are injured).
++ Bonus: +5 on the critical hit table roll.
++ One-handed weapons require 3 less strength to use correctly.

++ Player's area damage attacks can now deal critical damage, penetrate armor, and incapacitate additional targets.
++ Affects all types of area attacks: burst fire, grenades, flamethrowers, and alternative fire modes.

Kamikaze: (Compatible with "AutoMoveToAttack" sfall 5.0+)
++ Player can "attack on the move," reducing attack cost by 1 AP for every 2 steps, down to a minimum of 1 AP for non-targeted and 2 AP for targeted attacks.
++ Sequence is increased by 10.
++ Pistol's alternative firing mode does not interrupt movement.
-- Each step taken reduces hit chance by 3%. After attack and at the end of the turn, accuracy penalty resets to zero.

++ "Melee Damage" is added to the minimum damage for unarmed, melee, and thrown weapon damage (excluding grenades).
++ The "Melee Damage" attribute now affects the maximum damage of throwing weapons
++ Every non-critical melee and throwing weapon attack has a chance to knock down the target. This chance is influenced by factors such as the attack's damage, the player's strength, the weapon's weight, and the opponent's endurance and species.
++ The severity of a player's critical miss is reduced by 30%.

Bloody mess:
++ The first kill each turn restores 2 AP to the player; each subsequent kill in the same turn restores 1 AP.
+- Critical miss severity is increased by 30% for everyone, including the player.

+- Reduces the maximum hit chance of both players and NPCs by 5%.
+- The time limit is disabled, allowing critical misses to occur from the start of the game.

Chem Reliant:
+- Positive and negative effects of chems and food are increased by 50%, rounded to the nearest integer (-1 -> -2, +1 -> +2).

Chem Resistant:
++ Food and chems no longer cause addiction
++ Stats return to normal immediately after the first effect of chems and food wears off.
++ You can take half more doses, rounded up.
+- Positive and negative effects of chems and food are reduced by 50%, rounded up (-1 -> 0, +1 -> +1).

++ Increases maximum hit chance by 4%.
++ 50% chance that critical miss becomes a normal miss.
++ Reduces the level requirement for selecting perks by 4. Perks requiring level 9 can be taken at level 5, and perks requiring level 12 can be taken at level 8.

Skill Books
This mod allows you to use skill books on companions to increase their skills, and also allows you to change the amount of bonus skill points and the number of skills that increase when reading books.
(Compatible with F2, F2 EcCo, F1.5: Resurrection, Nevada, Sonora: Bookseller Ashley mod, Et_Tu)

- Skill books can now be applied to sentient companions to improve their skills. The bonus from reading books is retained as the companion levels up.
- The original amount of skill gain (and its maximum value) from reading books can either be increased or changed to a fixed value.
- Books can now increase up to 2 skills at the same time if you add a new skill to the "books.ini" file. All base books, and any books registered in "books.ini", will work with the mod.
- The "Comprehension" perk now increases not only the number of points received when reading, but also the skill increase limit.
- The mod also works with unique books (Fallout 2 Hintbook, Cat's Paw issue no.5, Nevada: "Homo Ludens", Neurosurgery Manual)
Additional settings that can be enabled:
- Books can be read aloud, then the skill will increase for the player and the companion to whom the player reads the book, or for the whole group at once, depending on the option chosen.
- The presence of the "Comprehension" perk for the player also works for companions.
- You can allow non sentient companions like dogs and brahmins to read books and receive a bonus from them.
An example of how to modify the "GUN AND BULLETS" skill book to increase the "Small guns" and "Big guns" skills. </summary>
If the "books.ini" file is not present in your game folder, then you can take it from (https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall...c76827818cef/artifacts/config_files/books.ini)
Now look at the example below. For changing original books "overrideVanilla=" in "books.ini" can be anything if my mod is installed.
"count" in "books.ini" should be equal to the number of changed and/or added books
In square brackets indicate [1] the sequence number of the new/modified book starting from the number "1", the order of changing/adding the book does not matter.
Beginning of the example
; book item PID ("GUNS AND BULLETS" PID = 102, Big Book of Science = 73, First Aid Book = 80, Scout Handbook = 86, Dean's Electronics = 76, Chemistry journals (F2 and 1.5 only) = 237), for other books will have to google
; textID from proto.msg which displayed when reading book("GUNS AND BULLETS" TextID = 805, Big Book of Science = 802, First Aid Book = 804, Scout Handbook=806, Dean's Electronics=803, Chemistry journals (F2 and 1.5 only)=802)
; corresponding skill (skill number in order from top to bottom starting with Small guns = 0, Big guns = 1, Energy weapons = 2, ending with "outdoorsman" skill = 17)
; Skill=0 will increase "Small guns" by the amount set in "FixedSkillInc"
; Skill2 Added only by this mod, and only works with it.
; Skill2=1 will increase "Big guns" by the amount set in "FixedSkill2Inc"
End of the example

Aimed misses
Changes how misses work in a more "logical" way.
- Expanded the area for hitting a random target in the path of a bullet / throwing weapon.
- To hit the eyes and groin, it is now necessary that the target be turned to face you, now it will not work to hit the eyes by shooting in the back of the head. Successful aimed shot to the eyes while the target isn't facing the attacker will always turn into a headshot; the same happens if the target is liying face down. Instead of the groin, shots and melee hits from the back or rear will hit the torso or one of the legs.
- The position of body parts (and accordingly, the possibility of hitting them) changes depending on the animation of the target (if target lies face up or down, lies on its side, etc.)
- Misses of aimed attacks now have a small chance to hit an adjacent body part.
Targets colored purple (for clarity) may accidentally become a new target if the shot misses the main target marked with a red crosshair.

Random bodypart hit
NPCs will now use aimed attacks targeting different parts of the body against the player and other NPCs.
- NPCs's aimed hit chance depends on the combat difficulty settings. (5-7% Wimpy, 15% Normal, 25% Rough).
- Alternate mode for the player can also be enabled, adding a chance to hit a random body part with unaimed attacks.

Removes randomness from the sneak skill. Now the detection area does not depend on random dice rolls and gradually decreases with increasing skill level and the general illumination of the map.
- Added a low light condition penalty to the NPC perception range: from 8% (basement light) to 40% (darkness).
- Maintaining sneak mode when moving between locations along the green exit grid.
- But to maintain stealth mode while moving on the global map, you need the 'Silent Run' perk or stealth and naturalist skills that are both at least 100%.

Sneak detection
Sneak detection color indication that works for the original and new stealth mechanics.
As long as the sneaking player is within the detection range of an NPC watching him, that NPC will be outlined:
- Green - Player not detected, safe to approach.
- Yellow - Player not detected, but will be detected if approaching 4 hexes closer.
- Orange - Player not detected, but will be detected if approaching 1 hexes closer.
- Bright Red - Player has been detected.
- Dark Red - (Steal mod only) Player has been detected, but the NPC will not notice an attempt to steal from other NPCs.
- Gray - (Fog of War disabled) Player not detected, but will be detected if line of sight becomes unblocked.

The original mechanics of pickpocketing did not take into account the perception of the target. And also, the probability of unsuccessful pickpocketing did not depend on skill and was always the same for both 85 and 300 skill levels (approximately 15%).
And another sad feature of the original pickpocketing mechanics was the start of a battle with the participation of every resident of the city when the pickpocketing failed.
The new Steal skill mechanic is an attempt to fix these "features".


Basic moments:
- Displays the chance of stealing when you hover over an item.
- If the chance of stealing is 0%, then when you right-click on an item in the Pip-Boy window, the required minimum value for attempting to steal this item will be displayed.
- If there is more than one item in a stack, the steal chance is displayed for the maximum number of items that can be stolen with the greatest success. Right click to see the probability of stealing a larger amount of items.
- If a pickpocket fails, instead of starting a fight with the player, one of the scenes will be played and a penalty will be imposed on selling, buying and speech skill checks in dialogues.
- Penalties will gradually decrease and disappear if the player has not been caught pickpocketing in that city for a week or has not visited it for a long time.
- The targets of an unsuccessful pickpocket will remember for a couple of days that the player has already tried to steal from them and next time their reaction will be harsher.
- Experience for successful stealing/planting is awarded even if the success streak is interrupted by fail.
- The calculation of the probability of a successful steal is similar to the original formula with the addition of dependence on the target's perception and the player's steal skill.
- If the Steal skill is developed over 140%, then for every 1 point, the maximum steal chance is increased by 0.1%, up to a maximum of 99%.
- When the skill exceeds 160 + (the target's current perception x 5), it becomes possible to steal weapons and items from the hands of the NPC.
- To peep into a target's pocket, you need to meet minimum skill requirements.
- In the case of an unsuccessful attempt to use the Steal skill, the target can sometimes become hostile. The presence of the Harmless perk significantly reduces this chance.
Modifiers that increase the skill requirement and reduce the chance of a successful pickpocket include:
- The player stands in front of the target.
- The player is seen by the target's nearby allies.
Modifiers that reduce the chance of a successful pickpocket include:
- The weight and size of the item (if the "Pickpocket" perk is not taken).
- The number of items stolen in a row.
Modifiers that reduce skill requirements and increase the chance of a successful pickpocket include:
- Sneaking mode. Bonus depends on the sneak skill level + a significant increase in the bonus if the target cannot see the player.
- Low light conditions: caves, cellars, nights, etc. — the darker it is, the easier it is to get into your pocket, adjusted for the presence of the "Night Vision" perk.
- The target is unconscious / blinded (bonus depends on the severity of the condition).
Additional settings that can be activated include:
- The first attempt to steal will always have a 100% success chance if you have reached the minimum skill level. (workaround to reduce saves/loads)
- Subsequent attempts, in order to avoid abuse of experience for stealing, will be calculated according to the formula.
- Complication of stealing items depending on their cost, the more expensive the more difficult.
- Complicated stealing from merchants.

With the setting enabled, swing attacks and thrusts with a knife will now have different properties.
  1. Knives:
    • Swing Attack:
      • Increases the chance to hit based on the target's agility and the attacker's melee skill.
      • On lightly armored targets, a swing attack is more likely to deal maximum damage than minimum damage.
    • Thrust Attack:
      • Penetrates some of the target's Damage Resistance (DR) and Damage Threshold (DT) based on the attacker's melee damage stat and maximum knife damage.
      • Increases the base chance of a critical hit by 1.5 times.
  2. Sledgehammers, Clubs, Cattle Prods:
    • Swing Attack:
      • Swings no longer have knockback but instead have a chance to knock down based on the damage dealt.
    • Thrust Attack:
      • Has increased attack range.
      • Deals up to 40% more damage to targets that are pressed against another object (such as walls, creatures, or scenery) and cannot be knocked back further or if they hit an object while "sliding".

Explosion injury
Damage from grenades (including plasma grenades as well as EMP for robots), grenade launchers, and other explosive weapons that exceeds 15% (35% for robots or 10% with EMP) of the !current! health points can cause damage to the arms/legs/eyes.
(The probability of cripling is configured in the ".ini" file and also depends on some S.P.E.C.I.A.L. of the target)
- An explosive hand injury can cause weapons to fall out of hand.

Poison (Requires SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims = 2" in ddraw.ini)
This is a rework of the original poison mechanics, designed to make it more dangerous for both the player and NPCs.
- Now not only the player takes poison damage, but all creatures without poison immunity.
- Poison damage depends on combat difficulty settings.
- Poison damage triggers at the end of each of the poisoned creature's turns in combat, or every 5 seconds when out of combat..
- If you (or NPC) accumulate more than 100 units of poison, instant death occurs.
- Now the tails of radscorpions can be used to apply poison to the player’s or Сompanions' piercing and cutting weapons.
- NPCs and Companions can apply poison to their weapons themselves if they have a radscorpion tail in their inventory.
- Added a new perk "Poison Mastery", available from level 6 and requiring science above 50 or naturalist skill above 70. This perk adds poison damage when using Needler's ammunition and also increases the effectiveness of all poisoned weapons.

Healing (Requires "SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims = 2" and "AllowUnsafeScripting = 1 or 2") in ddraw.ini)
Replaces instant stimpak healing with healing over time.
- All creatures with a healing rate higher than 5 begin to regenerate a portion of their health every 5 seconds (equivalent to 1 combat round).
- Using a Stimpak restores a small amount of health (1-3 HP) and increases the healing rate by 20 for 15 seconds (3 rounds). Afterwards, it imposes a penalty of -25 to the healing rate for 1 minute.
- Using a Stimpack increases "healing rate" for 15 seconds (or rounds). Critters start regenerating when, the "healing_rate" must be greater than 5.
- The Super Stimpak instantly restores health based on the maximum HP and the current "healing_rate", but not less than 60 HP, while temporarily reducing the "healing_rate" by an average of 20 units (depending on the actual HP restored). The delayed damage from the Super Stimpak is proportional to the amount of actual HP restored and the difference between the "healing_rate" and the penalty to the "healing_rate". Additionally, the Super Stimpak can heal broken limbs if this feature is enabled in the ".ini" file.
- Fast Metabolism (trait) enhances the effect of Stimpaks and Super Stimpaks;
- Some monsters have passive health regeneration: wanamingos/centaurs (if enabled in the ".ini" file).
- Fire and Plasma damage temporarily reduces the target's regeneration rate and may even stop it completely.
- Added a new bonus perk called "Regeneration", which is automatically added if the player's base "healing rate" is greater than 5. This perk adds a "healing_rate"-based chance to heal crippled limbs when HP is restored.

Medical Tools
Changes the way the First Aid Kit, Doctor's Bag, and Paramedic's Bag are used.
- The use of the First Aid and Doctor skills without tools are unchanged.
- The skill boosts from the First Aid Kit and Doctor's Bag remained the same +20%, and +40% for the upgraded versions.
- Removed element of randomness in the number of uses of medical tools, now First Aid Kits and Doctor's Bag have an indicator of the remaining materials. First aid kit can be used 5 times until it is depleted, and the doctor's bag 3 times. Upgraded versions (paramedic bag) can be used up to 10 times.
- Removed the daily limit on the use of medical tools. The number of uses is limited only by the remaining supplies in The First Aid Kit/ Doctor's Bag.
- Each use of medical tools is guaranteed to restore a certain amount of health, ranging from the lowest possible (failed skill check) to the average and maximum values (successful skill check).
- The "Healer" perk adds an extra 4–10 (2–5 for et_tu) HP healed per perk level.
- Healing HP with a First Aid Kits or Doctor's Bag does not grant experience points, but healing a disability with a doctor's bag grants 50 experience points for each limb healed.
- Healing effectiveness is capped at 300% for both types of medical tools.
FA tools:
- Can be used during combat. Also, NPCs and companions can use it.
- Costs 2 AP.
- Healing efficiency equal to that of a stimpack is achieved at ~80% First Aid skill.
DOC tools:
- Can be used during combat if equipped and the Doctor's skill is 50 or more. Also, NPCs and companions can use it.
- Costs 6 AP. Cost decreases as skill increases. (Costs 5 AP at skill 100%, 4 AP at skill 150%, and so on up to 2 AP at skill 250%).
- The effectiveness of healing per AP/skill is higher than that of First Aid Kits. The amount of healing also depends on your maximum health and the severity of the injuries you received.
- The chance to heal an injury is calculated for each limb separately and capped at 100% ( 80% Doctor skill + 20% bonus from Doctor's Bag or 60% Doctor skill + 40% bonus Paramedics Bag).

If enabled, prevents status effects (crippling, blindness, knockout, and instant death) when receiving/dealing 0 damage on a critical hit (player and/or NPCs).

StealthBoy AutoSneak
If enabled, Sneaking Mode is automatically applied when using a charged Stealthboy.

Stats Recalculation
When changing the base Endurance value to a new even value (through perks and implants but not drugs), it retroactively recalculates the maximum amount of health gained from previous levels, allowing you to start the game with an odd Endurance value and later make it even without losing the progress of maximum health.

An additional option for ODD Endurance value that changes the formula for increasing health points per level.
Each point of Endurance now increases maximum health by +0.5 HP per level, rounded up every even level, instead of +1 HP per 2 points of Endurance.

When base intelligence increases (through perks and implants but not drugs), the player is given skill points according to the formula: (number of level-ups) * (intelligence - initial intelligence) * 2.

Latest release
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Updated the script, and uploaded a new version of the script in the first post of the topic.
Added new scripts for targeted attacks and some edits for poisonmod script.
I decided to more "realistically" (but not yet ideally) outline the areas in which attacker can hit the eyes and groin of target.
And also added a zone in which, on a miss, a new random target can be selected to receive damage from the projectile.

In the screenshot under the spoiler, a comparison of the previous version with the new one. The black line delimits the area for aimed hits in the eyes and groin. The zone in front of, around and behind the target between the red lines displays the zone in which a projectile flying past can hit a random target (depends on the distance to the initial target, the closer to the original target creature - the wider the cone, the further the initial target - the narrow the cone)

Added compatibility with Nevada and Sonora. And some more script performance improvements.
Now the modification has two versions every, each version works for both the player and the critters.
-The first F2onlyPoisORonlyRegen in which you can choose ONLY ONE component (either the new poison mechanics, or the new stimpak healing mechanics).

-And the second one! F2poisANDregen where poison and heals complement each other(and cannot be turned on separately) , now regeneration and poison ticks go simultaneously (and not one after another) and with a high healing rate(or after use some stimpaks) you can are not be afraid to die from poisoning while resting, using FA/DOC skills and moving around the global map .)

fixes for all versions:
-Fixed text messages when creatures die from poisoning.
-Fixed a game freeze when using a save editor to increase the base healing rate above 5.

Reuploaded F2poisANDregen -coz forgot to remove debug messages(
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Aimed misses:
-To hit the eyes and groin, it is now necessary that the target be turned to face you, now it will not work to hit the eyes by shooting in the back of the head. Aimed shot to the eyes while the target isn't facing you will always turn into headshots, the same happens if the target is facing the floor. Instead of groin, shots and melee hits from the back or rears will hit the body or one of the legs. (N.B for some critters, you can hit them into the groin only from theirs back - centaurs / dogs / brahmins, etc.)
-Misses on targeted attacks now have a chance equal to "chance to hit a body part / 19" (i.e. a maximum of 5%) to turn into a hit on an adjacent body part.
- Hits to the head, if the target is turned towards the attacker, can became hits in the eyes.
-The position of body parts (and accordingly, the possibility of aiming at and hit them) changes depending on the animation of the target (if it lies and facing the sky/floor, lies on its side, etc.)
-New! Tweaked the boundaries of the zone from which the attacker can hit the eyes and groin of the target. Improved the zone in which a random creature can catch a bullet instead of a target, if the attacker misses.
-New! Expanded the area for hitting a random target in the path of a bullet / throwing weapon. The original system of misses has not been changed, this mod only adds to it the probability of choosing a new target in a larger area.

Hi! These changes look very interesting, they could help make the combat more lethal beyond just pumping up damage/HP numbers.

Question for you: currently in your mod, is it possible to fire an un-aimed shot at an enemy and randomly hit a specific body part? I don't think it is, but it may be a nice addition to what you've done here.

Imagine this scenario: you have a 85% chance of hitting a target facing you with an un-aimed attack from the hunting rifle. Let's assume you make the hit, rolling an 85% or lower. Now that the engine has determined your attack is successful, there is additional subsequent chances that your successful attack (1) hits generally, without any specific body part damaged or (2) hits a specific body part. That specific body part could leverage your calculations used elsewhere in the mod, consider the animation / facing etc.

I think it makes sense for an un-aimed attack that lands to *occasionally* hit a specific body part; what do you think?
Question for you: currently in your mod, is it possible to fire an un-aimed shot at an enemy and randomly hit a specific body part? I don't think it is, but it may be a nice addition to what you've done here.
I think it makes sense for an un-aimed attack that lands to *occasionally* hit a specific body part; what do you think?

I think exactly the same)
Actually, this was the original idea to have non-aimed shots hit various body parts (just like in fonline2 with the fast shot trait), but I ran into a problem.
Bursts, flamethrower, and grenades also began to hit specific limbs, constantly dealing incredible critical damage. But when I came up with a solution to this problem, I had already switched back to refining the poison / regen script.

I see 2 approaches to hitting the limbs with non-aimed shot.
First: A non-aimed shot is just a shot towards the target that can hit any part of it, and the chance to hit is about the probability of hitting the TARGET, not the BODY of the target.
Thus, on a SUCCESSFUL HIT, the probability of hitting body parts will be a constant. For example: 55% - body, 15% - legs, 15% - hands, groin -10%, head -5%.
Second: Aimed and non-aimed shots to the body aim exactly at the BODY, which means that if the bullet hits successfully, it will hit the body. And then the mod will work only in case of a miss!

In the end, I did this:
If aimed shot misses,a RANDOM part of the body can be hit(about 3-9%(determined by weapon skill) of missed shots can became hit).
A non-target HIT hits a RANDOM part of the body. 70% - body, 11% - legs, 9% - hands, groin -7%, head -3% (and 2% of these 3% will hit the eyes if the target is facing the attacker) .
I have already add this to scripts and today (or tomorrow) I will post it. But we need to understand that hitting any part of the body, except for the body itself, has increased chances of a critical hit, and although these changes work both for the player and for other creatures, it can happen if there is a fast shot trait (which is already a very strong trait) or other good perks, the balance will shift even more towards the player, so I made these changes toggleable in the ini file.

any criticism and bug reports are welcome)
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Reuploaded scripts with some bug fixes (and possibly adding new ones:-P) and new features.
- Fixed a bug that caused the character to die when entering the global map if the base recovery rate has been increased in the save editor to more than 5.
- Fixed a bug that caused the death of party members when entering the global map if they were under the influence of a stimpack after game load.
- Changed the behavior of poison damage and regeneration of party members. Until the player enters the global map, party members will regenerate health and take damage from poison in real time( and not, as before, take all damage and restore all life when moving between LOCAL maps)

Aimed misses:
- Added toggleable chance to hit adjacent parts of the body with successful non-aimed hits. 70% - body, 11% - legs, 9% - hands, groin -7%, head -3% (and 2% of these 3% will hit the eyes if the target is facing the attacker) .
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Reuploaded scripts.
- Added pop-up numbers with poison damage above the creature, which are displayed only during the combat, for some convenience in understanding which of the creatures is poisoned.
- Improved the logic and fixed bugs of interaction between regeneration and poison damage. Now both mods can work both together and separately.
Aimed misses:
- Slightly reduced overall chances of hitting a random target on a missed shot.
- Modified the check order when choosing a random target after a missed hit, now targets that blocking and/or standing close to the original target will have an increased chance of being hit, compared to other critter who are far from original target.

Added NEW little tweak to change the effect when attacking with a knife depending on the selected animation(swing/thrust):
1.When NPC or Player attacking with knife using the Swing animation:
- Target's AC reduced by an amount equal to (target's agility+melee weapon skill/15).
- On low armored targets swing with knife more likely to inflict max dmg, rather than min dmg.
2.Thrust attack penetrates some of target DR and DT based on max knife dmg and attacker melee dmg stat, also increases the chance of a critical hit by 1.5 times.
02.28.2022 fixed bug with displayed hit chance numbers with swing.
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Healing mod:
- Added a bonus perk "Regeneration", which is automatically added to the player if the base "recovery rate" is more than 5, allowing with a chance depending on the "recovery rate" to heal limb injuries during healing ticks, both in combat and out of combat.
- Changed the mechanics of healing with the Super Stim:
The Super Stimpak restores up to 60 hp, while temporarily reducing the "healing rate" based on the actual hp restored.
If the amount of healing exceeds the available "healing rate", then after a minute the CC deals damage.
CC Aftereffect damage now depends on the amount of health actually restored and the "recovery rate" available at the time of application. (If CC is applied to a creature with no damage or with a very high "healing rate" and low damage, no damage will be dealt.)
Also now the Super Stimulator heals crippled limbs (both for the player and NPCs), while increasing the penalty to the "healing rate", and therefore the possible damage from the aftereffect, and slightly reducing the amount of HP restored, depending on the number and type of injuried limbs.
-The presence of the trait "Fast Metabolism" increases the effectiveness of healing, reduces the penalties imposed by the stimpak and super stimpak.
-Improved the effect of "healing rate" on the amount of health restored.
- Added pop-up "floating" numbers with healing(and poison dmg) over the creature (healing - green, poison damage - red, total damage + healing - blue) (only in combat mode).

Poison mechanics mod:
- Added "Poison Mastery" perk, available from level 6 and requiring science 50+ or naturalist skill > 70.
The perk increases the amount of maximum poison applied to weapons and the number of uses of the radscorpion venom gland.
Reduces the chance of losing stacks of poison when attacking with a poisoned weapon and the rate at which stacks of poison are lost while the weapon is not active.
Adds poison when firing with Needler ammo.
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I love the part about misses being able to hit other parts of the body.
Especially since critters so rarely seem to target limbs of the player and so one almost never gets a broken leg (explosives/traps only) and I cant remember if I've ever been blinded by a critter. In conjunction with this, could misses of an un-aimed shot, especially for critters, have a chance to hit a body part other than the torso? This would certainly increase the the value of the doctor skill and of carrying a doctor bag for example.

Also just to remind you if you can; balance that out with a higher miss chance overall, so it's not a general boost to the persons shooting. If this isn't possible, maybe "hits" could have a chance to "miss" and hit an other body part instead? edit: This seems to be incorporated as part of the solution to the un-aimed shot. Why not just make it for the aimed shot as well? Forget about misses and make hits diverge instead?

edit: I see someone else already asked my question about un-aimedshots and that you thought about it too. Seems like a good solution.

Honestly, I wish modders would make their critters do aimed shot more often!
Honestly, I wish modders would make their critters do aimed shot more often!
re-upload miss mod
I added an option to turn non-aimed shots into aimed shots only for critters (or for both critters and the player)
it's need to set "MissToHit=1" and BodyRndHit=2 in dek.ini
70% of non-targeted attacks will hit the body, rest will hit other parts of the body.

There is another way to increase the number of targeted attacks without using my mod.
You need the latest version of sfall and Fallout - Proto Manager.
Sfall creators have fixed the chances of aimed shots, but for this the critter must have a lot of intellect literally 8-10 and also in its AI pack "called_freq" must be 20 or less (the chance of an aimed shot is calculated as 1 / called_freq, and with called_freq = 2, every second shot will be aimed)
BUT this can reduce the difficulty of the game! Critters have are very VERY! low combat skills and with a penalty from aimed attacks, critters will hit even less often, so I also advise you to increase their main combat skill by at least 10-20 points.
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Changelog 03.16.22
- Fixed experience gain when killing with poison.
- Fixed a bug when using weapons with alternative animations (wakizashi, claws from Sonora) did not poison enemies.
- Added Line of sight + Doctor skill check against creature perception when using a poison syringe to avoid being put into combat mode.
- Increased number of uses of radscorpion tail.

Aimed misses:
- Reduced chances of hitting a head and eyes in "option that has chance to turn non-aimed attacks into aimed attacks" for small critters (ants, rats, small radscrops etc.).
- Fixed amount of bonus hit chance for swing animation.
Found a way to reduce minimum duration of drugs from 1 minute to 15 seconds.
But it may not be safe (requires the "AllowUnsafeScripting" enabled in ddraw.ini ).

Changelog 03.19.22
- Added an option to reduce the duration of the stimpack from 12 combat turns to 3 turns with a increase in healing efficiency. (same healing but 4 times faster)
- Fixed rare NPC death animation bug after loading in combat mode.
I just noticed this: "Also Super Stimpak heals broken limbs."
Basically, doctor skill is even less useful with this mod than it was already before?
The whole mod for healing looks controversial and it is worth turning it on only to try something new.
Considering that in the original F2 there is an excess of super stimpaks, so as soon as they become available the doctor skill becomes not really needed.
This SS feature has been added to heal damaged limbs in combat, to counter the increased number of targeted attacks from NPCs and crippling from explosions.
Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework mod is updated to v1.5
Changelog 11.03.22

- Added new module for alternative First Aid Kits/ Doctor's Bag usage.
Medical Tools
Сhanges the way how First Aid Kits, Doctor's Bag and Paramedics Bag are used.
- The use of First Aid skill and Doctor skill without tools are unchanged.
- First Aid Kit and Doctor's Bag kept their previous skill bonuses (+20% and +40% for upgraded versions).
- Removed element of randomness in the number of uses of medical tools, now first aid kits and doctor's bag have an indicator of the remaining materials. First aid kit can be used 5 times until it is depleted, the doctor's bag 3 times. Upgraded versions (paramedic bag) can be used up to 10 times.
- Removed daily limit on the use of medical tools. The number of uses is limited only by the remaining supplies in first aid kit/ Doctor's bag.
- Each use of medical tools is guaranteed to restore a certain amount of health, ranging from the lowest possible (failed skill check) to the average and maximum values (successful skill check).
- Healer perk adds extra 4-10(2-5 for et_tu) HP healed per level.
- Healing yield no XP points. +50 XP points per healed limb.
- Healing effectiveness is capped at 300% for both medical tools types.
FA tools:
- Can be used during combat. Also NPCs and companions can use it.
- Costs 2 AP.
- Healing efficiency equal to stimpack achieved at 80% First Aid skill.
DOC tools:
- Can be used during combat if equipped and doctor's skill is 50 or more. Also NPCs and companions can use it.
- Costs 6 AP. Cost decreases as skill increases. (Costs 5 AP at skill 100%, 4 AP at skill 150%, and so on up to 2 AP at skill 250%).
- The effectiveness of healing per AP/skill is higher than First Aid Kits. Аmount of healing also depends on maximum health and severity of injuries received.
- The chance to heal an injury is calculated for each limb separately and capped at 100% ( 80% Doctor skill + 20% bonus from Doctor's Bag or 60% Doctor skill + 40% bonus Paramedics Bag).

- NPCs and companions can now apply poison to their weapons during combat.