OOC: First the suggestion, maybe you should try to organize the board just a little, you know the main could be a town then the people post inside the town that they are in, then the desert could be other posts.
IC: There was screaming, screaming every where. Detjen whirld around at the sound of his mothers scream, and saw his mother on her knees, her face bloody from the repeated blows. there was one more blow then the man raised his weapon to her head and fired. he closed his eyes from the sight of her brains exploding. then there was another screem that he recongized, his little sister, was being carried away by another attacker. Detjen started to run for her when his father tacked the man, and the started fighting over a knife on the ground. his sister ran towards him. He stood up to go to her when he was knocked off his feet by a large, heavly scarred man taclking him. The man easly overpowerd him and started knocking him sencless. Detjen got in a lucky punch into the guys nose, then need him in the groin, the man rolld over cluching his groin. another man landed next to detjen, but this ones face was gone. It was still cluching a shotgun. Without thinking Detjen grabbed the shotgun and fired at the large man, putting an end to his pain. He turned his attention to where his father was wresling with the other man. the man had the knife stuck in his chest, and he wasnt moving. But neither was his father, who had another dagger in his stomach. He felt the rage move from his gut to his arms, and he turned selecting another of these raiders and fired, the man went down cluching his chest. Detjen selected another target and went to fire, but he found out it was empty. He went to the man with no face, but he had no ammo, only a knife. taking the knife and shotgun, he ran to a nearby boulder and hid behind it. There he sat trying to close out the crys of his community, a group of nomads who were looking for a place to live, all his frinds and family that he grew to know and lover over his 16 years of life. Then there was another scream, the one of his sister. He looked up and in the distance he could see what was left of the Raiders pile on good taken from the destroyed tents, and several people, including his sister. He got up and charged them...
Detjen woke with a start. He looked around wondering if it was a nightmare. but the glow from the burned down nomad town reminded him of the horrors he had witnessed just hours ago. looking at the brightining horizon he got up and packed up his blanket, small supply of food and water into his backpack. He then went down where the town was. He found his family tent and almost broke down into tears at the sight of his mother laying facedown in the dirt with a large hole in her head. looking closer he noticed she was holding a small old and rinkled picture of their family drawn by a good friend. It was very realistic. taking the picture from his mothers hands he looked at the pic. His eyes met with his fathers. His father was tall and strong. he raised the Brahmen that the nomads had sold and used for food. He was also very loving and caring, although he would have tiems where he needed Jet. His father was addicted for a few years before he met his wife. His wife was of normal height, she had been very smart, reading every book she could. she also taught her children many things. She had been the reason her father gave up Jet. She had refuced to even talk to him untill he stopped using it for at least a week. then it moved on untill they married, by then he had given up on it compleatly. Next was himself. He looked much like his father, he was tall and had a good build, but he also had his mothers intellagence. He had read many books, most about life before the war. He could repair most mechanicals and also had some skill with first aid. his dark brown hair stood out from his families. His father had a red wich stood out in crowds, and his mother and sister had blond. His mothers beautiful brown eyes looked sad, as they always did, his sisters green eyes glittered with her youth and curiousity. Looking at her made the anger in his gut return. He made a vow on his parents graves, after he had dug them, that he would find those who did this and kill them, and get his sister back. Picking up his packpack wich was a bit heavyer with the few things he could scaveng from the bodies, he set off in the direction the raiders had gone.
Stephany felt like crying again. She had been stuck in the miserable cart for hours now. she brushed a strand of blond hair out of her face and looked around. Out of the whole village only 5 now remained. 6 she reminded herself, if her brother was truly alive. She thought that she saw her brother running towards the cart, but they had taken off. She had jumped out of the cart and ran for him but one of the raiders had hit her in the back of the head with the butt of his gun and sprawling her onto the sand. Then they had been thrown into this cart where they had been for hours. the four others had been quiet. They were lucky. all four were family memebers. Somehow their whole family was left alive and thrown into this cart. She guessed that they had bribed the people, because the man had been very rich, and had hidden his money so they would have to keep him alive to find it. She looked out at the rising sun, slightly to the south of it was a colum of smoke from the burning villiage. She felt the tears coming again and burried her face into her arms and cried
OOC: Oh yea and if you dont mind Ill play both of em, if ya do this will be the last one of hers, ill find some excuse for that.
IC: There was screaming, screaming every where. Detjen whirld around at the sound of his mothers scream, and saw his mother on her knees, her face bloody from the repeated blows. there was one more blow then the man raised his weapon to her head and fired. he closed his eyes from the sight of her brains exploding. then there was another screem that he recongized, his little sister, was being carried away by another attacker. Detjen started to run for her when his father tacked the man, and the started fighting over a knife on the ground. his sister ran towards him. He stood up to go to her when he was knocked off his feet by a large, heavly scarred man taclking him. The man easly overpowerd him and started knocking him sencless. Detjen got in a lucky punch into the guys nose, then need him in the groin, the man rolld over cluching his groin. another man landed next to detjen, but this ones face was gone. It was still cluching a shotgun. Without thinking Detjen grabbed the shotgun and fired at the large man, putting an end to his pain. He turned his attention to where his father was wresling with the other man. the man had the knife stuck in his chest, and he wasnt moving. But neither was his father, who had another dagger in his stomach. He felt the rage move from his gut to his arms, and he turned selecting another of these raiders and fired, the man went down cluching his chest. Detjen selected another target and went to fire, but he found out it was empty. He went to the man with no face, but he had no ammo, only a knife. taking the knife and shotgun, he ran to a nearby boulder and hid behind it. There he sat trying to close out the crys of his community, a group of nomads who were looking for a place to live, all his frinds and family that he grew to know and lover over his 16 years of life. Then there was another scream, the one of his sister. He looked up and in the distance he could see what was left of the Raiders pile on good taken from the destroyed tents, and several people, including his sister. He got up and charged them...
Detjen woke with a start. He looked around wondering if it was a nightmare. but the glow from the burned down nomad town reminded him of the horrors he had witnessed just hours ago. looking at the brightining horizon he got up and packed up his blanket, small supply of food and water into his backpack. He then went down where the town was. He found his family tent and almost broke down into tears at the sight of his mother laying facedown in the dirt with a large hole in her head. looking closer he noticed she was holding a small old and rinkled picture of their family drawn by a good friend. It was very realistic. taking the picture from his mothers hands he looked at the pic. His eyes met with his fathers. His father was tall and strong. he raised the Brahmen that the nomads had sold and used for food. He was also very loving and caring, although he would have tiems where he needed Jet. His father was addicted for a few years before he met his wife. His wife was of normal height, she had been very smart, reading every book she could. she also taught her children many things. She had been the reason her father gave up Jet. She had refuced to even talk to him untill he stopped using it for at least a week. then it moved on untill they married, by then he had given up on it compleatly. Next was himself. He looked much like his father, he was tall and had a good build, but he also had his mothers intellagence. He had read many books, most about life before the war. He could repair most mechanicals and also had some skill with first aid. his dark brown hair stood out from his families. His father had a red wich stood out in crowds, and his mother and sister had blond. His mothers beautiful brown eyes looked sad, as they always did, his sisters green eyes glittered with her youth and curiousity. Looking at her made the anger in his gut return. He made a vow on his parents graves, after he had dug them, that he would find those who did this and kill them, and get his sister back. Picking up his packpack wich was a bit heavyer with the few things he could scaveng from the bodies, he set off in the direction the raiders had gone.
Stephany felt like crying again. She had been stuck in the miserable cart for hours now. she brushed a strand of blond hair out of her face and looked around. Out of the whole village only 5 now remained. 6 she reminded herself, if her brother was truly alive. She thought that she saw her brother running towards the cart, but they had taken off. She had jumped out of the cart and ran for him but one of the raiders had hit her in the back of the head with the butt of his gun and sprawling her onto the sand. Then they had been thrown into this cart where they had been for hours. the four others had been quiet. They were lucky. all four were family memebers. Somehow their whole family was left alive and thrown into this cart. She guessed that they had bribed the people, because the man had been very rich, and had hidden his money so they would have to keep him alive to find it. She looked out at the rising sun, slightly to the south of it was a colum of smoke from the burning villiage. She felt the tears coming again and burried her face into her arms and cried
OOC: Oh yea and if you dont mind Ill play both of em, if ya do this will be the last one of hers, ill find some excuse for that.