New memeber and a suggestion

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OOC: First the suggestion, maybe you should try to organize the board just a little, you know the main could be a town then the people post inside the town that they are in, then the desert could be other posts.

IC: There was screaming, screaming every where. Detjen whirld around at the sound of his mothers scream, and saw his mother on her knees, her face bloody from the repeated blows. there was one more blow then the man raised his weapon to her head and fired. he closed his eyes from the sight of her brains exploding. then there was another screem that he recongized, his little sister, was being carried away by another attacker. Detjen started to run for her when his father tacked the man, and the started fighting over a knife on the ground. his sister ran towards him. He stood up to go to her when he was knocked off his feet by a large, heavly scarred man taclking him. The man easly overpowerd him and started knocking him sencless. Detjen got in a lucky punch into the guys nose, then need him in the groin, the man rolld over cluching his groin. another man landed next to detjen, but this ones face was gone. It was still cluching a shotgun. Without thinking Detjen grabbed the shotgun and fired at the large man, putting an end to his pain. He turned his attention to where his father was wresling with the other man. the man had the knife stuck in his chest, and he wasnt moving. But neither was his father, who had another dagger in his stomach. He felt the rage move from his gut to his arms, and he turned selecting another of these raiders and fired, the man went down cluching his chest. Detjen selected another target and went to fire, but he found out it was empty. He went to the man with no face, but he had no ammo, only a knife. taking the knife and shotgun, he ran to a nearby boulder and hid behind it. There he sat trying to close out the crys of his community, a group of nomads who were looking for a place to live, all his frinds and family that he grew to know and lover over his 16 years of life. Then there was another scream, the one of his sister. He looked up and in the distance he could see what was left of the Raiders pile on good taken from the destroyed tents, and several people, including his sister. He got up and charged them...
Detjen woke with a start. He looked around wondering if it was a nightmare. but the glow from the burned down nomad town reminded him of the horrors he had witnessed just hours ago. looking at the brightining horizon he got up and packed up his blanket, small supply of food and water into his backpack. He then went down where the town was. He found his family tent and almost broke down into tears at the sight of his mother laying facedown in the dirt with a large hole in her head. looking closer he noticed she was holding a small old and rinkled picture of their family drawn by a good friend. It was very realistic. taking the picture from his mothers hands he looked at the pic. His eyes met with his fathers. His father was tall and strong. he raised the Brahmen that the nomads had sold and used for food. He was also very loving and caring, although he would have tiems where he needed Jet. His father was addicted for a few years before he met his wife. His wife was of normal height, she had been very smart, reading every book she could. she also taught her children many things. She had been the reason her father gave up Jet. She had refuced to even talk to him untill he stopped using it for at least a week. then it moved on untill they married, by then he had given up on it compleatly. Next was himself. He looked much like his father, he was tall and had a good build, but he also had his mothers intellagence. He had read many books, most about life before the war. He could repair most mechanicals and also had some skill with first aid. his dark brown hair stood out from his families. His father had a red wich stood out in crowds, and his mother and sister had blond. His mothers beautiful brown eyes looked sad, as they always did, his sisters green eyes glittered with her youth and curiousity. Looking at her made the anger in his gut return. He made a vow on his parents graves, after he had dug them, that he would find those who did this and kill them, and get his sister back. Picking up his packpack wich was a bit heavyer with the few things he could scaveng from the bodies, he set off in the direction the raiders had gone.
Stephany felt like crying again. She had been stuck in the miserable cart for hours now. she brushed a strand of blond hair out of her face and looked around. Out of the whole village only 5 now remained. 6 she reminded herself, if her brother was truly alive. She thought that she saw her brother running towards the cart, but they had taken off. She had jumped out of the cart and ran for him but one of the raiders had hit her in the back of the head with the butt of his gun and sprawling her onto the sand. Then they had been thrown into this cart where they had been for hours. the four others had been quiet. They were lucky. all four were family memebers. Somehow their whole family was left alive and thrown into this cart. She guessed that they had bribed the people, because the man had been very rich, and had hidden his money so they would have to keep him alive to find it. She looked out at the rising sun, slightly to the south of it was a colum of smoke from the burning villiage. She felt the tears coming again and burried her face into her arms and cried

OOC: Oh yea and if you dont mind Ill play both of em, if ya do this will be the last one of hers, ill find some excuse for that.
OOC: Hmm if anyone wants to be part of this your welcome, if not perhaps I should put this into a story or somthin, because thats what its turnin into.

IC: Detjen sat down on a large rock and set his backpack next to him. He wiped the sweat off his forhead and looked up at the midday sun. he then took out his canteen and took a long drink, finishing off his first canteen. he looked into his bag and counted only 2 other canteens. He would have to either find the raiders within 2 days or another water source. He took out some jerky, shouldered his backpack once again and followed the tracks.

Stephanie sighed and wished the heat would end. She looked down at the empty canteen that the raiders had given her and sighed. They wouldnt allow them to refill them untill they made camp for the night which was still many hours away. she looked out the back and at the trail they were leaving behind. She still hoped that someone was following the trail and would rescue them.
OOC: doesnt anyone wish to join in?

IC: Detjen sat back and looked at the sunset. He had followed the trail all day and was tired. He took out some jerky and break and started eating silently as the sun went down.

Stephanie tossed the remains of the rockhard bread away. Leaning back she saw the sunset in front of her. The bright colors reminded her of her villiage. Tears started running down her cheek again, she tried to wipe them away and think of somthing else but they just kept comming.
OOC: I would sugest that the raiders be going to The Den to drop of the people as slaves.

Ferago sat drinking his nuke-a-cola in Ma's diner. He was wereing his custom made leather jacket and pants, lined with metal armor for extra protection. He had a holster on each hip . One holding a desert eagle the other his prized .223 pistol. On the stool next to him sat his helmet. It was an odd helmet, before war times. It said "U.S Army #21453" on the inside. He had no idea what it ment but it was a good helmet. Things in town had been prity boring lately. Ferago wanted some bounty hunting jobs, and soon. He had barely any money so geting supplys to travel was imposible. He was(in a weird way) traped in this town. He heard some yelling from the slavers building. He looked out the window of the diner. Nothing serious just a roudy slave. He hated slavers, with every fiber of his being.He turned back to the bar just as his order arived.
OOC: that is what I was planning. It is a few days trip from my vilage to there though. I dont know where Neo's village was located so it might take less or more.

IC: Detjen looked up at the stars, the coals from his fire burning dimly. He located a small red star that gleamed brightly. He always looked at that star when he was deep in thought. He yawned and slowly drifed to sleep. From sleep came the nighmares about the villiage.
Stephanie sighed and looked around. Everyone was asleep except for her. She thought about running but knew they had locked up the cart and there was no way out. peeking through the bars covering the back of the cart she spotted a small twisted tree. She had a sudden idea. she undid the small golden ribbion that she had tied in her hair. Reaching through the bars she got a small rock off the ground. She tied the ribbion to the rock and tossed it at the tree. It caught one of the branches and wraped around it, visible to those who looked at the tree. She moved back to her spot and listed to the small noises in the darkness.
Ferago woke up from a very resting sleep on a cot in the back of ma's diner. He got up put on his jacket and helmet thanked Ma for the place to sleep and walked out in to the hot noon sun. He began walking to the scum pit when he noticed a person laying down out side of the slaver's guild. The slaver guards were at lunch so he could aprouch the building with out fear. He went over to the man. "hey buddy its not safe to sleep in front of the slaver guild" Ferago said nuging the guy with his foot. He rolled over and Ferago saw that his throut was slit. He had ropes around his hands as if he was a slave. "Hey! What the hell are ya doin?".The guards had come back from lunch and saw Ferago looking at the dead slave.
Ferago: What happend to this man?
guard 1: He mouthed of to the boss because he was hungery.
guard 2: And I suggest you stop your questions wright their.

Ferago gave him a cold stare. He got up from the body brushing past the guards as he walked to the scum pit to get a drink.

Guard 1: We'll see ya later ranger boy!
Ferago: What did you call me?
Guard 2: He called you ranger boy you slave lover!
Their was no use in Ferago trying to fight them. They out gunned him. He turned around and headed to the scum pit for a nuke-a-cola to calm his nerves.
The inside of Becky's Casino and Bar was quiet, if you could ignore the constant sound of the roulette table and the indistinct chatting of the various customers. That is, until he walked in. He was a man of medium height and medium build, nothing spectacular, maybe it was the set of the jaw, or the look to his eyes, but when he walked in everyone stood still and shut up, waiting for the words behind the newcomers mysterious exterior.

"Hey" the single word braking the silence like a gunshot. "I hear you got slavers around these parts" Seeing that the man hadn't come to fill the casino patrons with lead, the townspeople went back to their business. "Yes we do sir, I can't say that I like 'em but we do" Responded Becky, the mans demeanor had brought the "sir" from even a hardened mistress of the wastes like her.

"Thats a shame, you see, I can't abide slavers, and I'd hate to disturb the peaceful attitude of the town you seem to have here" The whole time the stranger had been standing at the door watching the city background, but now he moved in removing his one sleeved leather jacket and placing it on the bar. Once the jacket was removed, a Desert Eagles butt could be seen sticking out of its holster. Becky's logic reminded him that this man was lightly armed and armoured and her guards could easily take him out, but some how that thought didn't make her feel safe. "Names Regan, and I suppose you'd be Becky, have anything that I could eat?" "Sorry, we just have drinks here sir, you could try Mom's if thats any help" Becky sure hoped it was.

"Thanks, I think I'll go find myself over there, and don't worry, I know where it is, some people do read the sign outside this place." "Glad I could be of service sir." Becky replied, adding the sir without a conscience thought again.

Regan strode out of the bar thinking to himself, I love how people call me sir, I don't even have to say anything and I always get that response, well not always, sometimes I have to learn people some manners.

Hey checked the extended clip on the magnum then reached back and pulled out the high velocity version, FN FAL. "Now for a quick bite to eat and then over to the slavers to teach them that selling other humans is wrong."

He smiled to himself as a bunch of punks made room around him as he walked throught their midst and then he popped his mirrored sunglasses out of the coat pocket as he donned the leather jacket again, and went searching for Mom's.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-00 AT 02:48AM (GMT)[p]Ferago sat in the scum pit drinking his nuke-a-cola. What the slavers had said brought back bad memories. Ferago was a former ranger. "Former" was a nice way of puting it.To put it in a nut shell his commander had betrayed his unit while they where still in the wastes. He made a deal with slavers, he gave them their location in echange for money. When they attacked the commander turned tail and ran leaving his rangers to die. Ferago had some how managed to get away. But he lost his faith in the rangers. So he decided to become a bounty hunter. He tryed his best to kill slavers here and their but one man can only do so much. He hope that one day when he got enough money he could get to some place called Alaska where his wife and son where. Ferago had left his wife and son in New st.louis to become a ranger. After he left New st.Louis became a dangerous place so his wife and son took a boat called "The Vagrent" to Alaska where they would be safe. When he left the scum pit it was dark he made his way back to Ma's Diner. On his way past the cemitary he caught some thing move out of the corner of his eye.
Ferago: Whos their?
"No one ranger boy" at that moment the two slaver guards jumped from the shadows and pulled Ferago in to the darknes of the cematary. The first guard held Ferago's arms behind him while the other punched him"ugg" Ferago yelled out."Shut up" the second guard said hiting Ferago in the head with his gun. He fell to the ground his head bleeding heavely. The guards started kicking and punching him ruthlesly. Blood ran in to Ferago's eyes blinding him. Ferago felt death coming closer with each punch and kick.
RE: memories

Regan had gone past the slaver's guild on his way to the sanctuary of a good meal at mom's. On his way, he noticed a man attempting to help a slave lying on the ground, as he moved closer he realised the slave was dead, and that a few slavers were insulting the man. He thought about intervening but decided against it, he would deal with the slavers when he was good and ready.

A few hours after going into Mom's diner, he came out again. He had found mom to be a friendly and enjoyable person. not to mention the food, she had looked past his cloak of dangerousness and seen the goodness inside and had made Regan feel at ease.

On his way down to the slavers guild(better to catch them sleeping)since night had drawn in, he noticed some figures nearby. He wandered close enough so as not to be seen and it was then that he discovered that it was the man he had seen earlier being beaten sensless by the heartless monsters known as slavers. This time he would not stand and watch. Drawing the FN FAL, he quickly spun it around so as to be holding it by the barrel, he then quietly approached one slaver from the rear. Swinging the gun as if it were a baseball bat from pre-war days he connected with the back of the slaver's neck, snapping it in two.

When the other slaver glanced up to see why his companion had stopped kicking, he caught the butt of a gun traveling vertically into his nose. The blow cruched his nose bone like a fat man sitting on a cracker. Before the scream of pain erupted from his throat a fist grabbed his larynx and slammed his head to the ground. The last thing the slaver felt was the cold muzzle of a gun pressed against his temple. His head muffled the sound of the blast.

"Here, let me lend you a hand friend" "Friend?" Shit this guy looks like hes out cold, hes still breathing though, better postpon my attack until I can make sure this guy wont die in his sleep.

He picked up the senseless body and slung it over his shoulder carrying him back to Mom's diner. He knew that loving woman wouldn't refuse the unlucky stranger medical care.
RE: memories

Detjen stumbled through the midday heat. he took a drink from his canteen and looked around. nothing was in sight except for a samall tree, with a strange ribbon tied to it. He walked up and took the ribbion off the tree. It was his sisters ribion. He felt hope swell up in him. Pocketing the ribbion he continued following the trail with renewed strength.
Stephanie looked up as the wagon halted again. looking out the back she noticed they had entered a town. On the sidewalk there was two men, they looked dead. the Raiders entered the building, a few of them picking up the bodies and carrying them inside. Moments later a slaver walked out and opened the cart. "Everyone out." he demanded in a loud rough voice. One by one everyone in the cart climbed out and lined up on the sidwalk. The slaver inspected them one by one, grinning when he checked over the older lady. He reached Stephanie and smiled again. he reached out and stroked the side of her head. "Pitty you arnt older." He laughed and stepped back. "Not bad for a small town, We should get a good price for them. Lets go to my office and Ill pay you." The raiders followed the slaver in. A slaver guard orderd them inside. the others followed without question but Stephanie stood there without moving, angry. The guard walked up and yelled at her to get moving. In response she punched him hard in the groin. He went down with a groan. She turned and started running across the street, towards a nearby building. She reached the other sidewalk when another slaver tackled her, sending the both of them to the ground hard. She screamed and wiggled free. the slaver caught one of her feet and pulled her back towards him. She kicked out catching him on the chin. he let go and held his chin with cursing escaping from his lips. The second slaver had recoverd and grabbed her leg as she was standing up. she fell to the ground and felt blood in her mouth. she touched her nose and felt blood. She looked up as he grinned and kicked her in the stomach. She let out in involentary scream as the air left her lungs. He kicked her again and she collapsed to the ground. He picked her up and headed back towards the slavers building.
The little girl

Regan had left the stranger in the care of Mom for the night. After a quick rest until morning, he decided to scout out the slaver's little building. Thinking back on the events of the past day, he realised an all out attack would not be in the best interest of himself or anyone with him. He had just been so charged up about what those slavers had done a week ago.... But that was the past, and this was not.

After a quick run around of the building and a peek in a window or two when no one was looking he had basically figured out the slaver guards stations. He went back to Mom's to check on the stranger and formulate a plan. He had just decided on what to do when a scream was heard from outside. Even as he stood up from his comfortable position another scream was heard.

Drawing the magnum, he moved to the window to see what was going on. It looked as if two slavers were harassing a young girl and even though each of the men were twice as big as her they seemed to be getting the brunt of the damage. Even as he watched the girl was brought to the ground and more fighting ensued ending with the slaver attacking the poor defenseless while she lay helpless on the ground.

Quickly calculating the distance to the building and the likelyhood of a gunshot being heard he decided the odds were in his favor.

He stepped out of the building and without a word fired his magnum at the closest guard. The bullet caught him on the shoulder sending him spiraling to the ground, the other guard reached for his gun but then Regan darted around the corner of the building, out of sight. He waited for the guards aproach, this one wasn't as stupid as the others and he was coming in cautiously. Regan decided to take a risk and stepped out in the open just long enough to snap off to quick shots, both landed squarely on the mans chest sending him flying back to the ground. The slaver managed to squeeze off a single bullet before Regan had downed him and it zinged off the wall catching Regan on the richochet. It skinned his knee and he cried out in pain but was able to get a hold of himself before he collapsed.

He went to the little girl and helped her inside, now to his truck were he kept the explosives...
He knew the two guards wouldn't be missed until the new shift arrived considering both of them were outside guards and the only outside guards at that. By the time the boss came looking for the little girl it would be too late.

OOOWWW! Ferago woke up with jolt as Ma stuck a stim pack in to his arm.
Ferago: What did I get back here?
Ma: A nice stranger who saw you getin beat up by two slavers saved your life and brought here.
Ferago: How badly hert am I?
Ma: Well the upper part of your left arm is broken,you have a spraned ankle,3 broken ribs,a brused kidney, and a bad cut on your head.
Ferago: Good at least I can still walk.
Ma stuck another stim pack in Ferago's ankle

Ma: now you can walk

Ferago got up and put on his helmet and picked his .223 pistol."wich way did he go?" Ferago asked
"he was headed to the front of town last time I saw him" ma replied. Ferago started to head to the front of town to meet the guy who saved him.

Regan rummaged throught the trunk of his van. The words econoline diesel could still be seen on the back door. The van was in pretty good condition, hell, even the a/c still worked but he was lucky to have found it. Regan was an exprivateer, he had made a living out of attacking slaving and raider camps, often with only his FN and a magnum. But he had better combat options available to him.

One day, while wandering the desert a few bounty hunters in power armor had attempted an ambush on him in a valley, he was able to trap them inside a cave and he hung around a week before finally going in. The hunters had starved to death but had managed to break open a great big hanger door that was hidden deep inside the cavern. It was here he acquired his power armor and the econoline. The place had been some guys idea of a Fallout Shelter, it had worked pretty damn well too, preserving almost all the things inside.

He reached inside ignoring the arsenal of weaponry and armor and grabbed a few C4 charges. Upon turning around he was confronted by the man he had rescued earlier. "Names Regan stranger, I saved your ass" "Got a name?"

"Names Ferago, thanks for saving my life. If its one thing I know how to do its piss people off" Ferago said with a painful laugh." " Ill start with the questions" Ferago said. "First why did ya save me? second why are you in this hell hole, and last what the hell are you doing with all that C4?
RE: c4

Well, as for saving you, I did it because you were being attacked by slavers and thus, you must have done something to piss them off, which I like. Besides it was a good exscuse to waste a few of the bastards. Secondly, I'm here because a "friend" told me this was where the slavers main base for the region was and thirdly, I've got a plan, here I'll show you.

Regan proceeds to lead Ferago back to the area behind the slavers guild. Once there he brings him to a marked place on the wall. "This is the rear of the room on the inside, theres an identical mark on the other side." "I'm gonna strap some C4 on here and then walk in with some deactivated stuff strapped to my chest." When the bastards back away, I'll detonate the charges on the outside killing a few of the ones who backed away as well as some on the other side" "Hopefully"

"Then, if you want, you can come in and help me clean up the mess" "But first I have some business to take care of, there was this little girl I had to save a few hours ago and I want to go make sure shes safe, then we had better strike before they get wise." "I'm assuming your in on this with me?"

"And now I'd like to ask you what your doing here, and why the hell you decided to get the crap kicked out of you" Regan remarked with a wry smile.
lets blow them up!

"Well Iam trying to get to a place called Alaska to see my wife and son. I have little or no money so I cant really travel.I bounty hunt to get my money but their aren't that many bountys in this town.Slavers piss me of. So I do the same in return. I asked to many questions for their likeing so they tryed to kill me. And I would like to help ya even thought i can only shoot with one hand." Ferago had summed his life up rather quickly ,he felt weird about that. "So how do you plan on checking on this girl?"
RE: lets blow them up!

Shouldn't be too hard to check on her, I left her with Mom. We need to get this done fast, before the slavers get wise.

Together, they travel down to Mom's only to find the girl missing. "She went out back behind the restaraunt to go looking for her brother, I thought she might be a little silly in the head so I tried to tell her no but she just ran out anyways, I hope you can find her."

"Damn, thats too bad, we have to take care of the slavers first, but I'll find that girl for you, I have this bounty hunter here with me and he should be able to track her down." Regan responded in a rather despondent voice. He wondered why it was he had taken a liking to the little girl without ever even having said anything to her but he decided to leave it up to his instincts, knowing they would lead him true.

As they approached the slavers guild they noticed two new guards standing outside looking wary.
"Damn, looks like we waited too long, this plan will have to do with some revising." "Ferago, you take the one on the left and I'll get the guy on the right.""Hit 'em fast and I'll detonate the charges from out here, then we can run in during the chaos and hopefully take out the bulk before they get their senses back"
got it

"Got it" Ferago said pulling ou this .223 pistol and puting on his helmet. "Maby a gun would be to much" Ferago thought out loud. "I'll use my knife"
he said pulling out his combat knife. He slowly snuck up next to the left guard jaming the knife in his spine and in the same motion pulling his body behind the building.Just when the other guard was geting wise Regan struck.
RE: got it

The bark of the high velocity FN FAL was barely audible over the ensuing explosion that rocked Den. The explosive charges ripped apart the walls on either side of the slavers guild causing a large portion of the roof to cave in as well.

The tremendous blast had knocked everyone flat inside the guild and only three men in the front room were able to stand up again. The slavers had pulled out their weapons and waited for an attack force to rush in through the newly opened holes in the wall and so were unprepared when 3 FN FAL bullets slammed into the guard standing in the middle of the room sending him flying face first into the rubble. As the two remaining men spun on their heels to face the door Ferago made his move.
RE: got it

Ferago jumped side ways in to the ruins of the building shooting at the two guards as he went throught air. He shot one twice in the chest and the other one in the arm.He landed on his side(luckely no the broken one)behind a table. He kicked it over and used it as a shield.He quickly looked out from his place of hideing and saw one guard lying on the ground moaning the other one runing for cover. Ferago pulled out his knife, stood up and threw the knife at the guard hiting him in the leg causing him to fall. "damn missed" he said to him self.Regan walked over to both of the guards and finished them off. Ferago had a sudden thought. What is the leader survived? they would have to check the rubble to make sure he was dead.