New online character planner for the Fallout games

@Mythril has made this awesome online character planner that you can use to try out builds. He's working on adding support for more of the Fallout titles. See this thread for project updates.

You can save your builds and create links to them which is a very nice feature. What's some of your favourite builds?

With AdvPwrArmor + the BOS implants you can max strength, perception, charisma, intelligence and agility without needing any perks. I dump endurance because it only really matters if you get hit (there are plenty of ways of avoiding that, such as stealth, killing all enemies in one turn, save scumming, high armor class, avoiding combat, etc...).
@Mythril has made this awesome online character planner that you can use to try out builds. He's working on adding support for more of the Fallout titles. See this thread for project updates.

You can save your builds and create links to them which is a very nice feature. What's some of your favourite builds?
In FO1 i use Gifted to go S7 P7 E7 C2 I10 A10 L4. Charisma is a dump skill so I can use those points. I tagged outdoorsman, Sneak, and Small Guns.

I know FO2 is a little different, once I complete FO1 I’ll tweak this build a little bit.
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This is super cool, really great for conceiving characters for tabletop or other roleplay things in addition to planning builds for games. Eager to see when level-up support is added. This could save me a lot of time creating NPCs or characters for tabletop games or reference for characters created for fiction.