New to Fallout PnP


Ainsley Harriets prophet
So I've heard of Fallout PnP some time ago, but never really checked it out. But last night I finally got all the rules (2.0), some dice and have a small board to play on (hex graph with some ruined buildings, and using miniatures to represent the player and npc's).

Currently I have 2 friends to play with, and we're going to play this next week. My only question, is 3 people really enough for this type of game?
This isn't exactly the place for this. This subforum is about the development of a new, NMA-approved Fallout PnP, not necessarily the evolution of Jason Mical's game.
Anyway, I think you need a few more people to really enjoy a Pen&Paper RPG, imo.

I'll move this thread to the Roleplaying Board, I think. This subforum (if I ever get off me arse) is supposed to be about the NMA PnP, not a general subforum about Fallout PnP.
Just wondering, ever get that game up and running? If so, how'd it go? Bout to DM one myself in a few days
Just wondering, ever get that game up and running? If so, how'd it go? Bout to DM one myself in a few days
suuuuper over due response man sorry, haven't been active on anything for a long time. It went well! Players enjoyed it, it's pretty fun to play. Only "complaint" is combat can get very math heavy