Deathclaw Chameleon
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

New Vegas, home of fortune, and the place of divinity. Or so people thought, that's where they would gamble their lives away and come out with nothing but their underwear. That's where luck can be scaled from thirteen black cats to a 21 leaf clover. Still, that's where life started for a lot of folks, and now, justice runs in the veins of the NCR, as well as corruption and power. And the wastelands hold evry bit of danger in it's dusty dunes and darkness falls upon every moonlit town. Now, we are in danger, and only teamwork will get us out, whereas a family bloodline has become corrupt as a rich gang known as The Crown; terrorise city life and crime has become even more evident as New Vegas was supposed to have become safer after the battle of Hoover Dam. The outcome was unknown and the only one who took control was a man named Richard Veil; the son of the courier who has now turned vegas into what was not intended to be, has been turning the Mojave into his personal plaything, and no-one is safe from his reign. Now, we are the White Falcon Rebellion, and we're in a whole bunch of crap.
You are your personal character, and you have been captured along with a whole load of other characters. The captors are the last remnants of the Legion, as the Legate rules over them now. You are stuck in one whole room, and it seems that there's only one door, and outside you can here Legionaries talking of supremacy and plans to take New Vegas back. From the sound, you can tell there is about 5 legionaries led by a centurion, or only cause they are the ones that captured you. Now, the plan is to somehow get out, then return to the White Falcon HQ where Mr. White awaits, readying an attack on Nelson, which has been controlled by The Crown (Richard's gang). No reinforcements will come right now, as only teamwork with your captured allies will get you out of this mess...
You are your personal character, and you have been captured along with a whole load of other characters. The captors are the last remnants of the Legion, as the Legate rules over them now. You are stuck in one whole room, and it seems that there's only one door, and outside you can here Legionaries talking of supremacy and plans to take New Vegas back. From the sound, you can tell there is about 5 legionaries led by a centurion, or only cause they are the ones that captured you. Now, the plan is to somehow get out, then return to the White Falcon HQ where Mr. White awaits, readying an attack on Nelson, which has been controlled by The Crown (Richard's gang). No reinforcements will come right now, as only teamwork with your captured allies will get you out of this mess...