NMA Fallout 3 preview and Q&A

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
It's about time; under the nomer of supportive media companies (Gamernode (with some extra help from AtomicGamer) and MadShrimps), No Mutant Allowed's Brother None and SuAside went to the Game Conference in Leipzig, Germany to view the demo of Fallout 3, shown by Bethesda's Pete Hines there. Silencer, applying last in the name of NMA, was not permitted entry with no reason given.

The result?

A long 2-page step-by-step walkthrough of the entire demo, a conclusion page in which our intrepid reporters discuss what to like or dislike about various elements, final conclusions and as a bonus a 12-question Q&A with Pete Hines. Read it all on the following links:

Link: Fallout 3 preview.
Link: Fallout 3 QA.

Note the following:

Yeah baby!

Also note the following:

Special thanks to Gamernode, Atomic Gamer and MadShrimps for the support. Even more special thanks for all the NMA users that have ever donated to NMA, as those funds came well in handy for me and SuAside, both poor students, to be able to afford the trip. Special special thanks to Odin and welsh for their generosity. And with the subtle hint: we're still quite a bit in the red on this, so if you feel generous, please consider thanking us by donating to NMA. Much appreciated.

Also also: I sold my soul for a T-Shirt :cry:

Also also also: Pete Hines is a pretty nice guy, IRL
I want an interview with both of you guys, you can't say no!

Where are the pics of pretty german girls?
Congrats guys! Good to see we finally have a preview that will not kiss ass. Look forward to reading it when I get home from work.
Oh- bio has a point, pretty pics of german women might help!
The GC booth babes were degradingly slutty. I found it fairly repulsive, personally, but I'm sure it works on the teen hormones.

If you give me a T-Shirt, I'll do an interview. I'll do anything for a T-Shirt :mrgreen:
So Silencer was the only one of you who applied under the banner of NMA. You two were permitted, and he wasn't.

Figures. Great job Bethesda, thats the way to deal with one of the oldest FO Fan communities on the net.
Hehe sneaky sneaky :)

Good job guys

I just wonder what would have happened if in the middle they found out? Dip in he vats?

"Bethesda preferred 1st person as it immerses the player more into the world, but recognised that a lot of people, "especially Europeans," played Oblivion in 3rd person mode"

I bet its those damm frenchies
Nice preview (And nice shirt). Pretty much agree with how you summed up your thoughts at the end, quite a few bits sounded pretty good and promising, but there were a lot of annoying little bits scattered around too. Hopefully the actual game ends up better than the demo in the year of development left, but it sounds like even if it doesn't it'll be a decent enough FPS-RPG assuming they can come up with good explanations for the BoS and super mutants.

Probably not as good as Fallout deserves, but decent. Sorta like Fallout Tactics I guess.
Brother None said:
Silencer, applying last in the name of NMA, was not permitted entry with no reason given.
Why the fuck I'm not surprised?

Unfortunately for the demo's pace, in my version (though not in SuAside's) one ant had a bit of a collision detection problem and got stuck to a tree. Hines tracked him down using V.A.T.S.' auto-targeting to locate him and put him out of his tree-hugging mercy.
That's priceless :D

How the hell did people managed to get a functioning a talking robot in Megaton?

This did not look significantly improved from Oblivion, though at least the sheriff had only one voice.
Yeah, good to know they're learning on their own mistakes... *sigh*

Going further down the crater, it's clear that Megaton is heavily inspired by Junktown, showing the same kind of haphazard construction. No cars were used for this town, which can only be considered natural since cars explode all the time.
Hah, same country, different cars, right?
while the Enclave Radio is coming in fine.
So, it's in. Enclave is back and kicking.

Btw, what the hell's with radio-pipboy? Was vault 101 much more technologically advanced than other vaults?
Note: no negative effects of drug usage were visible anywhere within the game, neither an addiction or negative effect from Mentats, nor the traditional later HP loss for super stims.

But it's immersion-breaking!

indeed two dialogue options show a percentage of success.
No dumbing down, right?

Once at the bomb, he tries to use it and a big warning flashes that his skills are insufficient to even interact with it
The same as above. Why not just let the bomb explode and kill the PC?
Oh right, player's ego would suffer- "I DIED- WTF??! TOO HARD!"

this is a supermutant, "the main bad guy in the game."
Hmm, I have it. Vault Dweller didn't kill the Master- he joined him and decided to take over the world. It's the only explanations for 'super mutants bad guys'.

Pete Hines repeated the "Is that his eye?" remark that we've also seen before.
Yes Todd, violence can be f**cking funny, we know.
The supermutant is holding a super sledge, not (as speculated) a car differential
Oh, looking at FO's 1 and 2 supersledge I wouldn't know.

Despite the fact that the toilet is obviously filthy and might be full of germs or at least somewhat unhealthy, Hines notes "water from the toilet actually has the least amount of radiation per health," as it is underground, as opposed to the fire hydrant.
Where's good ol' Poisoned status?

Brotherhood of Steel, "the noble knights of the wasteland" who are trying to drive out the supermutants.
Ok, we need clarification- we know PoS and Tactics aren't canon. So let me ask then- is Fo1 and 2 canon? Because it certainly doesn't seem so.

Oddly enough, at the start of this battle the PC is automatically given the quest to help out the BoS against the supermutants, before he talks to (or even sees) any BoS member.
Choices and consequences right?

For some reason one the BoS paladins decided to sit down on a bench and stare blankly ahead the moment the fight was over.
Improved radiant AI.

Anyway- good (well, the best and most detailed) preview- no good news unfortunately but can't blame you guys for it.
But BN, sold your soul for a shirt? Tsk, Tsk.
Edit: God dammit, spelling mistakes :<.
Great, but you could've told me and Blinzer before he sent the community questions to Gstaff, we'd have less redundant ones...
bonanza said:
So Silencer was the only one of you who applied under the banner of NMA. You two were permitted, and he wasn't.

Figures. Great job Bethesda, thats the way to deal with one of the oldest FO Fan communities on the net.
the excuse was that there was no spots left for Silencer (the room could only take about 20 people). which is possible in theory, since he applied slightly later than I and BN did. but i seem to recall 2 guys walking up to the LunchPR chicks (that handle european PR for Bethesda, at least for this event) and getting a slot in a later showing.

anyway, there are plenty of excuses that could be given by Beth (even valid ones), so it's kinda useless to dig this out further. however, if one of the biggest (if not the biggest) fancommunity asks for a spot one might suspect a decent PR man to go out of his way to make it happen.

Zeal said:
Hehe sneaky sneaky :)
Good job guys

I just wonder what would have happened if in the middle they found out? Dip in he vats?
i told Pete to his face that i visited NMA during the Q&A session. he didnt even flinch (as is to be expected from a good PR man ;) ).

as for being sneaky, i'm also writing a (mainstream) preview for Madshrimps, so i didnt lie to get in. but since i'm an NMA oldtimer why wouldnt i help good ol' Kharn writing a lil' preview for NMA too.

Pete is a rather nice guy btw. i know some people will have a hard time believing that ofc, but he aint a bad sort.
Ausir said:
Great, but you could've told me and Blinzer before he sent the community questions to Gstaff, we'd have less redundant ones...

I was working on the community questions too, remember? I did try to avoid placing redundant questions in my list, but YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE HINT.

Just kidding. Actually, I advised Blinzler to make a deal with Grandstaff to be able to replace questions if they're redundant due to Leipzig, after I failed to get it pushed back because of the GC. We'll see. Couldn't exactly do more, it would've un-ninjad me.
SuAside said:
i told Pete to his face that i visited NMA during the Q&A session. he didnt even flinch (as is to be expected from a good PR man ;) ).
Or from a guy that doesn't care about FO fans ~~

Pete is a rather nice guy btw. i know some people will have a hard time believing that ofc, but he aint a bad sort.
Well, I don't know if he's a nice guy or not, but I know that some of the stuff he says isn't exactly true.
Remember Oblivion? ;p