NMA Podcast Round 5 - Interview with Chris Avellone!


For hate's sake.
Staff member
Board Cop oTO
Better late than never:
The fifth installment of the NMA Podcast will feature the mighty Chris Avellone (no introduction necessary), and, as far as I can tell, will happen tomorrow, the 2nd of July?
Any further discussion on how and when should be in this thread to make it all a bit more ordered.

The fifth podcast will take place tonight, 18.8., starting around 12pm CST.
It will involve the interview with Chris Avellone, which will start around 2pm CST.
A link to the livestream will be posted.
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Time? I think we might ask Chris if the success of Prey may let him work on another Fallout.
Any chance you could make a .mp3 or something and share? A youtube link will work too. Could be a nice series to listen to.

I'm also looking for the previous podcasts if you have them somewhere.
For those not yet aware, MCA isn't allowed to talk about 'South Park: The Fractured But Whole' or the inner workings of Obsidian due to a non-disclosure agreement. It'd also be wise to not discuss more "controversial" topics as occurred in the previous podcasts, keep it reasonably clean for MCA's sake.
You may also want to read up on Chris Avellone's previous interviews with NMA (part 1 and part 2) and the RPG Codex.
Also best to remember that MCA's been involved in the production of several video games as of late and I'm sure they'd make fine topics of conversation.
Prey (2017)
System Shock (2017)
Tyranny (Though he said in the RPG Codex interview he didn't write much, if anything, of note)
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Several unannounced projects which he almost certainly won't be allowed to talk about.
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@AgentBJ09 in case somebody read the description of NMA Podcast #4, you should post a comment there clarifying about when will the interview with MCA will be posted (or could you just edit the description?).
When will it be?

Chris will let Jamie or me know when he's available next; I sent him an e-mail apologizing for the postponing the other day, and that was the impression I got from what he told me.

@AgentBJ09 in case somebody read the description of NMA Podcast #4, you should post a comment there clarifying about when will the interview with MCA will be posted (or could you just edit the description?).

True. I'll edit that in with an annotation.
For those not yet aware, MCA isn't allowed to talk about 'South Park: The Fractured But Whole' or the inner workings of Obsidian due to a non-disclosure agreement. It'd also be wise to not discuss more "controversial" topics as occurred in the previous podcasts, keep it reasonably clean for MCA's sake.
You may also want to read up on Chris Avellone's previous interviews with NMA (part 1 and part 2) and the RPG Codex.
I'm pretty sure those NMA interviews are faked or highly edited, the Codex one is legitimate. I've watched and read a lot of Chris Avellone interviews and he doesn't act like that at all. "The happiest moments of my game design life were on Planescape: Torment, though Fallout 2 was a close second." I swear in another interview he talked about how stressed and over worked he was during that time period so I don't buy it and that's just one example, the whole interview reads like someone else wrote it.
I'm pretty sure those NMA interviews are faked or highly edited, the Codex one is legitimate. I've watched and read a lot of Chris Avellone interviews and he doesn't act like that at all. "The happiest moments of my game design life were on Planescape: Torment, though Fallout 2 was a close second." I swear in another interview he talked about how stressed and overworked he was during that time period so I don't buy it and that's just one example, the whole interview reads like someone else wrote it.
I promise you there was a never a big NMA conspiracy to fake an interview with Chris Avellone. This was a particularly old interview, done 12 years ago to be specific, perhaps he's changed his mind on the whole ordeal with age, but hey, if you're not satisfied with that, why don't you ask him about it during the interview?
I promise you there was a never a big NMA conspiracy to fake an interview with Chris Avellone. This was a particularly old interview, done 12 years ago to be specific, perhaps he's changed his mind on the whole ordeal with age, but hey, if you're not satisfied with that, why don't you ask him about it during the interview?
Ok, thanks for clearing it up, I didn't know it was that old.
Double post but there was a podcast with MCA recently and it got me wondering, @AgentBJ09 @Millim have either of you heard from Chris recently?

Nothing yet. He said July was going to be a busy month for him, likely because of his new job at Nightdive and the System Shock Kickstarter.

Damn, I didn't even know NMA had a shot with MCA for a podcast. Is that going to happen?

It will. Just waiting for him to let us know when he's got some time.