Olympus2207 Presentation Video & Screenshots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This is a modding project that has been ongoing for some time now, but at this point is really worth sharing with all of you. Here is a presentation video (a series of renders and screenshots) and some screenshots of a Russian modding project, crafting a brand new (free) game from the Fallout 2 engine. It looks pretty different compared to the Fallout 2, and looks damn great. The title will be set in a post-apocalyptic future, in Silicon Valley USA in the year 2207, with different factions trying to get into the fortified skyscraper "Olympus".

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9gkc6m1tCWE?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="390" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

Rain man has been posting on Olympus2207 for some time now in the modding screenshot thread. He notes the team is looking for Russian-English translators to help them release their demo in English, so if you're willing and able, help them out.
Ooh that looks interesting.
Surprised Silicon Valley doesn't come up more often in post apo stuff, considering the amount of tech there.
Courier said:
Are there any English translations planned?

...From the newspost:
Rain man has been posting on Olympus2077 for some time now in the modding screenshot thread. He notes the team is looking for Russian-English translators to help them release their demo in English, so if you're willing and able, help them out.
Brother None said:
...From the newspost:
Rain man has been posting on Olympus2077 for some time now in the modding screenshot thread. He notes the team is looking for Russian-English translators to help them release their demo in English, so if you're willing and able, help them out.

Gah... I mistook that for a signature and didn't pay it any attention.
Looks pretty damn interesting, and I dig that robot designs. The trailer, in particular, looks like something that may have come out from 1998 or so... and not only because it's a Fallout 2 mod.
If you like the soundtrack : thank you kindly, I've been working on it for the last few weeks.

If you don't : :cry:

ALSO : I've seen ingame excerpts and I've got to say that it really does look different from Fallout. The lore and background are pretty good. Hope they release more info soon.
Best of luck I wish you, as said in the other topic! It shows how "simple" things such as artists helping you in numbers can totally alter the FO2 feeling. I wish more people would "love" the stuff that I do and/or help with 3d/2d enviroemenrts, but I guess my stuff is screaming "hey I'm cool" at the quietest of them all. ;)
Whoa! Looking very good, not just visually, but it would seem conceptually too. kudos for the good work.
I like how they remade the whole interfaces and everything,and it looks awesome as well,let's hope this will be released and not canceled
New video:


The new critters look great in action.
I'm very glad that you like our project :)
Please note, that in video of game mechanics new art is not showen (as new interface grafics, new tile sets, new doors etc).

And what do you think about the new game mascot - "The Orange Man" by Leo Blanchette ? Hope you will like it :)
