On people saying that Borderlands and Fallout 3 are the same

looks like those coke boys got themselves a plan.

oh... oh god, no - what have they done!?
Re: On people saying that Borderlands and Fallout 3 are the

WorstUsernameEver said:
Fallout 3 is an alternate history science fiction setting, in which nuclear war destroyed the Earth back in the 1950s, meaning everything is nostalgic and 50s style.

Ummm... no. The author doesn't really get it.
Nicole Kline said:
Fallout 3 is an alternate history science fiction setting, in which nuclear war destroyed the Earth back in the 1950s


(And no way to comment and tell her so. :( )
Lol @ the in soda advertisement wars.
I can see how people would prefer the action paced combat in Borderlands, but Borderlands as a whole is a poopy RPG compared to Fallout 3. For being a multiplayer game, having to forward ports was ridiculous(not all ISPs modems/routers allow port forwarding). Also, especially on this forum, it's comical to think that the same people that accuse the video game market for developing mindless drivel would prefer a game with zero choices and consequences.
To each their own, but you get what you pay for. That's why there's a million FPS war games.

Now go play Drakensang.
Makagulfazel said:
For being a multiplayer game, having to forward ports was ridiculous(not all ISPs modems/routers allow port forwarding).

I agree, that is pretty ridiculous and rage inducing (I had that problem when I first tried to play the game) luckily you can now avoid that issue by using GameRanger.
Port forwarding is the bane of every p2p game as the host simply HAS TO open ports. Most games rely on dedicated servers where the ports are handled by it.

It's not a problem of Borderlands, it's a problem of every single coop game.
Eh, you can't really compare them. Borderlands is like Diablo FPS whereas Fallout 3 is quite literally Oblivion but with guns, despite the many arguments that have come of the latter over the years.
Kradath said:
...Most games rely on dedicated servers where the ports are handled by it... It's not a problem of Borderlands

lol - shitty console port.

If it was some low-budget game - sure. But hell, me and Clercqer(the guy lives in frickin' Belgium) got Magicka to work fine. Then again, me and my roommate were able to connect to Wooz and BN's(hoster, I believe) Borderlands game once, heh. Centurytel is a bunch of chumps and won't let me update the firmware or forward ports on my DSL modem, so I was only able to play LAN with my roommate. Neither me(I am a computer technician) or the two other people that were part of the 4-pack could get it working to where we all could play together. We tried Hamachi, too.
That has nothing to do with console ports, it's a p2p thing. You also have to open ports sometimes for older games like baldurs gate for example.
Baldur's -fuckin- Gate. A game from '98. What I'm saying, in this day and age, with that kinda budget, they should be able to offer tools for dedicated servers or some sort of workaround.
I don't have to open ports for Dead Island, for example. Or Titan Quest. Or Magicka. Terraria, Hamachi worked at least. Catching my drift?
Makagulfazel said:
I don't have to open ports for Dead Island, for example. Or Titan Quest. Or Magicka. Terraria, Hamachi worked at least. Catching my drift?

I don't know about Dead island, but I had to open ports for TQ and Magicka.

L4D is running over dedicated servers but that game is backed up by so much money. Hosting dedicated servers for coop game's is not very lucrative.

The need for open ports is like russian roulette for me.
Kradath said:
I don't know about Dead island, but I had to open ports for TQ and Magicka.

I was going to say it might have something to do with Steam, but no.. That wouldn't make sense. Plus, I bought Borderlands through the Steam 4-pack deal anyway. Not sure what the hell, then. Borderlands is the only game I've ever had that I just gave up on trying to get to work with multiplayer hosting. 10-15 hours wasted scouring support forums and portforward.com for a workaround.


I'll try GameRanger if I ever have a game that won't work again.
I also had to open ports for my non-steam TQ version.

And funnily I don't have to open ports for Borderlands with which I never had problems.

But gameranger is indeed a good tool.
warsaw said:
oh... oh god, no - what have they done!?

I'd better go buy some war bonds. Those Coke boys need supplies. I can't live in a world where I have to say "I'd like a pepsi" at every resturaunt! :salute:
Borderlands was a nice little surprise in regards of its wasteland - look, wheatherd character look, and science-fiction setting. I thought they made a good effort with making a atmospheric and unique science-fiction setting. I thought the borderlands artists did a better job at visually defining their world, than the F03 artists did. It made me realize (again) what a bad job F03 artist did in shaping their wasteland look. Borderlands has some Epic moments in its landscape experience, F03 boasted epic scenes in their advertisement and concept drawings - like Rivet city, which in-game looked like, frankly, pixel dung (that is, without shape, colour or taste, just something quite flat and unremarkable).