Paris attacks - ongoing

Sky News Live reported a very quick police reaction, and apparently the borders are closed and the military has been mobilised. At least the response is quick, but it's an extremely sickening situation.

This seems to be the most violent event in recent french history. I've seen a report of 67 confirmed casualties.

I think it will impossible to stem the feelings of many french people, and mosques and the general muslim population will be in danger.

Has it been confirmed that it is a muslim extremist attack? I did hear that that old terrorist cry of 'god is great' was heard again.

There is no course of action that could even *potentially* defuse this global extremist situation. They want blood because western powers made them bleed. People who make the discussion about race, both on the right and left are making the political situation worse. It's about the system that creates religious warriors systematically. That ideology, and the west being asleep. While wars are fought and people are killed in the name of their defence. We made a BUSINESS out of it. We must be utterly critical of evil ideology, completely seperate of borders, race, economics and politics. A great hurdle to proper discourse is also, the Media. A focus on the evils commited by reporting sensationally, fuels the fires of hateful ideology. No people or organization or especially race is our enemy. It is a way of thinking. We must kill the idea that a taking a life is EVER justified.
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I hope they are safe too. I hope all innocent people are safe. Apparently the two who took the hostages have been killed by the unit sent in. Let us hope no others are still able to continue their actions.
These extremist fuckers! I want them to die slow....Slow in a fire and sent to their god in pieces. How could they do this?
Paris again? Ffs, give those people a break already. Haven't they suffered enough? Not that I think this should happen anywhere, and I hope they don't plan on any other attacks in other cities in the near future.
Also, note that the attacks happened on Friday 13th. They sure wanted to make a lasting impression.
For fuck's sake. As if Europe wasn't enough of a powder keg already. Now those lunatics need to give even more reasons to escalate the violence by killing more than a hundred innocents. Which is the whole point of those attacks, sadly.
Oh man, I just saw this post (I have been going through Fallout 4 in the last six/seven hours, man I forgot about the time), and I am quite shocked to be honest that something like this happens.
It almost sounds like fiction some paranoid would make of what could happen 'when we let them in', but it is sadly real :(

Has there been any information yet who is actually behind this? Is this the action of a terrorist cell, a couple of self styled terrorists, or a different party?
Oh man, I just saw this post (I have been going through Fallout 4 in the last six/seven hours, man I forgot about the time), and I am quite shocked to be honest that something like this happens.
It almost sounds like fiction some paranoid would make of what could happen 'when we let them in', but it is sadly real :(

Has there been any information yet who is actually behind this? Is this the action of a terrorist cell, a couple of self styled terrorists, or a different party?

The attacks happened simultaneously at 2 places at least (the Bataclan and surrounding restaurants, and a soccer stadium). So it was at least 2 coordinated groups. Allegedly some at the stadium heard shouts regarding Syria, but it's very confused right now. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was linked to Daesh.

As for this happening because people are let it, that's always hard to prove or disprove. Risk 0 doesn't exist, and France is involved against Daesh and easier to infiltrate (being in continental Europe) than other big names like the UK or the US. Terrorists hiding in Western countries are usually well funded and well organized enough that they simply don't need to hide among flows of refugees, apparently. This kind of thing happens with sad regularity in the Middle East and Africa (and not always by Muslim extremists), but gets much less publicity.
These extremist fuckers! I want them to die slow....Slow in a fire and sent to their god in pieces. How could they do this?

Yeah, extremism is more of a front. It's how the top hats in most terrorist organizations get their followers to depraved acts for political gain. You don't think these big groups are doing it for Allah? It's all about power.

But as a side note, it's sad to see the decline of Islam. During it's heyday, the medieval ages it was a civilized and advanced power, that was more open then Christianity. They welcomed all worship as long as it didn't break any law, while the Christians killed each other the Muslims were making innovations in science and art. A pity really.
Yeah, extremism is more of a front. It's how the top hats in most terrorist organizations get their followers to depraved acts for political gain. You don't think these big groups are doing it for Allah? It's all about power.

Great pity such a huge bulk of humanity cannot see past the front, not only in regards to Islam, but all beliefs and world views and trends
Cater to the unifying factor of a desired majority
You don't think these big groups are doing it for Allah? It's all about power.
That depends on hierarchy in said group. Naive footsoldiers are doing it for Allah; top ranked Salafi/Wahhabi clerics sending footsoldiers to die are abusing their religion to gain more power. :shrug:
You don't think these big groups are doing it for Allah? It's all about power.
That depends on hierarchy in said group. Naive footsoldiers are doing it for Allah; top ranked Salafi/Wahhabi clerics sending footsoldiers to die are abusing their religion to gain more power. :shrug:

Exactly, why I said the big groups in general. It's sad really. Still... history repeats itself. In the past it wasn't uncommon for Christian lynching mobs hanging witches and heretics or strange looking people. We can't just shove the blame to Islam, especially as their acts are in many ways no worse then done by Christians who are seen as calm and open, when they helped instigate some bloody events in our history. Who's better and who's worse? Nobody knows.
Stuff like this was very common in Iraq during the Iraq war and in Afghanistan. Bomb and other attacks against civilians. The media didn't really care about all that because the victims were just Muslims. Just recently a Russian airplane was most likely bombed from the sky, very little of that in the media. Then something happens in a western country and it's time to crucify all Muslims. Le Pen's FN and Israel are probably going to gain from this.
I hate seeing this happen anywhere, but at least this will give France an incentive to help other countries remove the extremists from the few places they hold sway (like Syria and Iraq).

The Vault Dweller