Perception - affects weapon accuracy?

Maybe in VATS but I don't think Perception affects shooting, only your compass. Weapon accuracy is mainly/only affected on your weapon's skill.
It is listed that its affecting accuracy on the wiki, but sometimes that place can't be trusted.

Was wondering which stats are best on a follower. Perception would be nice if it increased their chance to hit but if not, then its a rubbish skill.
The wiki is contributed by other people so it might say anything, so the information isn't always correct.
I have noticed only weapon skill affects accuracy because when I played with PER 6 or 7 my accuracy wasn't too great either until I raised my Small Guns, so it's only for compass and unique dialogue options.
Thats sad. I guess I'll put on gear that gives +4 luck total on a follower and give him a 5x luck weapon, as any other stat seems garbage. Thanks.
Perception still affects their Energy weapons skill though, which indirectly improves their accuracy and damage by a bit

Edit: Due to some glitch in my brain, I mixed up Energy weapons with small guns, corrected