Question about the Megaton Bomb?


Still Mildly Glowing
Why hasn't the BoS tried to recover this pre-war technology yet?

I'm sure this has been brought up before, if it's that irrelevant VATS now.
what the second guy said.

Would have been better for the main quest to revolve around that instead of purifying water.
I'd be curious as to what the worth of it would be. We're talking a 200 year old bomb here, i'd imagine the plutonium decayed and much of the systems failed considering its sitting in a puddle of water.
cogar66 said:
Why hasn't the BoS tried to recover this pre-war technology yet?

because like every people in the game they are idiots, and they lack of common sense
Or the fact that in all likelyhood 200 years of soaking in water has rendered the weapon useless for anything but slowling killing off the inhabitants of the shithole that is megaton. Though considering that you can detonate it, bethesda didn't think of that when creating the quest. Maybe if the BoS tried to take it the crazy bomb cultests would attack them. Fuck if I know.
well I have the idea that some people who designed the BoS, tows and story in Crapout 3 simply thought its "way more cooler and inovashun to blow up some inocent town!".

I remember this interview with Tod and where he said something like "Its Fallout ! Letz blow something up" ...
cogar66 said:
Why hasn't the BoS tried to recover this pre-war technology yet?

Shitty gemedesign. A good designed game creates a world and puts the player in it. Bethesda creates a player and then designs the world around him. The bomb wasn’t detonated, stolen, bought or dismantled because how else would the Vault dweller earn his cool tenpenny appartment? The bomb exists only so that the Vaultbrat can make his "morally ambigious choice", nothing else. Everything is there to serve the player.

Another good example of this is the stupidity surrounding GNR. GNR needs a satellite dish to broadcast its news and keep up the good fight, right? The BOS supports GNR and they protect his studios. They beat off attacks from muties and loose men doing this. Its apparently important to them. But the damn Radio doesn’t work. They know where there is a dish, a bunch of Brothers of Stupidity are hanging out in front of its location. Do they start an attack on the museum? Do they send the dozen buggers that hang around GNR to retrieve the dish? Course not, that’s the job of the VB. Everyone and everything is waiting until the VB is good and ready. The world starts and ends with the player, so asking for an explanation for anything outside the context of the player is futile. FO3 is a solipsists wet dream come true.
cogar66 said:
Why hasn't the BoS tried to recover this pre-war technology yet?
Why hasn't anyone scavenged the supermarkets instead of leaving it all for the player to take when he exits the vault?

It's just shit game-design, as said above. Bethesda are great at making things that don't make sense.
Why hasn't anyone scavenged the supermarkets instead of leaving it all for the player to take when he exits the vault?

It's just shit game-design, as said above. Bethesda are great at making things that don't make sense.
Good point.
Arden said:
cogar66 said:
Why hasn't the BoS tried to recover this pre-war technology yet?

Shitty gemedesign. A good designed game creates a world and puts the player in it. Bethesda creates a player and then designs the world around him.
Everyone and everything is waiting until the VB is good and ready. The world starts and ends with the player, so asking for an explanation for anything outside the context of the player is futile. FO3 is a solipsists wet dream come true.
And that's exactly why the game was so god damned successful : it never challenges but gratifies the player in every possible way - the world is waiting for you, you get perks every level, you can max out your character, there is diablo-esque loot (coulda been worst though) that you don't even need and you can "do anything". :cry:
Aphyosis said:
I'd be curious as to what the worth of it would be. We're talking a 200 year old bomb here, i'd imagine the plutonium decayed and much of the systems failed considering its sitting in a puddle of water.
the plutonium after 200 year wouldn't have decayed unless it was Plutonium-238then it would have decayed by half about 3 times, but if it was Plutonium-244 then it would even have decayed much if at all. but the water being around the bomb could short curciut some of the bombs systems but there would have been enough plutonium either way for that explosion at tennpenny tower. and enough for the BoS to want it.
Because it wouldn't be as noble goal as purifying the water with no real consequenses. Better just use the bomb to kill a town full of people. That's much more civilized.
Hell, why is anything there in Fallout? By your guy's logic, nothing would be there. The wasteland would be empty.

Why are there ammo boxes? Wouldn't other wastelanders grab them!

The Brotherhood of Steel aren't taking the bomb from Megaton because the extraction effort wouldn't be worth it, The Church of Atom would be pissed off, Assuming it wasn't disabled- it'd be very dangerous. The Brotherhood is occupied with a ton of things within the wasteland, retrieving the bomb may not just be very high on their priority list.
biggestantman said:
the plutonium after 200 year wouldn't have decayed unless it was Plutonium-238then it would have decayed by half about 3 times, but if it was Plutonium-244 then it would even have decayed much if at all. but the water being around the bomb could short curciut some of the bombs systems but there would have been enough plutonium either way for that explosion at tennpenny tower. and enough for the BoS to want it.

They don't use 238 or 244 in Nuclear weapons. 239 and 241 are used. With that said, while 241 would have decayed, 239 wouldn't have. Irrespective of that though, i seriously doubt the bomb would be in any condition to achieve a nuclear detonation after such a period exposed in the elements. The systems need to be functional to achieve critical mass, otherwise it would just be a dirty bomb (I'd comment on the explosion size and say its likely, but we all know how safe nuclear detonation is in FO3)

If the BOS really wanted it, i doubt it would be for the bomb. They lack the means to deliver it and i'm doubtful anyone would want that shell after such a period of time. The real value would be in the synthesized plutonium, something which its undoubtedly hard/impossible to find. Assuming it hasn't decayed anyway.
well considering how many groups are present in F3 its amazing how no one of them cares about the bomb. Except for the idiot Tenn Penny.