Shattered Wasteland


Wandering the Wastelands
Kira Lenne removed the tin canteen from her hip, taking a long draw of water from the flask. She sighed, gazing at the endless desert surrounding her, the flat plains broken by sparse hills and what passed for treese these days. Still 3 days travel from Broken Hills, she was running low on water, and she didn't have a single damn cap leftover from her run to Vault City and Gecko. She had barely managed to get enough caps to cover ammo and food this run. The life of a traveling merchant was oh-so-unfair at times, she thought.

She turned to the giant, nearly full grown Deathclaw that followed a few steps behind, and smiled. She walked over to the creature and pat his leathery chest; that's all she could reach anymore. There was a time when she could pet his head, but the damn thing grew up so fast.

"How are you, Iggy?" Kira asked, smiling at it. The creature crooned softly--something no human would ever hear a wild deathclaw do. She laughed as she began walking again, her boots kicking up plumes of sand. Broken Hills seemed an eternity away.
For three days Drudge had hunted the wild dog that broke into his masters house and caused quite an amount of damage before the master drove him out. Scorpio his master tried to shoot the fleeing dog but missed. Wearing only his primitive loincloth and the heavy collar around his neck the boys very skinny dirty body still showed the scabs over the two dozen bloody welts his masters whip left all over his back, clearly defined ribs and stomach before he was ordered to bring back that dog. Drudge was only able to grab his knife and his masters also scoped hunting rifle which he used for hunting. In pain and fear of another even worse beating he left without his bag, food or water and followed the dogs trail.

Drudge knew how to survive in the wasteland but the dog moved fast and kept going away from Broken Hills. Remembering his masters threat to skin him alive with the whip if he returned without the dog Drudge had not eaten for three days because he didn't dare to go hunting. What little game might have been out here in their direction had been devoured by the dog or fled. The only good thing had been that he found enough water to keep him alive but thirst still had been his companion on this wild hunt.

Finally Drudge found the dog and killed it with one good shot. Now he had the nearly impossible job to bring it back. The dog weighed probably more than the very skinny boy but Drudge was used to hard backbreaking work. There was no alternative so Drudge hung his rifle across his front and loaded the dead dog across his shoulders. Drudge realised it would take him at least double the time to get the heavy body back to Broken Hills while hunting for much needed food and water. By then the dog would be putrefied into a smelly mass swarmed by flies. Sighing Drudge began hin long march back to his cruel master holding the dog in place by it's legs.

Trying to avoid some very rough terrain Drudge walked not in the direct direction to Broken Hill. He was breathing heavily under the massive weight across his shoulders. Sweat ran down his body and left cleaner trails in the dirt covering his unwashed body, revealing quite a number of old scars. The dogs body was still warm an a little blood trickled from it running in little trails down his chest an back. Drudge just ignored it because he figured it would stop soon.
Reaching the top of a flat hill Drudge suddenly stopped dead with wide open eyes. Not more then twenty yards in front of him stood on of those deadly Deathclaw and directly in front of it a girl. His first instinct was to run and his second to try to help. He did nothing because he wouldn't be able to run with his load and he wouldn't be able to kill a Deathclaw with his rifle. And he suddenly realised that the girl petted the deadly creature at the chest. The slave boy was too stunned by this to do more than to stare with an open mouth.
Iggy snorted, suddenly, raising it's large head, sniffing the air. His amber eyes lit up, as he took in the smell of...something. Kira watched as the Deathclaw turned it's steely gaze to a point directly in front of them, atop a small, flat hill. Kira looked in the same direction and saw a boy, carrying the body of a dog over his shoulders, watching with startled, wide eyes. She stiffened at first--she'd heard stories of raiders using children wired with explosives to kill caravan guards or merchants.

The child, however, was nearly naked and clearly not rigged with explosives. Therefor, she didn't draw on him. Her eyes narrowed as she took in his condition: Scrawny body, caked in dirt, scars and blood and swear trickling down his chest...the child was certainly ill kept. Was he an orphan? She didn't think so, not judging by the collar he wore. Not wanting to frighten him, she raised a hand and clenched her fist--Iggy's sign to stay put. She hesitantly stepped forward, and called out to the child.

"Hey kid," she spoke to him. "What are you doing out here, all alone?"
Drudge flinched as he saw the deathclaws reaction. He suddenly realized the beast would smell the blood and think of the dog as food. But for a deathclaw he was not more than a snack too he thought. wide eyed he waited for the death on legs to move but it never happened.

The girls movement puzzled the boy. His mind just wouldn't believe any human was able to control a deathclaw. Instead of the beast the girl stepped forward and asked what he was doing here alone. 'As if it isn't obvious and she's alone too. Well not exactly.' the boy thought as he took a closer look at her. She carried to revolvers and some sort of sword. Not really better armed than he was with the knife bound to the outside of his right lower leg and the scoped hunting rifle he figured. But not even a band of raiders would go near that deathclaw.

"Master sent me out ta bring back the dog, Mistress. What ya doing out here?" he answered. He tried to sound tough but friendly but his voice betrayed his nervousness and was a bit raw because his throat was dry. He faltered a bit under the weight as he answered. Drudge let go of the dogs dead body and let it drop to the ground with a relieved sigh.
Kira gave the boy a sideways glance when she noticed he was armed with a hunting rifle. Still, had the boy wanted to shoot her, he would have. She heard the quavering in his voice--though slight-- as he answered her question. She noticed he kept looking between her and Iggy with a puzzled look on his face. She almost laughed; but managed to contain it, for fear of offending the child. It wasn't everyday, after all, that one came across a human and a deathclaw companion.

"I'm a traveling merchant," Kira answered the child. "although you couldn't tell by looking. I only barely made enough money in Vault City to supply my way back to Broken Hills. Had to sell my assault rifle to get enough food; and even then, it seems I'm going to run out." She frowned suddenly, as if hearing the first part of his sentance for the first time.

"Master..." Kira murmured. She raised an eyebrow at the child. "Are you a slave, kid?

Kira murmered something under her breath about slavers and raiders, the two most worthless groups of people on the planet, next to the Enclave. If this child was indeed a slave, she would have to offer him refuge with her; but that would cause an even heavier burden on her already light recourses. She hated to do it, but if it came to it, she could always send Iggy to hunt for them. She knew Iggy could take care of himself, but she always feared he would fail to return one day, and she'd discover his body rotting and being chewed on by wild deathclaws, or mutated bears, or something else. She gazed at the child as she waited for him to speak, already sure he would answer that he was indeed a slave. In his condition, it was certain.
Drudge made no aggressive move. He only moved it around that it hung on his back by the old rope he used instead of the normal leather strap. The rifle looked very old and had a number of primitive repairs. By the look of the rifle it was doubtable if it even shot in a straight line. On the other hand there was the dead dog and the boy had only the rifle an a knife that looked as old as the rifle.

The corners of Drudges mouth jerked visibly as Kira added she didn't look like a merchant. She really didn't thought the boy and with that sort of pet it didn't surprise him if no one had the guts to buy from her.

He rolled with his eyes as she asked him if he was a slave. The two big brands on his breast and shoulder might be difficult to see over the distance and under the dirt but did she really think he'd wear such a heavy black iron collar if he could choose? Still his voice stayed calm and a bit submissive as he answered. "Yes Mistress, be a slave. On da way back ta Broken Hills too but fear will take me longer than you with da dog."
She was too far away for Drudge to understand her murmuring. He figured it had something to do with him being a slave but couldn't know if she disliked him or his owner. He doubted it a lot but still hoped there might be a way to get beck faster. His master would already fume but if he needed another week back no one could say what cruel punishments awaited him.
Just that moment his stomach choose to protest with an angry loud roar to protest against not being fed for over three days.
Kira frowned as she approached closer. Broken Hills. She was on her way there; and this child was a slave to possibly a raider, judging by his condition. Most people treated their slaves like shit, but typically only raiders or psychopaths branded their slaves like this child was branded. Not, of course, that the two were mutually exclusive. She couldn't possibly take this child back to anyone that would treat him so horribly. She knew what it was like, to be captive to raiders. The painful memories of being struck, raped, tortured and tormented...she still bore the scars when she undressed to bathe. She still bore the mental scars as well.

"I'm Kira...Kira Lenne," she said, extending her right hand to Dredge. "And you can call me Kira. I'm not your master, and wouldn't expect you to address me as such."

Kira paused a moment, contemplating her next move. She could go to broken hills, acompanying the boy to ensure he survived and made it to town...and then what? Give him back to his master? Knowingly give him to what is very likely a raider? It then crossed her mind that the raiders who raped and murdered her--and her mother--were still out there somewhere. It would be very unlikely that this boys master was one of the group that brought such pain and missery to her, but all raiders were the same, really.

Her other alternative was not to return to Broken Hills at all. NCR was to the south; or she could head north back to Vault City or Gecko. New Reno was out of the question; that god-forsaken hell-hole was much to dangerous to bring the child, even with a Deathclaw for protection. Finally, Kira spoke once m ore.

"Look, I can't just take you back to your master, if that's what you're hoping for. Judging from your appearance, he's a real asshole. I'll tell you what I will do though. I'll take you with me; we can go...somewhere. Your master is in Broken Hills, so we could go North, to Gecko. Friendlier folk there than in Vault City, so we could probably get some supplies. Iggy can hunt for us to ensure we don't starve to death on the way. What do you say, kid? Want to be rid of your worthless master?"
Drudge wasn't sure why the girl frowned as she came closer. Like before it might be because of him or his unspoken suggestion to join her somehow but there was little he could do about it. At least it didn't look like she heard his growling stomach.
She told him that her name was Kira and she didn't want him to call her mistress again. "Name's Drudge, Mis... sorry, Kira." he answered as Kira paused in thought and just remembered in time not to call her mistress like he was used to do with every free woman. He was well aware that his name was just another word for slave or beast of burden and meant to humiliate him but by now he didn't care anymore. It was the only name he remembered and accepted it like he accepted he couldn't escape.

Kiras next words surprised and shocked the boy. Wide eyed he stared at her and needed about a minute before he was able to answer. He just couldn't believe she offered him her help to escape. Before his third try to run away he would have jumped instantly at such a chance but under the brutal punishment after being brought back he realized it was nearly impossible to escape from Scorpio. He might be lame but only death would stop the cruel man to get him back. And it was possible that Kira was just testing him. It wouldn't be the first time someone tricked him into saying something against his master and told Scorpio what he said. But he didn't think Kira was one of these people.
"Won't argue with ya opinion of master Scorpio. I thank ya but me have ta go back. Tried ta flee three times already but always been caught and brought back. Barely survived da last torture and master told what he do ta me next time before allowed ta die after weeks of torture. I'm able ta survive too. Father was hunter, me teach how find food and water in wasteland.
If ya really want ta help ya see way ta get dog back more fast? With need ta hunt food and water me guess need 'bout another week. Sure to get punished if gone that long."

There was some fear hearable in his voice as Drudge talked about his punishment and what his master threatened to do to him. He asked himself if Kira made the connection with Scorpios name and the radscorpions burnt into his body.
Scorpio...the name resonated within her. It was was so familiar somehow, that name. And yet, where on earth had she heard it? She filed the question away in the back of her mind for now, and gazed at Dredge. When he mentioned his name, her blood ran cold, and her eyes glinted dangerously with fury.

That son of a bitch, she murmured, shaking her head. Couldn't even give you a proper name.

She was silent for several long minutes, considering just what to do. She couldn't in good consciouse take this child bad to Scorpio. No, that was out of the question, despite his protests. As she gazed at him, her mind raced with memories of her own, admittedly short captivity among a clan of raiders. She had taken her chances when they came up; she'd left when the super mutants ran across their camp, and managed to escape. She'd be dead by now if she hadn't. The boy, though he probably hadn't had to endure the same kind of torture she went through, had suffered possibly even more than she. She felt connected to him somehow, and she knew she couldn't take him to Broken Hills. She would die first.

"look," Kira stammered, hardly able to keep the quavering from her voice, "I can't take you back to Broken Hills, to this 'Scorpio.' You must understand that, child." She sighed, and decided she had to confront her own demons if she expected Dredge to listen to her, to convince him. So, she reached down, grasped the bottom of her shirt, and lifted it, revealing the flat of her stomach, the slight curves of skin clinging to her ribs. The skin was scarred badly; her stomach covered in knife wounds and jagged slashes. There were even crescent shaped marks that looked suspiciously like teeth. Though she hadn't taken her shirt off, merely lifted it, one could easily tell the scars continued along her chest, possibly covering her back as well.

"I know what it's like," she choked, her voice thick. "I know what it is to be a raider's captive. I...I was held by a group of them; my mother and I. They..." Kira's voice broke, her hands trembled, and she turned away from the boy, so as to hide the tears that shimmered in her ice-blue eyes.

"They raped and killed my mother, and they raped and tortured me. I was just 14," she continued at last, still not daring to look at the child--for in him, she saw a piece of herself; a frightened little girl who was still haunted by the past.

"I tell you this, because when I saw a chance to escape my personal hell, I took it. I was ready to die before remaining in their captivity for another second! Kira whirreled around, her eyes red from the tears that trickled down her cheeks. She knelt down before the child, jaw clenched, an aura of pain and fury around her.

"You have a chance to escape" she told him. "you have a chance to be rid of Scorpio. I want to help you, and if you come with me, I promise he'll have to kill me before he can get to you. And there's Iggy too." She threw the deathclaw a sideways glance; he was still several feet away, but upon seeing Kira's emotional distress, he hesitantly began to lumber forward. Kira's blue eyes flashed as she gazed at Dredge.

"I was on my own, with nobody to help me," she said quiety. "I'm offering you what I didn't have; please, accept my help. Believe it or not, I *can* protect you.
OOC: Name's Drudge not Dredge ;)

Drudge shrugged his shoulders and a grin played around his mouch as Kira called Scorpio the son of a bitch. His imagination showed him a female wild dog like the one he just killed and Scorpios father. He hated that bastard and hearing someone insult him made him feel a bit better.

The boy looked at Kira and it was like he could see her thinking hard. After her words before he figured it meant trouble for him and nevously scratched with the toe of his right leg in the dirt.
Despite his own scars partly hidden below the dirt on his body Drudge flinched as he saw the ugly scars disfiguring her. Somehow hearing about her tortures and mistreatments was a lot worse than all those he endured himself. He didn't cry as he heard Kiras story but he had to blink way some tears. Now it was Drudge who needed time to search for words. Despite haggling over prices for the skins and parts of the animals he hunted for his master Drudge was not used to talking a lot. This was different.
It was obvious Kira didn't want him to return to Broken Hills and she could force him to go with her if she really wanted. He wouldn't survive a fight against her and Iggy and didn't even want to fight them. If it came to it he needed to escape somehow. He shivered and fear was evident in his voice as he answered.
"Scorpio be no Raider. Not know what he is but no Raider. I not want ta die and not want ya two hurt either. Master lots of people know. After hiring me out and trying ta flee three time me know too. If me no not come back Master set high price on me. Many people try ta get me and after trying three time me know them find me. They not stop ta hurt ya or Iggy to. Not even ya two able be ta protect me from every greed one out here. Happened three time now ta me but this time Scorpio me kill in horrible way. I hate Scorpio and no like ta return but me no want ta die. If ya want ta help maybe ya find way ta hire me somehow. As porter, hunter, whatever. Great weakness of Scorpio be he greedy. If think make him money he will hire me out."
Ari placed a thoughtful hand on her chin at his words. Hire him....that certainly as better than getting a man with major connections supremely pissed off at her. On the other hand, she wasn't exactly rolling in the caps herself, and she thought that Scorpio's price might be rather high. Just how high would it be...She started to pace back and forth, kicking up plumes of dust and dirt; Iggy watched, his giant eyes following her every movement.

Iggy finally snapped out of his spell, and came forward towards Drudge (ooc: sorry, misread hsis name, my bad :), sniffing slightly. THere was not a hint of threat in those glossy amber eyes of his; eyes that had an eeri look about them; there was almost some degree of inteligence behind them; though he was certainly no more than an animal. He *was* inteligent for a Deathclaw though; he operated on instinct, but he was more like a wolf who thinks things through before acting; like an inteligent dog who plots it's actions when trying to corner a squirrel. (OOC: In other words he's not a talking deathclaw from V13, lol).

The creature lowered it's head and sniffed Drudge,t aking in his scent. It then lowered it's massive head onto the child's, resting it's chin on top of his head. It then brushed it's teeth against his cheek ever-so-lightly--a sign of affection among deathclaw packs. Ari saw this, and stopped pacing at once; had her jaw not been attached, it would have fallen to the ground. She blinked as Iggy lifted his head, and gazed at Arianna with those eyes of his.

"He...he really likes you, Drudge," she said softly, amazement filling her voice. "I have never seen him do that to anyone but me before." She shook her head, and sighed. She thought she had a small plan forming in the back of her mind.

"Okay, you win. I'll go to your master, ask if I can hire you as an assistant for my caravan. I'll tell him while I can't *yet* pay for you, I will give him half of what I make on my trip south to the NCR. Think he would go for that?
OOC: No problem about the name. I take it you meant Kira and not Ari though? Nearly happened to me too with Biest and Drudge when writing both post in a row. ;)

Drudge's eyes got bigger as Iggy walk in his direction. It was obvious that Kira thought about his suggestion. He shuddered as he fought against his urge to run. Instead he stepped back and stood protectively over the wild dogs dead body. If the deathclaw ate it he failed his masters order to bring it back and would be in for a very painful whipping. His father taught him early in his life to keep a cool head in the face of danger which allowed him to think the situation through. Kira surely would stop Iggy if he meant danger for him and if he deathclaw decided to feed on him it surely would be a quick death and the end of his sufferings. Drudge was not suicidal and had accepted his miserable life but the threat of a sudden brutal death was part of this life. Either by some dangerous animals if he was out in the wastelands or by punishment from master scorpio.

Seeing Iggy's eyes calmed Drudge. Somehow they just didn't look like the deathclaw planned to eat him and gave him the impression that Iggy was curious about him. He stood still as the massive creature sniffed at him. His smell wasn't very nice as Drudge had not bathed or washed since he became Scorpios slave about three years ago. His master saw no reason to waste precious water on a mere beast of burden that he saw in Drudge. He allowed the boy just enough water to survive and even forbade him to waste any water on cleaning himself.
The deathclaw's head was heavy as it lay on his head. Drudge was tired and somewhat exhausted but he fought to stay in his position. At that moment he wasn't sure if it was a gesture of affection or some sort of test. His knowledge about deathclaw's was quite remote because all his live he tried to stay away from them. At best he looked at them from safe distances. He shuddered again as Iggys massive teeth brushed his cheek. Again Drudge fought to stay calm. His full attention was on Iggy and he didn't see Kira's reaction to it. Only her words he understood and the amazement in them showed him it wasn't normal that Iggy reacted that way. Despite his uneasiness at being so close to one of the deadliest creatures of the wasteland Drudge understood it was a great honor to be shown such friendship.
Drudge gulped but reached up to rub Iggy's chest and throat as far up as he could reach. The skin felt somewhat leathery to his touch but mostly Drudge felt good inside about this show of affection. He had no friends in Broken Hills and master Scorpio made sure it stayed that way by humiliating him in front of the other children or driving them away with threats.

"I like ya too, Iggy. It's somehow funny that ya me first friend since me be a slave. I sorry but please no eat dead dog. Master beat me half ta death if me no bring it back me fear," he told Iggy in a soft friendly voice that showed he returned the friendly feelings to the big deathclaw. He kept to petting Iggy unless it showed it had enough.

He thought about Kira's plan before he answered. "Thank ya, Kira. Be better if ya hire me for lower job like porter. Master thinks of me ta be low beast of burden. He me always hire out for nasty or hard jobs. If master Scorpio think he make good profit from it he agree ya pay him later. He sure ta have ya found if ya tried ta trick him. But no think of master Scorpio be idiot. He never allow me ta go too close da NCR area. He'll also want ta get me back from time ta time me think. Master Scorpio lame be and me use for work he not able ta to himself. I not sure what he willing ta do but me think best chance be if ya start from Broken Hills and return ta it before next run. That way me have some days ta do necessary work for him before being of with ya again. If he think be profit in it master Scorpio maybe even willing ta be some sort of partner or so me guess. And Kira, please undestand master very angry be if me no bring back this dog. If master be angry it be less likely he agree ta hire me out."
Drudge was very careful that his words sounded like suggestion and just facts. He became more selfassured as he realised Kira and even Iggy tried to help him. Still he wasn't used to so much talking and never before he dared to make such suggestions since he became a slave.
ooc: Dammit, yeah I meant Kira...her and Ari ARE similar, but also very different, LOL.

Damnit, Kira thought, hearing that Scorpio would be too damn smart to let her take Drudge to NCR. She had a few contacts there that could possibly have helped. She gazed up at the stars as if asking God himself why he couldn't let things just work out. She turned her gaze back to Drudge.

"Okay, not the NCR. Vault City then. He shouldn't have a problem with them, their city is FOUNDED on slavery; only they use a sugar-coated term for it," she spat bitterly. "And don't worry, I'll help get the dog back. I don't much like the taste of cannine, and Iggy won't eat anything I don't give him permission to first."


Iggy took in Drudge's scent, finding the very animal smell a comfort. Human scent, except for Kira, disturbed him. Iggy didn't trust humans, probably never would. But Drudge smelled so like a wild thing that the Deathclaw found this a comfort, rather than unpleasant. He knew the creature was human, a child human at that, and very fragile. Deathclaw children were tough, hard skin and sharp teeth and claws. He had to be gentle with this one, because it was a child. And because it was human.

When Drudge touched his leathery neck, the Deathclaw made a sound almost like a cross between a growl and a sigh, sound of comfort and contentment that one would never hear from a wild deathclaw; not unless they were watching them interact with their pack.

Iggy viewed Kira as his Alpha, his pack leader. The boy was a newcommer to the pack, an equal; yet he knew that Kira showed much fondness for the boy. He felt fondness too, in as much as an animal COULD feel fondness. He stayed next to Drudge, allowing the child to pet his thick hide.


"Well," Kira said, picking up the dead dog and slinging it over her shoulder, "We better get moving, we've still got 3 days journey to Broken Hills, and a few hours of daylight for travel."
Drudge shrugged his shoulders as Kira mentioned Vault City. He heard about it but it was up to master Scorpio to decide on the terms about hiring him out to Kira. Drudge had no say in it as far as his master was concerned. The one thing the boy was sure about was that his master would find him even if he was in the middle of the NCR. The man was vicious enough to find a way to have Drudge brought back or to have him killed in the horrible ways he threatened him. Drudge was sure he would stay a slave for a long time or die and the bitterness in Kiras voice about her failed plan brought a short sarcastic grin to his face. "Sorry Kira, but ya really believe it ta be that easy? If it been me'd not be here now." he joked. Now that Drudge was sure Kira and Iggy too wouldn't squeal about him to master Scorpio he became a lot more relaxed. At least as long as he was sure there was no one around who might do that. He learned the hard way to suppress his outgoing nature after he became a slave. After about three years he became quite good at showing people the submissive little beast of burden they expected to see. His few goof-ups usually ended with a beating from master Scorpio. Only if he traded the skins and meat he hunted with the local merchants he was able to be more outgoing because master Scorpio expected him to get the most for them.

Being the son of a probably true blooded indian hunter and being trained by his grandfather and father until he became a slave Drudge knew a lot of animals and the creatures that lived in the wasteland. By the way Iggy acted the boy had a good guess how Iggy saw their strange little group. The boy felt honored to be accepted so easily by the huge predator. He felt good that he was able to make Iggy that comfortable because he felt the same after he overcame his early instinctive fear of him. All the time he continued to pet Iggy and enjoyed the closeness to him.

Drudge felt bad as Kira threw the dog over her shoulders. He was still a slave and should carry it. But he knew he would slow them down a lot if he tried. Instead of stating the obvious he gave Iggy a last petting. "Sorry big fella but Kira be right. Us better be on the way. Kira, tell me if ya think ta make camp. Maybe me able ta find some water. If ya like me scout a couple yards ahead and maybe shoot some meat for us or me can take some of ya stuff as ya carry the heavy dog." At the mention of food his stomach produced another angry growl. "Sorry, da damned dog cost me three days of food. Looked like he caught what prey was there and drove da rest away so me had ta do without since leaving Broken Hills." the boy explained in a conversational tone. He was really hungry but without carrying the dog he felt able to go on until they made camp.
Kira grimaced, ashamed she had temporarily forgotten about food. She reached into her bag, and pulled out an ancient can of Pork and Beans. It was still good (at least she hoped so, as she'd been living of these damned things for the last 3 days). She didn't have a knife, but she had something better.

"Hey, Iggy, come here a second. Can-opener time."

Iggy strode over, and anyone watching the monster would swear that the creature rolled it's massive amber eyes as it held out a long, razor sharp claw, punctured the lid, and flipped tin lid into the air, sending it flying seemingly into the clouds themselves.

"Here, take this," she said to Drudge, handing him the open can, along with a spoon that was pitted, but only slightly rusted.

"Excuse the poor condition of the spoon," Kira added with some trepidation, "but it IS over 200 years old, so it's bound to be a little rough. The beans are fine, by the way; I've been eating them for days, and I'm still alive." She managed a smile as she lead the way towards Broken Hills.

"One question," She said suddenly as they made their way through the seemingly endless desert. "Why in gods name don't I just walk right up to Scorpio and put a .44 round in his damned ugly head? Wouldn't that solve your problem?"
Angelo Damien AKA Deathhead awaited in Broken Hills. He drifted from place to place and happened to arrive in this place. He would stay for a few days, depending on business. He was of course one of the most notorious mercs in the world. His dreaded costume wasn't exactly a poor man's job either. He peered through the skull mask, awaiting anyone who would hire him. His price was high, but he was worth it. A real good story sometimes payed the toll too. As he sat upon his caravan and brahmin, a man approached him.
"Ya the legendary Deathhead right?"
"Yes." He replied.
"Well, I got a little job for ya. What's ya service?"
"Brief me first or begone."
"Huh? Well, this guy called the Scorpio wants 'dis lil' brat found. Dead maybe, all da better for him. Ya willing?"
"Do not waste my time. I care not about a little lost child. Now begone."
"What the? You ain't no good. You're a scam!" Before he had time to react, the point of Deathhead's blade was pointing towards his throat. Angelo spoke very clearly but minute as if he need onl say it once.
"I could kill you and take whatever worthless caps you have now. So, takemy warning and begone. I will count to three, and if you do the math right; three is going to hurt." The man needed no second hint and immediately fled the scene. Deathhead sheathed his blade and returned to his position.
"Idiot." He said.
Some commotion caused a stir outside, but that didn't matter, Rip thought to himself. Actually, not much of anything mattered for the time being. He found himself a touch more tipsy than usual, a bit more competitive than usual, so even the screams of pain from the other bar patrons nursing their bruised arms offered him little to reflect on. Most of the caravan workers either on their breaks or through with their shifts found themselves in Phil's bar, so the room was packed with loud and boisterous activity when Rip strolled in. He only had drowning sorrows on his mind, but he always recalled stories of a particularly well-sculpted mutant challenging all comers to the bar to a match of arm wrestling. Yet despite the challenge piquing his fancy, no such mutant was to be found. Phil said that the man had to skip town a few months earlier, due to a "mix-up at the town meeting"- according to the ghoul -but true or not, that meant no worthwhile challengers to test himself with. The caravaneers had to do, but from the number of them quietly cursing to themselves about him and massaging broken wrists, let alone his own lack of enthusiasm, it was clear that "doing" they certainly weren't!

He slammed a couple more coins down on the counter, to which Phil gladly produced another bottle of whiskey in response. Even for a town with heavy drinkers, few could hold their liquor long enough for 500 coins worth of Phil's best, like this armor-clad stranger had. While Phil knew this meant finding a quick re-supply of booze from the next caravan shipments, it also meant he had long-since surpassed his weekly quota, and was in possession of ample coin to work with for the following nights. If only every patron could be so "generous". All the same, he was a tad unnerved by Rip. Broken Hills was north enough that it escaped the worst of the Wasteland heat, but the locale HAD to be uncomfortably sweltering for someone traveling around in full combat armor... with a trench coat... and a scarf... and extra gloves, belts, and another coat! Yet Rip seemed perfectly at ease in his layers upon layers, leaving not so much as a hint that the bar's air conditioning was at all a welcomed respite.

Rip held the new bottle in his hands for a moment, quietly contemplating his next action before he finally decided to tuck it away in one of his many pockets. Much as he enjoyed downing the stuff, he preferred that if he found himself out in the Wastes, alone, and longing for drink, he'd much rather a fine bottle like this to sooth his thirst than his own cactus-based home brewed concoctions...

With a nod to Phil, and not so much as an acknowledging glance at the many losers, he turned and walked away, parting with a muffled, grumbling, "Thanks."

Heading immediately left outside the door, passing the old town well and neighboring market district, Rip walked out to the edge of Broken Hills. There he knew awaited the only real source of coin, or game, to continue onward with his daily grind. Whatever commotion had befallen the caravan wagons several minutes ago, it seemed to have since departed. Fitting, he thought, he wanted to find some simple business without having to put down any rambunctious hooligans... That kind of behavior usually followed with great cheer and thanks, but no payment. Somewhere, amidst these moaning beasts and their sweating, waiting masters, Rip hoped to find someone with a need he could fulfill. At the very least, Rip might hire on as another gun- although hired "gun" didn't fit his skill set. But there was always the chance for some odd work besides the normal caravan outfit. If the town had no specific reputation for needs to be filled, like say New Reno, then the best place to find odd jobs was at the caravans.

With deliberate, short, and tame strides, he walked into what ought to have been a simple job, like any other, that would change his life in ways he would never have imagined.....
"Ya don't have ta. Me used enough ta go without food ta know me able ta go on till we make camp." Drudge hurried to explain as Kira pulled the can our and called Iggy to her. But it was still too late. And the boy was curious what would happen now.
Drudge giggled as he saw Iggy's expression and opened the can with an easiness he never saw before. Despite everything he had been through Drudge was still a child and about three years of Scorpios cruel treatment had not broken his mind. His imagination showed him the picture of a couple wastelanders frightened to death as Iggy walked alone into some mall, opened a couple of cans before downing their contents and leaving the very confused and frightened people with puddles between their legs.

Drudge was not picky about food. Even back as he travelled the wasteland with his father he learned to accept whatever edible they could find. Be it boatfly meat or maggots found under some rotting wood. He shrugged his shoulders as he took the can and spoon. "Thanks, Kira. Learned ta take every food me can get. Only if tin blown up better no eat but this looks good. Been a while since me last had something like it. Be a real treat ta me." Still Drudge looked skeptically at the tin and the spoon in his hand. It had been a while since he last ate with everything despite his fingers and maybe a knife too. Holding the spoon strangely he took one spoon full of the food but made some mess over his chest before he reached his mouth. Licking the spoon clean he held it together with the tin and used went one with his fingers. It was quite obvious that he was a lot more used to this way of eating.
It was not the first time Drudge went without food for a few days. He knew he might get sick if he at too fast. Remembering this he ate slowly with a couple pauses as he kept walking beside Kira. All the time he kept an eye on their surroundings.

The boy was not really surprised by Kiras question. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, in a way it do if ya want me dead. Master Scorpio no nice man be. Look ta me he had same idea. After I first tried escape he tell me have made insurance. If he die in no natural way good price be set ta me head. Said he no care if me do or other do. Me better keep ears open ta tell him if someone talk about killing him. I no sure he truth tell but most times he man of his word so me think it ta be true."
After his answer Drudge scratched even the last bits out of the tin before he buried it at a loose patch of dirt. Using some sand he cleaned the spoon and handed it back to Kira.

It was about time to look for a good place to camp. Drudge straightly told Kira he had to take a dump and went with quick steps towards a little hill. Reaching the top he suddenly stopped and got down to one knee. He made a sign to Kira to stay low and took the rifle from his shoulder.
Kira couldn't see it but there was a pair of molerats who'd make a good meal for them and Iggy the boy thought. He hoped Kira understood his sign and allowed him two good shots.
Deathhead could wait for days, but there was always a regular trouble-maker. That guy was one of a sort. He could tell that maybe this guy was just using some powerful man's name to better his own reputation and chances. However; Angelo didn't mess.
A man of powerful stature and of many clothing had strolled by to see the commotion.
'Funny,' he thought. 'He dresses peculiar, but who am I to talk? At least mine pulses fear though. That looks as if it pulses sweat.' He wondered for a minute if he may have a job here. But chances were slim-it seemed-in Broken Hills. He just glanced at the man and turned his head away. He took a bottle from his duffle bag and swigged it down through a slit in his skull mask' jaw. 'Sure,' He thought. 'Maybe we'll see what type this guy is.'
With a visible limp Scorpio walked through Broken Hills. Despite the braces on his injured leg and pain medication he was in quite some pain but wouldn't allow others to see his pain. With his useless beast of burden, as he saw his little slave, out to hunt down that dog he had to go out to eat. The brat had already been gone for a couple of days. Scorpio wasn't happy about it and Drudge would pay for it but he was aware it might be a couple more days if the dog went on. With the amount of plasma that barely missed the mutt Scorpio figured it would try to get as much space as possible between it and Scorpios home.

The man was quite old for a wastelander and looked even older. Still there was an aura around him that frightened the normal inhabitants of the town. The plasma pistols and cruel whip he wore only added to this impression. People tended to go out of his way as he walked along the street. Those who knew about him knew he was a dangerous man to cross and those who didn't still reacted to the bad vibes coming from him.
Scorpio was on the way to an inn he liked.