Fallout Fan For Life!
You know I've been thinking about playing this series for quite some time now, and since there's a "Summer Sale" going on at the moment, I figured I'll give them a go! But first, I wanna know a few things before getting into them...
For those who've played these games or have at least tried them, I wanted to know three things:
1. Are they worth playing? Basically as I've already asked this question in the title of the thread, and getting the obvious outta the way first.
And if they're worth playing, this leads me to the following questions in regards to Wasteland 1 & 2.
2. For Wasteland 1 which version of the game is the "preferred" version? The Original or The Remastered version?
3. And for Wasteland 2, same as the question that I've asked for the first game, which version is better? The "Regular Version"? Or the "Director's Cut"? And are there any differences between the two? Like for example, is there any features that aren't present in the "Regular Version" of the game compared to the "Director's Cut" of it?
So yeah, that's pretty much it, there goes all of my questions that I have for this trilogy. Otherwise, I'm REALLY curious to see how it'll all go for me!