Sniper perk works (Fact)


Fallout Tactics Moderator
Sc0pE said:
everyone stop saying the sniper perk doen't work...
because it does...
the perk "sniper" bases the ranged critical hits on a luck roll out of 10. so if you have luck 5 that's 5 out of 10 which means you now have a ranged critical chance of 50%...
basically the computer rolls an imanginary dice (randomises no. between 1 and 10) and if it rolls your luck or below you get a critical hit!!!
eg: one out of two is a critical basically...
when you get the perk you will notice an increase of criticals...
i always get luck 6 or 7 so i have a good chance at getting criticals...
critical hits increase damage and give you a chance of doing critical body part damage like blinding a person and breaking a leg and aiming at sertain body parts helps this..

this makes sniper probably the most valuable combat perk in the game!!!!

snipers rule....

Tested and Confirmed by RobCo.

It works and does exactly as Sc0pE says.
Results of my test with a character with Luck 8:

Unedited v1.27/GOG .exe file:
10 shots, 1 critical

Edited v1.27/GOG .exe file (4C->6C at the address 004A6C4C):
11 shots, 9 criticals, 1 miss

Conclusion: Yes, it works as intended, but only with the fixed .exe file.
Ya :mrgreen:

Good work!
Nice to know I'm not the only one that knows how to HeX edit here, was going to update this post with the patch but didn't have my computer with me when i posted it, used my phone.

I have some HeX values I'd like to share, i will post them in the FOT Modding FAQ forum, first i will need to find them again...
Yes, i plan on adding it to DaC, NMA, Mod DB and RobCo DB, also xxxRedMetalxxx might add it to Red-Tec.

It will get out there in no time. ;)
IIRC, it was created in 2012 and posted on the forum of one of NMA moderators, therefore calling it 'in no time' is a slight exaggeration :).
Haha, ya.
I got a plan for it though that i think will get more people aware of it and using it.

If you know of any bugs that can be fixed via HeX i would love to here them, even i don't venture to parts of the original game to fix much unless requested, i just help mods and modders with stuff like that + when i last beat the game i didn't even know what HeX was. :?
RobertHouse can u tell me how to fix it?I am noob with editing,but want this perk works. Thanks
Results of my test with a character with Luck 8:

Unedited v1.27/GOG .exe file:
10 shots, 1 critical

Edited v1.27/GOG .exe file (4C->6C at the address 004A6C4C):
11 shots, 9 criticals, 1 miss

Conclusion: Yes, it works as intended, but only with the fixed .exe file.

I edited my BOS.exe(v1.27/GOG) as that, but sniper still doesn't work. Any advice? Thanks.
I edited my BOS.exe(v1.27/GOG) as that, but sniper still doesn't work. Any advice? Thanks.

The hex edit only works with Long Range weapons as that was how it was originally coded. =

The relevant weapons would be the Hunting Rifle, M1 Garand, Sniper Rifle, Gauss Rifle, and Sunbeam Laser Rifle. (if there are more I don't think they're worth using)
So Sniper perk for Sniper weapons.
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I got my copy of tactics in the steam pack, is there a version of this that works with the steam version? (Or jut an easy way to transfer steam saves to GOG?) NVM saw the more comprehensive patch project.
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