Some PnP- future game art


Mildly Dipped
So these are a few of the drawings i had made for my PnP game that takes place in michigan (around detroit)

The tiger fish is a large fish (8' + long) that eats anything it can get ahold of.

It has long dagger like teeth which can be used as weapons. Its head area is armored and the armor plates are often used to make human sized body armor (chest, leg and arm protectors)


I have 100+ plants of various type. All of which have some property or value as food. The files are CMYK.. I will change them out later tonight.




The Auroch is a ReGenesis animal. in my game, before the war, the uber rich often tried to out do each other by funding research to bring back extinct animals (Lazarus animals). If DNA was found frozen in the tundra or by any other means, they would try to bring it back.

In other more expensive cases they would play with genes in living animals to try and insert characteristics from long gone animals to make facsimiles.

These animals roam the wastes (along with giant mutant fish... who roam the radioactive water wastes)
