First time out of the vault

I hate steam, drm and Gabe fandom. I only get games from GoG.
...I hate steam, drm and Gabe fandom. I only get games from GoG.
I can recommend isolation. Very true to the claustrophobic feel of the first film And the threat of a single alien the first film showcased, unlike recent alien games. If you think you'd be up for a stealth/survival horror with superb AI (at least on higher difficulties), It's definitely worth 11.50€.Hm, thinking about Alien: Isolation and Shadowrun: Hongkong and Dragonfall. 11.50€ for Alien: Isolation with all the DLC, that's pretty damn good.
But on the other hand, I don't really play videogames anymore... But it's so cheap!!11
I only got Mad Max from this sale, and only because the Christmas gift my wife bought me never arrived so she was feeling sad she had no present for me. I told her she could buy me a game on steam as a present instead.
In three days I already played it for 22 hours. I only got one stronghold territories to reach 0 threat. I am now working on the second stronghold territoriesMad Max is great. Probably the best optimized game i ever played.
In three days I already played it for 22 hours. I only got one stronghold territories to reach 0 threat. I am now working on the second stronghold territories
Got Wolfenstien: The New Order
Got the old blood for free for DOOM pre order and enjoyed it a lot so I figured why not get the main game bcuz it was cheap as fuck.