It Wandered In From the Wastes

Okay maybe I'm just stupid or forgetting something but explain this to me. First, if the Courier got the package in Primm why did he go North to Goodsprings? Did he not know about the Deathclaws in Quarry Junction, therefore barring him from continuing North to New Vegas, and getting him probably ripped to shreds by Deathclaws. Where did Benny and his Kahn buddies intercept the Courier? Did they get him outside of Primm and bring him all the way up to Goodsprings just to bury him? That doesn't make sense considering Benny had to go South through Nipton and Novac just like the Courier eventually has to. Also, maybe the courier was going south to Nipton and Novac, did Benny also save him by intercepting him and shooting him and burying him. If the Courier continued South to Nipton maybe he would have been in the chaos caused by the Legion in Nipton. Im probably just being a dumbass and forgetting some details that explain this all but eh maybe some of you guys know the answer.