The neat little touches

A bathtub in a hotel room has a fungus growing in the drain. Another one has a teddy bear stuck in the drain. There was a guy working at the Sunset Sarsaparilla company called Marcus Brody.
GreyViper said:
The planetarium in Repcom HQ, really well done. I return there time to time to gaze on it.
Yes I can only agree on that !

I always loved such places/ideas. I wish there would have been more such buildings, like a museum or anything that is releated to the everyday life BEFORE the bombs droped. Radio broadcastings, videos, news what ever.
This totally reminded me of FOnline: 2238...

Dialogue was about the NCR "back home". Not sure if it's a coincidence or really aimed at it... if it's the later one, then it's a nice insider. :>
I'll guess you have to explain your screenshot, because at least I don't get the point.
You don't play many FPS's Lexx?

One thing I noticed on my second run through is that a fair few of the NCR troops have different greetings if you are wearing the armour. Noticed it when I was delivering signal codes and they kept saying I wasn't in their unit. Also the Boulder City pub guy said NCR troops don't usually drink there and I had the option of saying I wasn't one.
Well, I hardly see the camper stuff as a hint to first person shooters.

/Edit: Various npcs also change the greeting line based on your reputation with the faction.
It's the same as in the original games. Now it just becomes annoying because it's voiced and not only floating text.
But the perk was gained in Broken Hills, not in the NCR.
One of my favorite moments was right after I got a sniper scope on one of my rifles. I zoomed in with it and just happened to be looking at Veronica. At that point she said something along the lines of, "Why is it that people always hurt the ones they love the most?"
Lexx said:
But the perk was gained in Broken Hills, not in the NCR.

The Broken Hills area is probably in NCR territory by now. And it's hard to make a comment like that explicitely on Broken Hills since it's deserted.

Also if it's a nod to that perk it doens't necessarily needs a mention of the town. The activity itself is enough.
Heh, for a quest on the Strip I just got a Codac R9000 camera.

It's my third playhtrough and I still find quests I missed in the ones before...
Lexx said:
Heh, for a quest on the Strip I just got a Codac R9000 camera.

It's my third playhtrough and I still find quests I missed in the ones before...

I was underway with this camera doing the snapshots. While doing this I wanted to quick check out something and ran into a Centaur. So I pulled my weapon but I still had the Camera equiped.......*click* *click* Was more a WTF ? moment tho......
Lexx said:
Heh, for a quest on the Strip I just got a Codac R9000 camera.

It's my third playhtrough and I still find quests I missed in the ones before...
Yeah, same with me here.

I just finished the game my first time and I'm trying to be more through on the cities to see if I missed anything.

Boy, I did lost some very interesting quests. I also am leveling a lot faster too, my first playthrough, I was about level 8 when I got to new vegas, now I'm about 12.

Quite a lot of difference from just a few quests.
AWildmann said:
Lexx said:
Heh, for a quest on the Strip I just got a Codac R9000 camera.

It's my third playhtrough and I still find quests I missed in the ones before...
Yeah, same with me here.

I just finished the game my first time and I'm trying to be more through on the cities to see if I missed anything.

Boy, I did lost some very interesting quests. I also am leveling a lot faster too, my first playthrough, I was about level 8 when I got to new vegas, now I'm about 12.

Quite a lot of difference from just a few quests.

Tell me about it. First playthrough I never even entered Westside or North Vegas.
AWildmann: How???
It might be my personal play style, but everytime I get to a new town via the road, I find a place to temporarily stash my loot and search the countryside. (thou I went west from Helios 1 to hidden valley -> black mountain then north to Sloan then east to 188) I just arrived at the Bouldercity and I'm 21...
cronicler said:
AWildmann: How???
It might be my personal play style, but everytime I get to a new town via the road, I find a place to temporarily stash my loot and search the countryside. (thou I went west from Helios 1 to hidden valley -> black mountain then north to Sloan then east to 188) I just arrived at the Bouldercity and I'm 21...
Well I can say that in my first playthrough I wanted to be done with the first circle-route that was Primm - Nipton - Novac - Boulder City.

Also, I didn't really liked the quest Fly with Me, I just can't stand voice acting that isn't normal (Bright, Nightkins), so I avoided these guys as most as I could to finish the quest quickly.

On my second playthrough though I'm being more through, I'm doing as you said, taking my time on every town to check all the possible quests and a few locations too.