The story of The Last of Us 1 is a ripoff from Fallout 3 The Pitt DLC


Learned to love the bomb
Fallout 3 The Pitt story:

* Release Date: 2009
* Some strange pathogen is making everyone sick with a degenerative disease
* People affected by the disease turn into mindless monsters who attack everyone else
* One child is resistant to the pathogen that is causing the disease
* Scientists want to experiment on the child because they think she holds the key to figuring out a cure or vaccine for the disease
* The ending culminates on a ethical dilemma regarding what should be done with the child

The Last of Us 1 story:

* Release date: 2013
* Some strange pathogen is making everyone sick with a degenerative disease
* People affected by the disease turn into mindless monsters who attack everyone else
* One child is resistant to the pathogen that is causing the disease
* Scientists want to experiment on the child because they think she holds the key to figuring out a cure or vaccine for the disease
* The ending culminates on a ethical dilemma regarding what should be done with the child
I have some news for ya. Most of your favorite authors just stole their ideas from the stuff they liked and worked around it. This story is so common yet SOMEHOW The Last of Us is called one of the best games of all time. What does that say about most story in games? To me it says that we will be waiting a lot longer to get original story that is not ripping off Mad Max, or The Crazy's or....for instance Who Framed Roger Rabbit is basically Chinatown with cartoons. Thanks to RLM for pointing that out.
Don't care. Last of Us was enjoyable experience though. The Pitt? Don't see much point if you side with the raiders, slaves made it more worse. Why can't you carve your way through the place?
I mean I played The Pitt and I forgot that entire plot. All I did remember was Trogs and Ashur the ex-BoS guy. They were Trogs weren't they? Ahh who cares? *spits*
I mean I played The Pitt and I forgot that entire plot. All I did remember was Trogs and Ashur the ex-BoS guy. They were Trogs weren't they? Ahh who cares? *spits*
Toront: This plot is not ripping off the other one, it's just taking a trope that happen to be used by lots of work.
Also Toront: I forgot what exactly the entire plot is about anyway.

Toront: This plot is not ripping off the other one, it's just taking a trope that happen to be used by lots of work.
Also Toront: I forgot what exactly the entire plot is about anyway.


I forgot what the plot was about until I read his synopsis you mouthy twat haha.