Should I Add Guns or No Guns?

  • Tribal goes Brrrrrrrrrrr...! (Pro guns.)

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Tribal kling klang Samurai jam. (No guns.)

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters

Post-War Tribal

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Under construction
(August 19th, 2281.)
The Lost Creek Valley is encompassed by the Dhe'Krayt-Val mountain range, effectively isolating its unique ecosystem from the surrounding areas of Montana. Standing sentinel over the valley are imposing rock formations that soar into the sky, adding to the picturesque landscape of the region.

Nestled deep within the rugged embrace of the Montana mountains. The Lost Creek tribe thrives in a world of their own making, shielded by towering peaks and whispering winds quietly echoing between the silent peaks that cradle their home. Governed by the fierce clans of Bóutte's, Clenknives, and Helaina's, This unity has bred a formidable barrier against the unknown, leaving the tribe's eyes turned inward, oblivious to the mysteries that beckon beyond their mist-draped boundaries. The tribe's xenophobic lifestyle, steeped in their shared ancestral traditions and a deep-rooted fear of the unknown, has cocooned them in ignorance of the world beyond.
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Lost Creek Tribe Ceremonial Creed
''Tid'uchall!'' (To each other.)
''Tidhur kuhn-threy!'' (For our peoples land.)
''En tidhe battu ahet!'' (And to the battles ahead.)

The Formal Years
(First council circa 2081.)
The Lost Creek tribe is the post war descendents of a collection of pre-war survivors with different backgrounds such as military personnel and civilian backgrounds of various sort. The group came together in the aftermath of the Great War. Though the group would eventually migrate deep into the mountainous terrains of Montana, they would have to utilize their military training and rely on guerrilla tactics in order to protect themselves as they searched for a place they could carve out their existence in the Montana mountains. In the time following the establishment of the community high in the mountainous wilderness of Montana, more survivors began to move out of the cities such as the state capital city Helena, and the city of Butte. As well as other nearby and surrounding areas devastated by the Great War. The survivors were determined to relocate and settle somewhere considered safe. Some of these survivors include ancestors to the Clans of the Helainas and the Bótte's. Despite the individuals living amongst each other, they did not initially view themselves as one people. The groups would intermingle with one another, and most villages would eventually contain inhabitants of all groups. As the years passed, the Lost Creek tribe would emerge, blending the diverse backgrounds of its members into a unique and resilient community. The group would become led by a council of experienced individuals whom were chosen among them based on their diverse and the individuals skill sets, knowledge and ability to lead. Passing on their knowledge and pre-war techniques to procure food, supplies and safety. This established structure among the newly established community, as time passed, naturally the groups would morph and eventually transform into a unique homogenous cultural identity.
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Clans Of The Lost Creek Tribe

- The ClenknivesOIG1__13_-removebg-preview.png

Clan overhead: Tragedi
Flag Village: Clenknive
Tribunary Clans: The Mhe-Soulaes, The Dhroomoun, The Whyphish,

- The HelainasOIG4__14_-removebg-preview.png
Clan overhead: Rinyhan
Flag Village: Hela-Eyna
Tribunary Clans: The Threifoarx, The Bousmaen, The Kretfawls,

- The BóuttesOIG2__17_-removebg-preview.png
Clan overhead: Kitreighna
Flag Village:
Tribunary Clans: The Akoonder, The Dhyar-Lod, The Deelions,

Lost Creek Tribe Govermental System

The Lost Creek tribe form of government consist of different rulers that each govern a region in the central part of Lost Creek Valley. The
Bótte's ruled the northern section of the confederation, and the Clenknives in the eastern portion, while the Helaina's ruled the southern portion. The bulk of the confederation's structure is built around those three powerful clans, they each hold significant influence and authority within their respective territories. This division of power among the ruling clans helps maintain balance and unity within the tribe, as each clan plays a key role in governing the region. - While the clans govern their respective territories with significant influence, the council holds authority over the ruling clans as the central governing body. The council facilitate communication, make collective decisions, to coordinate, oversee and ensure that the balance of power is maintained among the clans.
Lost Creek Tribe Military Structure
The military hierarchy of the Lost Creek Tribe consists of the Kaeptehn as the top authority, responsible for directing the Prywat who come from various clan villages. Below the Kaeptehn is the Seekend, acting as the second-in-command and responsible for ensuring orders are carried out faithfully. Prywat are the lowest rank of infantry, holding the front line in battle. Seekends are able to run villages and act as deputies for the Kaeptehn, while Kaeptehns exhibit leadership qualities both in and out of battle, serving as both authority figures and field commanders.

Prywat(English: Soldier) are the lowest rank of the Lost Cove tribe's military,
the first rank of infantry in the tribe, are expected to hold the front of the line in the center of the battle. These recruits come from the various clan villages in the tribes domaine.


A'Khuckou(archery specialized infantry.)

Sekend(English: 2nd ''The Kaeptehn's 2nd hand.'')
Seekends has the authority to run villages, but they're expected to act as deputies for the Kaeptehn.

Kaeptehn(English: Captain)
A Kaeptehn has displayed leadership potential consistently both in and outside of battle. They are easily distinguished by their red knot tied into their armor, which are adorned with a Whoopa feather. The Kaeptehn serve as both authority and field commanders during major operations. Outside of battle, Kaeptehns act as administrators of the villages and their associated clans, with the assistance of the Sekend.
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Lost Creek Tribe Religious And Mythical Belief

(Moota O'Tana, Krezhla-Baer & Paater O'Peak-Shkive, Whuo-Kraien.)
In the mystical realm of Lost Creek Valley, where the whispers of ancient spirits echo through the rustling leaves. - a belief system alledgely as old as time itself. Like the roots of the towering trees that reach deep into the earth, the local gods intertwines with the essence of the valley, weaving a tapestry of traditions, ceremonies, and teachings that mirror the dance of the seasons. The Lost Creek people, attuned to the rhythms of nature, find solace and guidance in the sacred ways of Moota and Paater, drawing strength from the unbreakable bond between the land, the elements, and their souls.

The Lost Creek tribe worship a set of deities, who represent various aspects of life and survival in post war Montana. The community has forged a unique spiritual belief system, weaving together reverence for nature and reverence for their deities, the goddess Moota Krezhla Baer and the god Paater Whuo Kraein. Moota embodies the abundance and wisdom of the earth, while Paater embodies the unforgiving balance of justice and suffering. Through intricate rituals and sacred hunts under the sun and moon, this tribe navigates a treacherous world with faith as their compass, knowing that failure to honor their deities risks exile into the unforgiving wilderness. In this delicate dance of respect and survival, the tribe finds strength and unity, drawing on ancient traditions to weather the harsh conditions of the region.

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Lost Creek Valley Locations
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(Major town/village. Overseen by the Kaeptehn Jarkuhn.)

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"I don't trust that man.."
Name: Jarkoup
Occupation: Sekender
Age: 48
- Ambitious
- Survivor
- Dishonorable
- Calculative
- Calm
- Patient
- Greedy
- Collected
- Unscrupulous
- Kaeptehn Jarkun. (Djaymir serves as Jarkun's Sekend.)
- The Lost Creek tribe. (Djaymir is a member by right of birth.)
- Dhe'gost. (Djaymir was originally banished but secretly murdered his twin brother and stole his name and identity.)

ALIAS(S): Djaymir.

(A village which is home to Khareighna and her clan. Uld-Kraein is originally from Bóthum aswell.)

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"Poor girl, can't see the forrest due to the trees infront of her .."
Name: Khareighna
Faction(S)/Clan: The Bóutte
Age: 16
- Timid
- Pessimistic
- Friendly
- Ambitious
- Good mannered
- Impatient
- Anxious
- Extraordinarily perceptive
- Emotionally reliant on others
- The Lost Creek tribe. (Khareighna is a member by right of birth.)
- Aelisuhna - (Aelisuhna is Khareighna's best friend.)
- Patreeg - (Patreeg is Khareighna's older brother.)
- Kitreighna - (Kitreighna is both Kari's clan overhead and her grandmother.)
- Kari (Nickname coined by Aelisuhna and adopted by most of the younger members of the tribe.)

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"A highly skilled tracker since birth."
Name: Patreeg
Age: 24
- Skilled Hunter
- Bold.
- Patient.
- Brave.
- Perceptive
- Traditionalist.
- The Lost Creek tribe. (Patreeg is a member by right of birth.)
- Khareighna - (Khareina is Patreeg baby sister.)

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(Aelisuhna's and her clans village.)


The Cranes Den

(Ul-Kraein's Residence.)
''The mysterious hermit lives a solitary survivalist existence and is fiercely protective of his domain.''

Inside the structure is a hidden switch that allows ul-Kraein, to open a trap door that leads to a staircase, accesing medium sized pre-war govermental bunker.

"The most remarkable individual from the most unremarkable tribe, that you have never heard of."
Name: Timutin
Age: 62
- Asocial
- Resourceful.
- Military training.
- Sarcastic.
- Tobacco addict.
- Linguistic. (Timutin speaks English aswell as a series of various tribal dialects.)
- Interlectual.
- Disciplined.
- Finds it humorous to scare the Lost Creek tribals.
- Alcoholic.
- Outbursts of anger.(Usually during his intense drinking sessions.)
- Extraordinarily perceptive.
- Strong and silent type.
- Self reliant.
- Xenophobic.
- Tech savy.

- The Lost Creek tribe. (Timutin is a former member by right of birth.)
- The Dhe'gost - (Timutin is holds the title of ''Dhe'gost'' due to his banishment but has no connection to any of the other banished tribals roaming around.)
- BOS Montana Chapter. (Formerly, has gone awol a long time ago.)
- Aelisuhna - (Aelisuhna is the only one in the Lost Creek community whom has contact to Timutin. However she as the rest of the tribe isn't aware of his past. And only knows him as a very odd Gost.)
- uld-Kraein - Means ''Old Crane'' (Nickname coined by Aelisuhna and adopted by the rest of the tribe.)
- Tim(The Brotherhood of Steel.)
- The mysterious hermit.(The current council of the Lost Creek tribe.)

(Getting updated)
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(Timutin age 16 at the defining moment of failure of his trials)

A small unit Brotherhood of Steel knights trekked through the rugged terrain not far from the Lost Creek commune. In a narrow valley, they saw a lone figure lying motionless in a pool of blood at the bottom of a steep cliff. As they cautiously approached, they realized that it was a tribal, dressed in tattered clothes and adorned with primitive symbols and markings. It was clear that he had suffered a severe fall and was now barely clinging to life. The knights descended the treacherous cliff, using their advanced grappling hooks and harnesses to reach the injured tribal. Administering emergency aid and using their advanced healing technology to stabilize his condition. They also searched the surrounding area for any clues that could lead them to the cause of his fall but only found feathers spread out the surrounding perimeter.

As Timutin gradually regained his strength, he would initially communicate with the unit through hand gestures and eventually that would evolve into Timutin, communicating with the small unit in broken english. Timutin showed great interest in learning, and after gradually spending more time with the knights, he would eventually become able to communicate more effectively with them. This made it easier for the knights to introduce him to their advanced technology and weaponry. As Timutin spent more time with the Brotherhood he would be taught how to read and write, and even learn about both pre and post war history by the Brotherhood. He would eventually also be taught more practical knowledge like how to care for his weapons, make improvised explosives, and eventually even combat unit tactics.
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Timutin would continue to serve as an interpreter and would become elevated to initiate knight of the Brotherhood of Steel's Montana chapter, as a part of Head Paladin Patrocolus's squad.

“Knowledge leads to power and tends to corrupt, and absolute knowledge corrupts absolutely..”

Timutin, would spend 22 years serving the Brotherhood before one night, while stationed in the south-western parts of Idaho, he suddenly and mysteriously vanished from the outpost.
After going awol for unexplained reasons Timutin, eventually would find his way back to the valley of Lost Creek, where he has spent the last 24 years. He initially wanted nothing to do with the tribe, so he kept his distance, but couldn't keep himself from watching over them, however in silence. He subsequently helped the inhabitants repel a attack on the tribal commune before continuing on with his self isolation.
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Despite his former allegiance and banishment, Timutin does not hold any ill will towards his former home. However wither this is due to a sense of superficial superiority when comparing himself to his original tribe. This transformation has lead Timutin, to see his old tribe and his former way of life as primitive, outdated, or lacking in comparison to his ''newfound'' knowledge and experiences. While this attitude is not intended to be hostile, it's rooted in a sense of pity and empathy for his tribe's seeming inability to advance or adapt in the same way he has - a sentiment that highlights the stark contrast between Timutins new identity and the community he once belonged to.
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Solid read, I dig it. :ok:
Thank you, I appreciate your appreciation! I’ll track further updates, unless it’s complete?
Thank you! I don't think I'll complete it this century haha, but I'll try. Working against me is the fact that I'm a natural scatterbrain and have multiple ideas that I've been mindmapping on. I keep making this more difficult than it has to be.. :shock:
Edit: Also you kinda inspired the wide backstory on uld-Kraein when you asked me what the banished would be up to.
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Working against me is the fact that I'm a natural scatterbrain and have multiple ideas that I've been mindmapping on. I keep making this more diffucult than it has to be.. :shock:
I felt that. I'm not the best world builder and I often have to go over things in my head until I finally put words to document.
Eurghh.. Sore neck and my vision is blurry.. :freak: And I've spent one hour reading up on recurve bows..
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I can see about making a map, I'll need some specifications of where all the locations are in real-world Montanta.
Thank you it's appreacited! But that's where the in the future part plays in. I gotta sort that out first I've been thinking about placing the Lost Creek Valley in the Rockey Mountains or up by the Canadian border.
The Canadian border would be interesting, but for a tribe I think the Lost Creek Valley works a bit better.
Taking into the consideration of the geographical locations I had in mind, The Lost Creek sancutary might indeed be the more favourable location. And it makes me wonder what other post-war faction other than the BOS and LCVT could be roaming Montana? Apart from the tribal communities, raider war hordes and various independent survivalist farmer settlement.

Edit: Sports team themed raider groups came to mind.
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And it makes me wonder what other post-war faction other than the BOS and LCVT could be roaming Montana? Apart from the tribal communities, raider war hordes and various independent survivalist farmer settlement.
That’s quite the narrowing down of possibilities. I’ve always been interested in a Montana setting for Fallout as stated before, and while I’ve never been there personally, nor do I have the geographical knowledge of the state compared to other parts of the country, I’ve come up with at least two factions for the setting:

Edmonton Rebels

On the day of the Great War, a small cell of liberation fighters from Alberta ambushes and seizes Vault 4 in Northern Montana, killing the Vault Dwellers who were meant to shelter there, and sealing themselves off while the world they know burns around them. Unbeknownst to them, the Vault was supposed to be completely self-reliant, focusing on food and agriculture production. As such, the Vault was only given enough food supplies for a year as the Dwellers were hand-picked to reside there for their knowledge in farming and cattle raising, and meant to live off the fruit of their labor. None of the Rebels were capable farmers, and the cattle and crops died out due to mismanagement, sickness, or being eaten, leaving them with nothing after their food was spent. With no resources left, they turned to the outside world, desperately sacking what they could or resorting to cannibalism in the worst of times such as the winter. They would continue this barbarism, growing more crazy as the years went by, using the Vault as their base of operations.

Blackfeet Tribe

The Blackfeet Tribe were a tribe even before the Great War, Native Americans living on a reservation. When the bombs fell, they banded together to adapt. The Blackfeet are migratory, roaming where the bison go or where the fish are plentiful depending on the season. In the modern day, they roam in parties, preferring to avoid contact with the wastelanders. Their days of hospitality to outsiders ended around the time that New World tribals started joining the picture. Seeing the primitiveness and barbarity of man as a consequence for their imperialistic and destructive tendencies before the War.

Furthermore, I think @Hardboiled Android idea of Enclave Base Revere would work here in Montana better than Chicago, at least in my opinion. I’ve always thought that if the Enclave were to have more FOBs post-Navarro it should at least be somewhere near the West like Washington or Montana.
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That’s quite the narrowing down of possibilities. I’ve always been interested in a Montana setting for Fallout as stated before, and while I’ve never been there personally, nor do I have the geographical knowledge of the state compared to other parts of the country, I’ve come up with at least two factions for the setting:

Edmonton Rebels

On the day of the Great War, a small cell of liberation fighters from Alberta ambushes and seizes Vault 4 in Northern Montana, killing the Vault Dwellers who were meant to shelter there, and sealing themselves off while the world they know burns around them. Unbeknownst to them, the Vault was supposed to be completely self-reliant, focusing on food and agriculture production. As such, the Vault was only given enough food supplies for a year as the Dwellers were hand-picked to reside there for their knowledge in farming and cattle raising, and meant to live off the fruit of their labor. None of the Rebels were capable farmers, and the cattle and crops died out due to mismanagement, sickness, or being eaten, leaving them with nothing after their food was spent. With no resources left, they turned to the outside world, desperately sacking what they could or resorting to cannibalism in the worst of times such as the winter. They would continue this barbarism, growing more crazy as the years went by, using the Vault as their base of operations.

Blackfeet Tribe

The Blackfeet Tribe were a tribe even before the Great War, Native Americans living on a reservation. When the bombs fell, they banded together to adapt. The Blackfeet are migratory, roaming where the bison go or where the fish are plentiful depending on the season. In the modern day, they roam in parties, preferring to avoid contact with the wastelanders. Their days of hospitality to outsiders ended around the time that New World tribals started joining the picture. Seeing the primitiveness and barbarity of man as a consequence for their imperialistic and destructive tendencies before the War.

Furthermore, I think @Hardboiled Android idea of Enclave Base Revere would work here in Montana better than Chicago, at least in my opinion. I’ve always thought that if the Enclave were to have more FOBs post-Navarro it should at least be somewhere near the West like Washington or Montana.

Both concepts is great I can imagine the sheer horror in Vault 4 as entire generations raised to serve as nothing but cattle livestock. Also The Blackfeet tribe idea would fit the setting perfectly, one ofthe places I initially thought of basing the LCNT at was inside the Blackfeet Tribe reservation. For the Enclave, I guess a remnant type group that holds no power in the region, whos strength lay in their resources and intelligence gathering capabilities. Like think of a small and simple unassuming frontier trader town where all the inhabitants share a big secret.
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Not to mention conventional borders don't exist anymore so post-war Canada could have definitely seeped into post-war America. Could do some ideas involving Alberta.
Not to mention conventional borders don't exist anymore so post-war Canada could have definitely seeped into post-war America. Could do some ideas involving Alberta.
I hadn't even thought about the border like that. Now I can't think of the regions political climate without that in mind haha. I can even imagine a tribalistic faction with a unique language which is reminiscent of english and french.

The Hungry Horse Tribe
In the wake of the Great War, survivors near the Hungry Horse Dam in Montana banded together under the leadership of former park ranger Jeremiah. As they scoured the area for supplies, they uncovered hidden caves in the mountains, which they fortified into a protective sanctuary. Establishing a camp near the dam, they utilized its towering structure to shield themselves from threats, and through resourcefulness and unity, they persevered in the harsh post-apocalyptic world, slowly shaping a new sense of normalcy in their tumultuous surroundings.
Is this too much on the dead horses nose?:drummer:
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Is this too much on the dead horses nose?:drummer:

One could draw that comparison on a surface level, but aside from the name having Horse in it, you could make a comparison to any Fallout tribe, really. I do like the idea of a tribe around a dam, however that's pretty cool. Perhaps expand more on the idea, their Creation Myth if they have one, their traditions, God(s), what they wear, what they hunt, their enemies, etc.

Really cool stuff, I like the script!
Yeah you're probably right, and thank you it's just a remix/rewrite of the standardized fallout intro haha.
Also yeah, I was actually thinking of, basing the Hungry Horse tribe religion. In some kinda of way on the spillway hole of the dam.
I just haven't found out how to angle it yet. Worshipping giant catfish already got done by Metro so it's a little meh.
but let's not call it gloryhole lol.
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Yeah you're probably right, and thank you it's just a remix/rewrite of the standardized fallout intro haha.
Also yeah, I was actually thinking of, basing the Hungry Horse tribe religion. In some kinda of way on the spillway hole of the dam.
I just haven't found out how to angle it yet. Worshipping giant catfish already got done by Metro so it's a little meh.
but let's not call it gloryhole lol.

What if they view the "glory hole" as a sort of portal to their Hell? Also, if this thread is bleeding into a more general Montanta Fallout thread, perhaps a change of title is due. I'd love to throw my hat in more if this is the case.
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What if they view the "glory hole" as a sort of portal to their Hell? Also, if this thread is bleeding into a more general Montanta Fallout thread, perhaps a change of title is due. I'd love to throw my hat in more if this is the case.
That could work also I could imagine all the bodies spilling out at the bottom could be attracting potential predators which would make the surrounding area of the dam even more dangerous.
You could probably get some ideas for this tribe from the Van Buren design documents for Hoover Dam. If I recall correctly, that settlement was to be pretty diverse.