This might not be the most blasphemous game anymore...

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And the fact that we get to see such iconic characters such as The Chosen One and Harold really cement its place in the universe.

The Chosen One? You mean The Vault Dweller right? Because Fallout: BOS takes place WAY before Fallout 2. And if you want to go an extra mile, The Chosen One wasn't even born yet during the events of Fallout: BOS.

The Chosen One? You mean The Vault Dweller right? Because Fallout: BOS takes place WAY before Fallout 2. And if you want to go an extra mile, The Chosen One wasn't even born yet during the events of Fallout: BOS.

Yeah I meant the vault dweller, that was a typo... guess I drank too much Bawls

Though he might as well be The Chosen One with how good he is in the game, but I like Cain a lot
The idea of a wasteland who's inhabitants died out to a mystertious plague only to be replenished when vault 76 opened is a unique story to Fallout, and exploring the 5 seperate sections of the map and seeing how they have evolved in the little years since the bombing is refreshing

The way Bethesda Fallout storylines tend to go, it would have ended up disappointing anyway and in that regard Bethesda once again quite succeeded.
BOSS BATTLES/FINAL BOSS: Who did it better?

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: Attis in his mutated form?


Fallout: 76: The Scorchbeast Queen after dropping some fresh nukes?

For me I'd pick Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel's Boss Fight, because at least in the end(especially after defeating Attis) there's a pay off and that it has a satisfying climax after going through one hell of a fight!

With Fallout: 76's Boss Fight, it's just simply "Oh, you defeated Scorchbeast Queen? Cool, here's some loot from it's corpse, see ya." :-D
No satisfying climax, no ending, no celebration of your efforts, NOTHING!

So yeah, here's yet another example of

BOS > 76

:nod: :nod: :nod:
I mean even the story in PoS is better than 76. Yeah, the last boss is even better since he is not a dragon sprite swap. Making me wanna emulate this gonna look into it today and see if I can make it happen.
BoS isn't as bad for the sole reason that it no longer claims to be canon and thus what it established for the lore doesn't affect future games. Same can't be said of fallout 3 or 4
Ah I see, heh heh yeah well anyways, I still stick to my word in regards to my views on Fallout: BOS & Fallout: 76 on here!

;-) :-D
That's fine. You have always been consistent. I did buy tactics mainly to mod it with ' The Sum'. Proleterean mentioned maybe playing the vanilla first. Toront mentioned another mod for tactics. Over the years I had seen compilations including tactics and BOS but just never bothered. 76 I just never fancied at all. I had played 4 but without fully committing to any 1 faction, then boredom kicked in and I left it unfinished.

Calling people sinners harked back to when I played online poker lol. So calling people that on a Sunday became a bit of a habit.

I have no need to make 1 or 2 word posts as I passed the 3,000 posts. R Graves thinks I did this in 6 months, when really it was close to 18 months - being banned for a while and when the site was broken :)