Timetravel in Fallout?

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What do you think? Is Time Travel too much for a Fallout game? Would it be possible with some Pre-war super-tech? The entire game couldn't be based on time travel I don't think, but it might be cool for a mission or two...

I want to know what the traditional Fallout fans think about this one. Is time travel too far out for Fallout? Fallout 3 kinda did time travel with Anchorage, but we all know that was VR. I can imagine a plot where someone tries to prevent the apocalypse from happening by using time travel. Typical time travel hi-jinks I know, but I'm just brainstorming here :)...
Time travel's too damn hard to argue. Some of the possibilities are too environment / game changing, so developers wouldn't want to touch it, but realistically we know that those things are what people would do.

Yet with the way ideas for Fallout seem to flesh out, it seems pretty likely.
In before "It was the (in a future fallout installments) hero that travelled back in time and accidently set of the nukes".
Surf Solar said:
In before "It was the (in a future fallout installments) hero that travelled back in time and accidently set of the nukes".


I don't want to see time travel in Fallout. VR simulation concept from Operation Anchorage was okay, but "real" time travel - no.
I hated that part of Fallout 2.
"That part" was just an easteregg and not seriously canon, so what. :shrug:
Lexx said:
"That part" was just an easteregg and not seriously canon, so what. :shrug:

I generally didn't like Fallout 2 eastereggs that much. Those in the original game were way better, if you ask me.
But the original had a Dr Who easter Egg, there would be time travel there.

ANyway, yeah, timetravel is only good for a joke, I don't want it near my fallout.
The Enclave finds about an ancient artifact - the TIME MACHINE (so 50s, right?). They want to use it to travel all the way back to the beginning of the war to mess around and establish complete power. You're the Ninja Wanderer, trying to stop them because enter completely nonsensical reason here. You can dual-wield pistols and machetes. You can choose to feed a starving child on the street or blow up a random house in 2077.

Fallout 4.
Walpknut said:
Anyway, yeah, timetravel is only good for a joke, I don't want it near my fallout.

I agree. I things like Doctor Who references are great as silly non-canon things. However working them into the story would be a terrible idea. See Mothership Zeta.
What about someone that was in Cryo sleep in some Vault like facility and wakes up in the Fallout time line? Or is that still too much? But I agree, a full on time travel quest/DLC or game would be pathetic.
TorontRayne said:
What do you think? Is Time Travel too much for a Fallout game? Would it be possible with some Pre-war super-tech? The entire game couldn't be based on time travel I don't think, but it might be cool for a mission or two...
To me this is a pretty good idea,I think It have a potential in Fallout world. The bad thing - next good (only) idea. TorontRayne your brainstorming was worth.If someone modder can hear you.
I appreciate the responses guys. I always loved the Fallout 2 Easter Eggs personally.
I'd rather have it where at certain points in the plot they'd have flashbacks or something like that. You'd play as a descendant of your character and the stuff you did back then in Prewar times would have an impact on the plot, like you could have started a rivalry with someone and they're descendants would be hostile to you compared to if you befriended the rival, then their descendant is a valuable ally, but those are just ideas I had in my head.
my 2 cents: Time travel no, cryogenic frozen pre-war pro/antagonist yes.

A pre-War cryo companion was supposed to be in Fallout 2, but got scrapped. Actually, you were supposed to able to pick one out of three.
Restoration Project brought them back though.