Toxic-Mod announcement


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I would like to announce my plan to make a small "mini-mod" I say mini-mod because it is realtively small in respect to full game mods like MR and Yurop.

Design document completed
New art 80% completed (FRMs only need aligning)
Maps 5% - I have layout of what the map(s) will need to look like, but have not actaully made the maps
scripting - not started.

This mod will in short be something similiar to "The Abbey" in respect to it being an Add-In for FO2, it has been designed so that it ties in with the rest of the FO2 campaigne seemlessly. Like all good expansions for a game it will include a major new addition (sorry Im not telling what it is), and the plot is built around this. It will tie into the existing stories of two of the original FO2 towns and I hope will add a new experince to these towns... bla bla bla etc...

Anyway to cut to the chase this is what I need:
1) I will handle the graphics for the new stuff so no need on that front.
2) A Mapper, the map has already been designed. Worse case senario I suppose I could try and learn how to use the mapper.
3) Someone to script it all. Though there shouldnt be a lot to script.

If you've interested just PM me and I'll get back to you. Since this is not a full scale mod I think two people (1 scripter and 1 mapper, or someone who can do both) should be enough.

I would estimate it will take a few week to a month to complete, the biggest job is probably the new art.

I wont be posting the design doc here as it will ruin the surprise :)
Stop with the modesty , Wild_Q, there have been people publishing savegame files to drag into your save dir and calling them mods, so really, a thingie that actually ADDS locations does indeed deserve to be called a mod, or a data disk at least ;)

I'm afraid I can't help you with any issues, but I'd like to ask the following:

1) will it be compatible with other location mods?
2) will it be compatible with 1.05/106 fan patch?

Also, good job and good luck!

(and congrats on your 1000th post ;) )
I cant see why it wouldn't be compatible with any of the other mods out there. Though like I say I'm not a scripter myself. Though I would like to release all related files as an "open-source" project so that it might even be included in a later release of the un-offical patch. I will even release the design doc as a spoiler in the download package.
I'm working on my mini expansion pack also :P

What kind of maps you need? Cities, Underground bases?

I have a few ready and almost ready maps that were left from my other large expansion pack called "Enemies of the State", cause this expansion was put on ice.

If you like to see, if atleast one of these maps fits for your mod, give me your e-mail adress and I'll send them for you.
Thanks for that, though I have already drawen up a "sketch" of what the map will need to look like to match the story line.

Email them to me at and I'll take a look to see if they are suitable. I need an underground base map
he's not making "the Abbey"..
he's making a mod that adds or replaces a map in the game, like the abbey mod does...

he's making an underground map..

and send me the sketch and i'll see what i can do..
There's one Abbey mod w/quests complete, but so far only in Polish. You can expect it to be translated sometime soon.
Nice guys those Polish are!

@Coljack, I'll convert the document into a PDF and send it to you.
Not yet sorry, I've been busy with Mutants Rising the last few days. I have been busy making a new tool that will convert files from XXXXXX to Fallout 2's format :)
Well Coljack has been making me a new map for the mod and so far it looks great! I'm still working a creating the new FRM file to use with the mod.

Well I have decided to release a little bit more information on the mod:

Mod name: "Toxic Mod"
New Armour: Yes
New Critters: Possibly 1 new critter (I havent decided yet)
New Weapons: nope, I cant be bothered.
New Quests: A few new ones
Location 1: Toxic caves by Klamath.
Location 2: I dont want to spoil everything!

Screen shot 1
Hi, Wild_Qwerty!

Please, could you tell me have you looked into those maps I sended you and did you like them or were they just a piece of brahmin shit.
Sorry Skynet, I will take a look tonight when I get home from work (about 9 hours from now). Coljack has made the above map for me but I will take a look at your maps and see if I can can use them anywhere.

Once again sorry for taking so long :(
I'm afraid the colours are limited to what you see there. They are the default colours from when I exported it from the Fallout Tactics SPR file into a FRM file. Besides I like the colours :)
Hey, it's Post-Apoc, not Lost In Space :D Sure the armour should be sandy and dull in colour ;)