Tranquility Lane Solution *Spoilerz*


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Just curious how many solved the Tranquility Lane audio puzzle. After I talked to everyone in the town once and figured out what was up, I just explored, found the abandoned house and then noticed the audio cues and figured it out by trial and error. Is this the intended solution? Is there another way to finish this quest?
No, because the girl is really a man.
It means trannies are bitches.
I talked to some old lady in one of the houses and she tipped me off to the little man in girls clothing trickery and that I should go check out an abandoned house. From there I just found the audio puzzle and did it through trial and error.
It was purely by accident that I solved it. I happened to notice that you didn't get the error sound after touching certain things in order, so I kept working with it.
Look into the Wiki for more details.

From what I gather, the solution is in the background theme though.

That said, audio puzzles are so last decade.
I was slightly disapointed in this mission. Before going into the tranquility lane, I was able to go into the overseers office and found Dr. Brain (or whatever is name is) inside one of those pods. It would have been very cool to just open that pod and confront that guy to try to save everybody else. Not that it would make sense that the character knew that the guy was controlling everyone in this evil world before going in the lane...
pk1 said:
It was purely by accident that I solved it. I happened to notice that you didn't get the error sound after touching certain things in order, so I kept working with it.

Much the same here. Though I noticed after replaying the segment to do the evil that the crazy girl sometimes hums a tune that sounds almost like the one you have to input. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.
big brother said:
I was slightly disapointed in this mission. Before going into the tranquility lane, I was able to go into the overseers office and found Dr. Brain (or whatever is name is) inside one of those pods. It would have been very cool to just open that pod and confront that guy to try to save everybody else. Not that it would make sense that the character knew that the guy was controlling everyone in this evil world before going in the lane...

Dude, he's practically dead after 200 years except his brain. Once you open his pod, his body will crumble into dust.
Ashmo said:
Look into the Wiki for more details.

From what I gather, the solution is in the background theme though.

That said, audio puzzles are so last decade.

well... good thing i have music turned off :roll:
TheLastOutlaw said:
the crazy girl sometimes hums a tune that sounds almost like the one you have to input.
Yes, that's it. I figured it out by trial and error, though.
I just played through this part. After the girl told me to make the boy cry, the old lady told me about the abonded house and the terminal. So I went into the "Simpson" residence. I thought this was the abonded house because no one I met was named Simpson and there was actually a console in the kitchen. When I tried to touch the terminal a message told me I can't do that right now.
So I played along and made the boy cry. The girl than asked me to cause trouble in a marriage.
I noticed the dog named "doc" and figured that could be my father. I thought if I kill the dog in the simulation, my father would wake up in the real world. So... I killed my father in the simulation, not knowing this would have killed him in reality as well (I just later found out about this as I read through the console in the abondoned house which I found by accident).
I solved the music riddle by trail and error as well though I remembered the girl whispering the melody I couldn't remember how the melody went. I always had problems with this music riddles in games like Myth and 11th hour.