Hillary Radiation vs. Donald Wildcard
Endings of Fallout: NCR Election Edition
If you destroyed Hillary's E-Mail Server, eliminated or discredited her husband's mistress, and made Speech checks to fix her gaffes
Hillary Radiation swept the NCR election thanks to the efforts of the Lone Voter. Continuing the policies of President Obed Hussein, she carried on with the unpopular war against the Brotherhood of Steel with a focus on using Robo-Brains as well as Eyebots. It was business as usual in the boardrooms and smoke-filed halls of Shady Sands marble halls. The Colorado refugees were allowed to stay despite fears of Caesar's Legion agents within NCR while the Mexico homesteaders gradually were allowed to assimilate. Much wealth was made by the Brahmin Barons while the Farmlanders remained poor as well as depressed.
If you acquire the resources for building the Wall, if you find or forge evidence of Caesars' Legion among the refugees, or if you provide him Hillary's E-mails.
The Man from New Vegas won an upset victory in the New California Republic, exposing that while the establishment of Shady Sands had run the country efficiently for a century, it was far from omniscient. Donald Wildcard successfully expelled the Mexican homesteaders and refused the entry of the Colorado refugees who were forced to seek asylum elsewhere. Wealth flowed to the Farmlanders at the expense of the Brahmin Barons who considered Wildcard a traitor to his class. The Brotherhood of Steel soon found their allies, friends, and even families targeted by an aggressive campaign not to defeat them but wipe them from existence.