upploaded new mod


First time out of the vault
i have had alot of fun with this mod. i made it for my personal use the way i like playing fallout. and thats walking trough wasteland and collecting trash to survive and afford weapons and armors and ammo. now i have upploaded it to nma and to explain how the mod works and what it does i will just paste readme file here. mod will hopefully be soon upp on downloads here on nma-fallout.

this is readme file of mod:

Fallout 2 - The Second Apocalypse
Made by Haris & Miran

patch000 contains all changes that u need to play the mod, it should be placed in fallout 2 foulder so it looks for example like this C:/fallout2/patch000 than you are ready to play. Allso if u get tired of this mod or just simply dont like it, all u have to do is remove file patch000 from fallout 2 foulder and game turns back to regular fallout 2.

things to think about:
This mod contains only 5 towns, 4 shops and home all regular towns are removed.
every time u enter the shopmap it will refresh, so dont leave anything u plan to keep on it.
Home is the place to unload and store your valuables, hence it will be saved when u leave the map.
Random Encounters on worldmap may show innacurate description.

What this mod is about:
Enclave made some failed experiment while developing a new type of A-bomb, blasting everything into oblivion. So basicly the game is about going around in true wasteland with fresh encounter tables. Colecting all kinds off junk to sell em and afford to buy ammo and weapons. This mod has no ending, its eternal walking around in wasteland lvling up. And this wasteland is lot less populated making it much harder to get rich fast or use any kind of spoilers that where allredy in game. If u are a fan of quests this is nothing for u. But if u love wasteland feeling and harder gameplay, than u should give it a try.
yea its fun timewaster while u wait for fallout 3. it has the wasteland fealing. makes u crawe less a new fallout game. thats why i aimed low so that i could finish my mod. not like others that have plans to make 30 towns with 1000 quests and stuff like that. profetional scripter team would have to work on mod like that for entire year to finish it.
weee i love scavenging!!
so you reduced money around and addedsome trash around that is worth some caps right?
i didnt add any trash. coz in fallout 2 there allredy is radnom allmost worthless trash in boxes in tents when you do random encounters. stuff like nuka colas, herbs, gecko on stick, kombat knifes. so the first 5-15 lvls you have real hard times getting any money, sometimes it doesent even go around for regular gun shots, meaning you waste more ammo than you make in some cases. plus i removed all those encounters that give ultra high amounts of money and stuff. you know the ones where u find hubologists fighting eachother and you just loot em and get big money. but when you become able to kill enclaves than it becomes a bit eazyer. but still i made enclave encounter really rare. just on some spots and than like 1% chance to meat them. 5 enclave spots are spred all over the map and even when you meat them you meat 1-3 of them depending what dificulty you put in options. plus if u want to make it even more strugling just dont take any barter skill. so if you are one of those that like when rad scorpion tales feels like a big tresure than this mod is really fun for you.
what happened to the joinable npc in your mod ? walking around the wasteland alone can be quite boring... no one to talk to and stuff
yea if mod was liked but other poeple that was gonna be my next uppdate for mod. i am gonna add new town with 1 npc called merc that joins you and i am gonna combine it with that mod that allows you to change apperence of armor on your npc followers. so it doesent allways wear same armor. and you are gonna be able to take several of them with you just by revisiting same town. so if u put leather armor on him he will look like he has leather armor. so in the end when you have alot of money you will be able to go around with 5 guys in power armors.

but i am not scripting any of this before i get feedback of the mod. becouse mod is fun as it is now. and its not scripting as much just something that needs puting in.
hey thats sound good to me. would be cool if you could get them to lvl up aswell. im sure more people will look into this mod. just give it some time.

I wish ya good luck with futher updates
actually lvling upp of npcs that join you is part of fallout game. not something i have to even script. its just there.
Roadrunner said:
You answered my prayers, Haris... FInally a Wasteland where I can horde too my hearts desire.

Stop wasting time replaying Fallout and haul your shiny boot over to FoNet2 as long as it hasn't rotten completely.


Not like it was very alive anyway, but hey, I'm not responsible, so who cares?

w00t :? how is this mod replaying fallout. it has absolutly no quests or old towns in it.
ok, i placed the patch000.dat file in my fallout 2 folder, but nothing has changes in the game. So far I've been to klamath and the den and there dont appear to be any changes.

Do you need to patch fallout 2 before you can use this mod?
no just be sure you dont have other patches in game. and allso patch must be called patch000 if you change its name it wont work. so just make sure you dont have several patch files. souch as patch001 or patch002 well you get the point i am not listing them upp to patch999. as long as you only have one file called patch000 it will work.
oh yea if it doesn't work download official patch first maybe you need that fallout.exe file that comes with it to work. not sure about this thoe. but you can find official patch here on nma and its no big file eather.

and if patch works you will notice it at once, coz there is no trial temple at start.
Would you like to try lying to me as well about having read the rules and knowing something about the forum standards?

Here's a hint: The forum has an Edit function for a good reason.
why dont you just get a life. you contribute nothing to these forums or webpage except driving poeple away from it.
Haris said:
why dont you just get a life. you contribute nothing to these forums or webpage except driving poeple away from it.

No, my job is enforcing the rules and de-lousing the forums from attention whores like your fellow victim complex sufferer, LoneRebel. I'm sorry if you have a problem with that. If you want to keep giving me an attitude, and still don't care to follow the rules, you can go elsewhere.

As for the contributing comment, you've just set yourself up for a world of hurt through your own ignorant stupidity.

Before you decide to start whining to someone else about how mean and cruel I am, take a look at the rest of the threads in the Vats and see where such whining isn't really entertained. In fact, all it really does is provide a bit of amusement.