Useful information

AP Information

Action Points Cost Types

The following values are used when setting the action point amount for weapon fire modes:

[6] H2H (Jab)

[4] H2H (Kick)

[3] H2H (Punch)

[4] H2H (Side Kick)

[8] H2H Expensive (Jab)

[4] H2H Expensive (Punch)

[6] H2H Expensive (Side Kick)

[3] Melee Cheap

[4] Melee

[5] Melee Expensive

[5] Ranged Burst

[6] Ranged Spray

[3] Ranged Single Cheap

[4] Ranged Single

[6] Ranged Single Expensive

[4] Set Trap

[3] Throw

[6] Throw Expensive

End of weapons mode AP values.

[1] Drop

[1] Pickup

[1] MoveItem

[2] Reload

[1] UseItem

[2] Activate

[2] Equip

[2] UnEquip

[0] Disembark

[2] Embark

[3] Driver

[2] Getup

[2] Stance

[1] Targeted

[10] FirstAid

[15] Doctor

[2] Sneak

[2] Lockpick

[2] Steal

[4] Traps

[2] Science

[15] Repair

[2] Barter
Last edited:

All of the Tactics perks.

All credits go to RobCo.



With Awareness, you are given detailed information about any critter you examine. You see their exact hit points and information about any weapon they are equipped with.

Bonus HtH Attacks
You have learned the secret arts of the East, or you just punch faster. In any case, your Hand-to-Hand attacks cost 1 AP less to perform.

Bonus HtH Damage
Experience in unarmed combat has given you the edge when it comes to damage. You get an additional 15% damage with hand-to-hand and melee attacks for each level of this Perk.

Bonus Move
For each level of Bonus Move, you get to move 20% further per action point.

Bonus Ranged Damage
Your training in firearms and other ranged weapons has made you more deadly in ranged combat. For each level of this Perk you get an additional 15% damage with ranged weapons.

Bonus Rate of Fire
This Perk allows you to pull the trigger a little faster and still remain as accurate as before. Each ranged weapon attack costs 1 AP less to perform.

Faster Healing
With each level of this Perk, you get a +2 bonus to your Healing Rate. This is in addition to your normal healing rate, thus you heal faster.

More Criticals
You are more likely to cause critical hits in combat if you have this Perk. Each level of "More Criticals" gets you an additional +5% chance to cause a critical hit.

Night Vision
With the Night Vision Perk, you can see in the dark better. This will reduce the overall darkness level by 20%.

Rad Resistance
You are better able to avoid radiation and the bad effects radiation causes. Each level of this Perk improves your Radiation Resistance by 15%.

When you are tough, you take less damage. Each level of this Perk adds +10% to your general damage resistance.

Strong Back
AKA Mule. You can carry an additional 50 pounds of equipment for each level of this Perk.

You have a talent for hitting things at longer distances. For each level of this Perk, you get a +2 bonus to Perception for the purposes of determining range modifiers. It's easier than ever to kill at long range!

Silent Running
With this Perk, you now have the ability to move quickly and still remain quiet. You can Sneak and run at the same time. Without this Perk, you would automatically stop Sneaking if you ran.

You are a master of the outdoors. This Perk confers the ability to survive in hostile environments. You get a +25% bonus to Outdoorsman.

Master Trader
You have mastered one aspect of bartering - buying goods far more cheaply than normal. With this Perk, you get a 25% discount when purchasing items from a store or another trader.

Each level of Educated adds +2 skill points when you gain a new experience level. This Perk works best when purchased early in your adventure.

The healing of bodies comes easier to you with this Perk. Each level of this Perk heals 4-10 additional hit points when using the First Aid or Doctor skills.

Fortune Finder
You have the talent of finding money. You find additional money in random encounters in the desert.

Better Criticals
The critical hits you cause in combat are more devastating. You gain a 20% bonus on the critical hit table, almost ensuring that more damage will be done. This does not affect the chance to cause a critical hit.

The Slayer walks the earth! In hand-to-hand combat all of your hits are upgraded to critical hits, causing destruction and mayhem.

You have mastered the firearm as a source of pain. With this Perk, any successful hit in combat with a ranged weapon will be upgraded to a critical hit if you also make a Luck roll.

Silent Death
While Sneaking, if you hit a critter in the back, you will cause double damage using a hand-to-hand attack. Silent Death is that kind of Perk.

Action Boy
Each level of Action Boy (insert Girl if you wish) gives you an additional AP to spend every combat turn. You can use these generic APs on any task.

With each level of this Perk, you gain an additional 4 Hit Points every time you advance a level. This is in addition to the hit points you already gain per level based off of your endurance.

You are less likely to be hit in combat if you have this Perk. You gain a +5 to your Armour Class, in addition to the AC bonus from any armor worn.

Yum! Tastes like chicken. For each level of this Perk, you gain +25% to your Poison Resistance.

Mr. Fixit
This Perk will give you a one-time bonus of +10% to the Repair and Science skills. A little late night cramming never hurt anybody, especially you.

The Medic Perk gives you a one-time bonus of +10% to the First Aid and Doctor skills. Healing skills are a good thing.

Master Thief
A Master Thief is proficient at stealing and picking locks. You gain +15 to Stealing and Lock picking. Steal from the rich, and give to you.

Heave Ho!
Each level of this perk gives you an additional +2 to Strength for purposes of determining range with thrown weapons only. This Perk will not exceed a weapon's maximum range.

You are much more adept at stealing than the normal crook. You can steal with the best of them, because with this Perk, you ignore size and facing modifiers when stealing from a person.

When the sun goes down or you are in a poorly lit area, you move like a ghost with this Perk. Your Sneak skill is enhanced +20% in dark conditions.

The mark of the Explorer is to search out new and interesting locations. With this Perk, you have a greater chance of finding special places and people.

Flower Child
With this Perk, you are less likely to be addicted to chems (50% less likely, actually), and you suffer half the withdrawal time of a normal person.

You are better able to find the shortest route. Your travel time on the World Map is reduced by 25% for each level.

You have improved your ability to see distant locations, increasing the size of explorations on the World Map by one square in each direction. You also have a better chance of finding special encounters.

Mysterious Stranger
With this Perk, you have gained the attention of a Mysterious Stranger, who will appear to help you from time to time. If your ally is lost in combat, do not expect him (or her) to be replaced.

You gain a +15% toward your Outdoorsman skill. You are more likely to avoid random encounters if you choose, and tend to find those special encounters more than most.

Quick Pockets
You have learned to pack your equipment better. Costs for actions in your inventory are halfed.

Swift Learner
You are indeed a Swift Learner with this Perk, as each level gives you an additional +5% bonus whenever you earn experience points. This is best taken early.

Your skills have improved to the point where you can pick an additional Tag Skill. Tag skills increase twice as fast.

The radiation of the wasteland has changed you! One of your Traits has mutated into something else...

Adrenaline Rush
With this Perk, you gain +1 to your Strength when you drop below 1/2 of your max hit points.

Cautious Nature
You are more alert outdoors and enemies are less likely to sneak up on you. With this Perk you get a +3 to your perception in random encounters when determining placement.

You pay much closer attention to the smaller details when reading. You gain 50% more skill points when reading books.

Demolition Expert
You are an expert when it comes to the fine art of handling explosives. They always go off when they're supposed to, as well as causing extra damage.

You can roll with the best of them. You gain +20% to your gambling skill.

Gain Strength
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Strength.

Gain Perception
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Perception.

Gain Endurance
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Endurance.

Gain Charisma
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Charisma.

Gain Intelligence
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Intelligence.

Gain Agility
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Agility.

Gain Luck
With this Perk you gain +1 to your Luck.

Your innocent demeanour makes stealing from people a little easier. You gain 20% to your Steal skill.

Here and Now
With this Perk you immediately gain one experience level.

HtH Evade
If both item slots are empty, you get a bonus towards armor class of 1/8 your unarmed skill.

Light Step
You are agile, lucky and always careful. This perk halves your chances of setting off a trap.

Living Anatomy
You have a better understanding of living creatures and their strengths and weaknesses. You get a one-time bonus of +10% to Doctor and you do +5 damage to living creatures.

You are a very skilled negotiator. Not only can you barter with the best of them, but you can talk your way into or out of almost anything. With this Perk you gain +20% to Barter.

Pack Rat
You are efficient at arranging your inventory in general. This makes it much easier to carry that little extra you've always needed.

You do extra damage with fire-based weapons, and enemies always seem to die in the most painful fiery fashion.

Quick Recovery
You are quick at recovering from being knocked down.

You are an adept salesperson. With this Perk you gain +20% towards your Barter skill.

You are much less likely to be knocked down in combat.

The blood of a thief runs through your veins. With the Thief Perk, you get a one-time bonus of +10% to your Sneak, Lock pick, Steal, and Traps skills. A well rounded thief is a live thief.

Weapon Handling
You can wield weapons much larger than normally allowed. You gain a +3 to your strength for the purposes of Strength checks when trying to wield weaponry.

Stunt Man
You've learnt to bounce! You receive 25% less damage from falling or being blown over by explosives. You also get a 10% bonus to your piloting skill.

Crazy Bomber
No more singed eyebrows! With this perk, if your character experiences a failure whilst using explosives the explosive in question will be defused or reset.

Road Warrior
You have learnt to drive and shoot at the same time. You do not suffer any penalties when firing small weapons and piloting a vehicle at the same time.

You are an expert shot from a moving vehicle. You get a +10% chance to hit when firing from a moving vehicle.

Lead Foot
Your reflexes and driving ability combine to make you a very fast driver. You gain 25% speed when behind the wheel.

Tunnel Rat
You can crawl like a baby! (a very FAST baby). You are able to move at walking speed whilst prone.

You have learnt how to brace large weapons whilst standing. You will receive +2 ST for the purpose of firing large guns from standing position.

Years of exercise have made you incredibly supple. You can change stance in half the time of a normal person.

Bend The Rules
Take this perk and the next time you get offered perks you may choose from all the perks which are available for your race.

Break The Rules
Take this perk and the next time you get offered perks you may choose from all the perks regardless of race.

Your solitary childhood and upbringing mean that you work much better when alone. Get +10% to all rolls when outside the influence other squad members.

Team Player
You grew up in a big family and consequently work much better in a team. Get +10% to all rolls when within the influence of other squad members.

You are a natural leader. Any member within your area of influence will receive +1 Agility amd +5 to armor class.

Hit The Deck
You react very quickly to the words "In Coming!" Halves the damage from area attacks and splash damage.

You have a very thick skull. The first time you take this perk it reduces the chances of you getting knocked unconscious by 50% (subsequently by 25%).

Brown Noser
You've learnt the value of sucking up to your superiors! You get one extra promotion for each level of this perk.

Die Hard
You don't give up easily. When your hit points get below 20% you get an additional 10% to resistances.

Drunken Master
You fight better when you are drunk. You recieve 20% to your unarmed skill whilst under the influence of alcohol.

Ghouls Only:

Rad Child
You do not take immediate damage from radiation in fact you gain extra healing while being exposed to it! However radiation continues to build up in your system as normal.

Cancerous Growth
You have mutated so badly that you gain +2 to heal rate and you can even regenerate broken limbs.

Through careful nurturing you have a small fruit tree going growing out of your head.

Super Mutant Only:

Steady Arm
Your massive size means burst attacks cost one less action point while standing.

Your body has mutated to adapt to psycho stimulants. Effects of Psycho are doubled and the effects of withdrawal are halved.

Tough Hide
Exposure to radiation has hardened you against the elements. You gain +15 to armour class and +10 to all resistances.

Death Claw Only:

Death Sense
You have developed superior senses. The perk gives you a +20 bonus to perception whilst in the dark and a +25% bonus to detecting enemies using the sneak skill.

Brutish Hulk
With this perk you gain double the normal amount of maximum hit points each time you gain a level.

Talon Of Fear
Venom has seeped into your claws. All unarmed attacks poison your opponents.

Hide Of Scars
Your battle weary flesh has hardened. Gain +15% to all resistances but fire.

Joke Perk: (It's a real perk!)

Way Of The Fruit
You understand the ancient way of the fruit. You enjoy strange and wonderful benefits whenever you eat fruit.


You can heal people much faster than the usual country doctor. Reduce the AP cost for First Aid and Doctor skill use by 2 APs for each rank of this Perk.

Twitch Gamer
You are a master of pip-boy games. You have unsurpassed reaction speed with your thumbs!

Bluff Master
You can talk your way out of NPCs getting angry at you for stealing if you also make a Charisma roll.

Divine Favor
Some higher power has taken a shine to you.
Last edited:
This chart is 100% accurate I have tested and retested it.
All credits go to RobCo.

Highest level you can achieve in game is 50.

Max HP in game editor is 2147483647.

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 18
Lvl: 5 = 30
Lvl: 10 = 45
Lvl: 20 = 75
Lvl: 30 = 105
Lvl: 40 = 135
Lvl: 50 = 165

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 20
Lvl: 5 = 36
Lvl: 10 = 56
Lvl: 20 = 96
Lvl: 30 = 136
Lvl: 40 = 176
Lvl: 50 = 216

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 22
Lvl: 5 = 38
Lvl: 10 = 58
Lvl: 20 = 98
Lvl: 30 = 138
Lvl: 40 = 178
Lvl: 50 = 218

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 24
Lvl: 5 = 44
Lvl: 10 = 69
Lvl: 20 = 119
Lvl: 30 = 169
Lvl: 40 = 219
Lvl: 50 = 269

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 26
Lvl: 5 = 46
Lvl: 10 = 71
Lvl: 20 = 121
Lvl: 30 = 171
Lvl: 40 = 221
Lvl: 50 = 271

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 28
Lvl: 5 = 52
Lvl: 10 = 82
Lvl: 20 = 142
Lvl: 30 = 202
Lvl: 40 = 262
Lvl: 50 = 322

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 30
Lvl: 5 = 54
Lvl: 10 = 84
Lvl: 20 = 144
Lvl: 30 = 204
Lvl: 40 = 264
Lvl: 50 = 324

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 32
Lvl: 5 = 60
Lvl: 10 = 95
Lvl: 20 = 165
Lvl: 30 = 235
Lvl: 40 = 305
Lvl: 50 = 375

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 34
Lvl: 5 = 62
Lvl: 10 = 97
Lvl: 20 = 167
Lvl: 30 = 237
Lvl: 40 = 307
Lvl: 50 = 377

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 1
Lvl: 1 = 36
Lvl: 5 = 68
Lvl: 10 = 108
Lvl: 20 = 188
Lvl: 30 = 268
Lvl: 40 = 348
Lvl: 50 = 428

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 19
Lvl: 5 = 31
Lvl: 10 = 46
Lvl: 20 = 76
Lvl: 30 = 106
Lvl: 40 = 136
Lvl: 50 = 166

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 21
Lvl: 5 = 37
Lvl: 10 = 57
Lvl: 20 = 97
Lvl: 30 = 137
Lvl: 40 = 177
Lvl: 50 = 217

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 23
Lvl: 5 = 39
Lvl: 10 = 59
Lvl: 20 = 99
Lvl: 30 = 139
Lvl: 40 = 179
Lvl: 50 = 219

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 25
Lvl: 5 = 45
Lvl: 10 = 70
Lvl: 20 = 120
Lvl: 30 = 170
Lvl: 40 = 220
Lvl: 50 = 270

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 27
Lvl: 5 = 47
Lvl: 10 = 72
Lvl: 20 = 122
Lvl: 30 = 172
Lvl: 40 = 222
Lvl: 50 = 272

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 29
Lvl: 5 = 53
Lvl: 10 = 83
Lvl: 20 = 143
Lvl: 30 = 203
Lvl: 40 = 263
Lvl: 50 = 323

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 31
Lvl: 5 = 55
Lvl: 10 = 85
Lvl: 20 = 145
Lvl: 30 = 205
Lvl: 40 = 265
Lvl: 50 = 325

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 33
Lvl: 5 = 61
Lvl: 10 = 96
Lvl: 20 = 166
Lvl: 30 = 236
Lvl: 40 = 306
Lvl: 50 = 376

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 35
Lvl: 5 = 63
Lvl: 10 = 98
Lvl: 20 = 168
Lvl: 30 = 238
Lvl: 40 = 308
Lvl: 50 = 378

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 2
Lvl: 1 = 37
Lvl: 5 = 69
Lvl: 10 = 109
Lvl: 20 = 189
Lvl: 30 = 269
Lvl: 40 = 349
Lvl: 50 = 429

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 20
Lvl: 5 = 32
Lvl: 10 = 47
Lvl: 20 = 77
Lvl: 30 = 107
Lvl: 40 = 137
Lvl: 50 = 167

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 22
Lvl: 5 = 38
Lvl: 10 = 58
Lvl: 20 = 98
Lvl: 30 = 138
Lvl: 40 = 178
Lvl: 50 = 218

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 24
Lvl: 5 = 40
Lvl: 10 = 60
Lvl: 20 = 100
Lvl: 30 = 140
Lvl: 40 = 180
Lvl: 50 = 220

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 26
Lvl: 5 = 46
Lvl: 10 = 71
Lvl: 20 = 121
Lvl: 30 = 171
Lvl: 40 = 221
Lvl: 50 = 271

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 28
Lvl: 5 = 48
Lvl: 10 = 73
Lvl: 20 = 123
Lvl: 30 = 173
Lvl: 40 = 223
Lvl: 50 = 273

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 30
Lvl: 5 = 54
Lvl: 10 = 84
Lvl: 20 = 144
Lvl: 30 = 204
Lvl: 40 = 264
Lvl: 50 = 324

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 32
Lvl: 5 = 56
Lvl: 10 = 86
Lvl: 20 = 146
Lvl: 30 = 206
Lvl: 40 = 266
Lvl: 50 = 326

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 34
Lvl: 5 = 62
Lvl: 10 = 97
Lvl: 20 = 167
Lvl: 30 = 237
Lvl: 40 = 307
Lvl: 50 = 377

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 36
Lvl: 5 = 64
Lvl: 10 = 99
Lvl: 20 = 169
Lvl: 30 = 239
Lvl: 40 = 309
Lvl: 50 = 379

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 3
Lvl: 1 = 38
Lvl: 5 = 70
Lvl: 10 = 110
Lvl: 20 = 190
Lvl: 30 = 270
Lvl: 40 = 350
Lvl: 50 = 430

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 21
Lvl: 5 = 33
Lvl: 10 = 48
Lvl: 20 = 78
Lvl: 30 = 108
Lvl: 40 = 138
Lvl: 50 = 168

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 23
Lvl: 5 = 39
Lvl: 10 = 59
Lvl: 20 = 99
Lvl: 30 = 139
Lvl: 40 = 179
Lvl: 50 = 219

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 25
Lvl: 5 = 41
Lvl: 10 = 61
Lvl: 20 = 101
Lvl: 30 = 141
Lvl: 40 = 181
Lvl: 50 = 221

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 27
Lvl: 5 = 47
Lvl: 10 = 72
Lvl: 20 = 122
Lvl: 30 = 172
Lvl: 40 = 222
Lvl: 50 = 272

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 29
Lvl: 5 = 49
Lvl: 10 = 84
Lvl: 20 = 124
Lvl: 30 = 174
Lvl: 40 = 224
Lvl: 50 = 274

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 31
Lvl: 5 = 55
Lvl: 10 = 85
Lvl: 20 = 145
Lvl: 30 = 205
Lvl: 40 = 265
Lvl: 50 = 325

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 33
Lvl: 5 = 57
Lvl: 10 = 87
Lvl: 20 = 147
Lvl: 30 = 207
Lvl: 40 = 267
Lvl: 50 = 327

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 35
Lvl: 5 = 63
Lvl: 10 = 98
Lvl: 20 = 168
Lvl: 30 = 238
Lvl: 40 = 308
Lvl: 50 = 378

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 37
Lvl: 5 = 65
Lvl: 10 = 100
Lvl: 20 = 170
Lvl: 30 = 240
Lvl: 40 = 310
Lvl: 50 = 380

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 4
Lvl: 1 = 39
Lvl: 5 = 71
Lvl: 10 = 111
Lvl: 20 = 191
Lvl: 30 = 271
Lvl: 40 = 351
Lvl: 50 = 431

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 22
Lvl: 5 = 34
Lvl: 10 = 49
Lvl: 20 = 79
Lvl: 30 = 109
Lvl: 40 = 139
Lvl: 50 = 169

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 24
Lvl: 5 = 40
Lvl: 10 = 60
Lvl: 20 = 100
Lvl: 30 = 140
Lvl: 40 = 180
Lvl: 50 = 220

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 26
Lvl: 5 = 42
Lvl: 10 = 62
Lvl: 20 = 102
Lvl: 30 = 142
Lvl: 40 = 182
Lvl: 50 = 222

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 28
Lvl: 5 = 48
Lvl: 10 = 73
Lvl: 20 = 123
Lvl: 30 = 173
Lvl: 40 = 223
Lvl: 50 = 273

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 30
Lvl: 5 = 50
Lvl: 10 = 75
Lvl: 20 = 125
Lvl: 30 = 175
Lvl: 40 = 225
Lvl: 50 = 275

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 32
Lvl: 5 = 56
Lvl: 10 = 86
Lvl: 20 = 146
Lvl: 30 = 206
Lvl: 40 = 266
Lvl: 50 = 326

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 34
Lvl: 5 = 58
Lvl: 10 = 88
Lvl: 20 = 148
Lvl: 30 = 208
Lvl: 40 = 268
Lvl: 50 = 328

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 36
Lvl: 5 = 64
Lvl: 10 = 99
Lvl: 20 = 169
Lvl: 30 = 239
Lvl: 40 = 309
Lvl: 50 = 379

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 38
Lvl: 5 = 66
Lvl: 10 = 101
Lvl: 20 = 171
Lvl: 30 = 241
Lvl: 40 = 311
Lvl: 50 = 381

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 5
Lvl: 1 = 40
Lvl: 5 = 72
Lvl: 10 = 112
Lvl: 20 = 192
Lvl: 30 = 272
Lvl: 40 = 352
Lvl: 50 = 432

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 23
Lvl: 5 = 35
Lvl: 10 = 50
Lvl: 20 = 80
Lvl: 30 = 110
Lvl: 40 = 140
Lvl: 50 = 170

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 25
Lvl: 5 = 41
Lvl: 10 = 61
Lvl: 20 = 101
Lvl: 30 = 141
Lvl: 40 = 181
Lvl: 50 = 221

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 27
Lvl: 5 = 43
Lvl: 10 = 63
Lvl: 20 = 103
Lvl: 30 = 143
Lvl: 40 = 183
Lvl: 50 = 223

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 29
Lvl: 5 = 49
Lvl: 10 = 74
Lvl: 20 = 124
Lvl: 30 = 174
Lvl: 40 = 224
Lvl: 50 = 274

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 31
Lvl: 5 = 51
Lvl: 10 = 76
Lvl: 20 = 126
Lvl: 30 = 176
Lvl: 40 = 226
Lvl: 50 = 276

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 33
Lvl: 5 = 57
Lvl: 10 = 87
Lvl: 20 = 147
Lvl: 30 = 207
Lvl: 40 = 267
Lvl: 50 = 327

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 35
Lvl: 5 = 59
Lvl: 10 = 89
Lvl: 20 = 149
Lvl: 30 = 209
Lvl: 40 = 269
Lvl: 50 = 329

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 37
Lvl: 5 = 65
Lvl: 10 = 100
Lvl: 20 = 170
Lvl: 30 = 240
Lvl: 40 = 310
Lvl: 50 = 380

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 39
Lvl: 5 = 67
Lvl: 10 = 102
Lvl: 20 = 172
Lvl: 30 = 242
Lvl: 40 = 312
Lvl: 50 = 382

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 6
Lvl: 1 = 41
Lvl: 5 = 73
Lvl: 10 = 113
Lvl: 20 = 193
Lvl: 30 = 273
Lvl: 40 = 353
Lvl: 50 = 433

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 24
Lvl: 5 = 36
Lvl: 10 = 51
Lvl: 20 = 81
Lvl: 30 = 111
Lvl: 40 = 141
Lvl: 50 = 171

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 26
Lvl: 5 = 42
Lvl: 10 = 62
Lvl: 20 = 102
Lvl: 30 = 142
Lvl: 40 = 182
Lvl: 50 = 222

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 28
Lvl: 5 = 44
Lvl: 10 = 64
Lvl: 20 = 104
Lvl: 30 = 144
Lvl: 40 = 184
Lvl: 50 = 224

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 30
Lvl: 5 = 50
Lvl: 10 = 75
Lvl: 20 = 125
Lvl: 30 = 175
Lvl: 40 = 225
Lvl: 50 = 275

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 32
Lvl: 5 = 52
Lvl: 10 = 77
Lvl: 20 = 127
Lvl: 30 = 177
Lvl: 40 = 227
Lvl: 50 = 277

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 36
Lvl: 5 = 58
Lvl: 10 = 88
Lvl: 20 = 148
Lvl: 30 = 208
Lvl: 40 = 268
Lvl: 50 = 328

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 36
Lvl: 5 = 60
Lvl: 10 = 90
Lvl: 20 = 150
Lvl: 30 = 210
Lvl: 40 = 270
Lvl: 50 = 330

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 38
Lvl: 5 = 66
Lvl: 10 = 101
Lvl: 20 = 171
Lvl: 30 = 241
Lvl: 40 = 311
Lvl: 50 = 381

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 40
Lvl: 5 = 68
Lvl: 10 = 103
Lvl: 20 = 173
Lvl: 30 = 243
Lvl: 40 = 313
Lvl: 50 = 383

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 7
Lvl: 1 = 42
Lvl: 5 = 74
Lvl: 10 = 114
Lvl: 20 = 194
Lvl: 30 = 274
Lvl: 40 = 354
Lvl: 50 = 434

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 25
Lvl: 5 = 37
Lvl: 10 = 52
Lvl: 20 = 82
Lvl: 30 = 112
Lvl: 40 = 142
Lvl: 50 = 172

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 27
Lvl: 5 = 43
Lvl: 10 = 63
Lvl: 20 = 103
Lvl: 30 = 143
Lvl: 40 = 183
Lvl: 50 = 223

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 29
Lvl: 5 = 45
Lvl: 10 = 65
Lvl: 20 = 105
Lvl: 30 = 145
Lvl: 40 = 185
Lvl: 50 = 225

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 31
Lvl: 5 = 51
Lvl: 10 = 76
Lvl: 20 = 126
Lvl: 30 = 176
Lvl: 40 = 226
Lvl: 50 = 276

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 33
Lvl: 5 = 53
Lvl: 10 = 78
Lvl: 20 = 128
Lvl: 30 = 178
Lvl: 40 = 228
Lvl: 50 = 278

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 35
Lvl: 5 = 59
Lvl: 10 = 89
Lvl: 20 = 149
Lvl: 30 = 209
Lvl: 40 = 269
Lvl: 50 = 329

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 37
Lvl: 5 = 61
Lvl: 10 = 91
Lvl: 20 = 151
Lvl: 30 = 211
Lvl: 40 = 271
Lvl: 50 = 331

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 39
Lvl: 5 = 67
Lvl: 10 = 102
Lvl: 20 = 172
Lvl: 30 = 242
Lvl: 40 = 312
Lvl: 50 = 382

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 41
Lvl: 5 = 69
Lvl: 10 = 104
Lvl: 20 = 174
Lvl: 30 = 244
Lvl: 40 = 314
Lvl: 50 = 384

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 8
Lvl: 1 = 43
Lvl: 5 = 75
Lvl: 10 = 115
Lvl: 20 = 195
Lvl: 30 = 275
Lvl: 40 = 355
Lvl: 50 = 435

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 26
Lvl: 5 = 38
Lvl: 10 = 53
Lvl: 20 = 83
Lvl: 30 = 113
Lvl: 40 = 143
Lvl: 50 = 173

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 28
Lvl: 5 = 44
Lvl: 10 = 64
Lvl: 20 = 104
Lvl: 30 = 144
Lvl: 40 = 184
Lvl: 50 = 224

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 30
Lvl: 5 = 46
Lvl: 10 = 66
Lvl: 20 = 106
Lvl: 30 = 146
Lvl: 40 = 186
Lvl: 50 = 226

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 32
Lvl: 5 = 52
Lvl: 10 = 77
Lvl: 20 = 127
Lvl: 30 = 177
Lvl: 40 = 227
Lvl: 50 = 277

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 34
Lvl: 5 = 54
Lvl: 10 = 79
Lvl: 20 = 129
Lvl: 30 = 179
Lvl: 40 = 229
Lvl: 50 = 279

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 36
Lvl: 5 = 60
Lvl: 10 = 90
Lvl: 20 = 150
Lvl: 30 = 210
Lvl: 40 = 270
Lvl: 50 = 330

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 38
Lvl: 5 = 62
Lvl: 10 = 92
Lvl: 20 = 152
Lvl: 30 = 212
Lvl: 40 = 272
Lvl: 50 = 332

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 40
Lvl: 5 = 68
Lvl: 10 = 103
Lvl: 20 = 173
Lvl: 30 = 243
Lvl: 40 = 313
Lvl: 50 = 383

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 42
Lvl: 5 = 70
Lvl: 10 = 105
Lvl: 20 = 175
Lvl: 30 = 245
Lvl: 40 = 315
Lvl: 50 = 385

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 9
Lvl: 1 = 44
Lvl: 5 = 76
Lvl: 10 = 116
Lvl: 20 = 196
Lvl: 30 = 276
Lvl: 40 = 356
Lvl: 50 = 436

Endurance: 1 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 27
Lvl: 5 = 39
Lvl: 10 = 54
Lvl: 20 = 84
Lvl: 30 = 114
Lvl: 40 = 144
Lvl: 50 = 174

Endurance: 2 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 29
Lvl: 5 = 45
Lvl: 10 = 65
Lvl: 20 = 105
Lvl: 30 = 145
Lvl: 40 = 185
Lvl: 50 = 225

Endurance: 3 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 31
Lvl: 5 = 47
Lvl: 10 = 67
Lvl: 20 = 107
Lvl: 30 = 147
Lvl: 40 = 187
Lvl: 50 = 227

Endurance: 4 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 33
Lvl: 5 = 53
Lvl: 10 = 78
Lvl: 20 = 128
Lvl: 30 = 178
Lvl: 40 = 228
Lvl: 50 = 278

Endurance: 5 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 35
Lvl: 5 = 55
Lvl: 10 = 80
Lvl: 20 = 130
Lvl: 30 = 180
Lvl: 40 = 230
Lvl: 50 = 280

Endurance: 6 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 37
Lvl: 5 = 61
Lvl: 10 = 91
Lvl: 20 = 151
Lvl: 30 = 211
Lvl: 40 = 271
Lvl: 50 = 331

Endurance: 7 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 39
Lvl: 5 = 63
Lvl: 10 = 93
Lvl: 20 = 153
Lvl: 30 = 213
Lvl: 40 = 273
Lvl: 50 = 333

Endurance: 8 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 41
Lvl: 5 = 69
Lvl: 10 = 104
Lvl: 20 = 174
Lvl: 30 = 244
Lvl: 40 = 314
Lvl: 50 = 384

Endurance: 9 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 43
Lvl: 5 = 71
Lvl: 10 = 106
Lvl: 20 = 176
Lvl: 30 = 246
Lvl: 40 = 316
Lvl: 50 = 386

Endurance: 10 Strenght: 10
Lvl: 1 = 45
Lvl: 5 = 77
Lvl: 10 = 117
Lvl: 20 = 197
Lvl: 30 = 277
Lvl: 40 = 357
Lvl: 50 = 437

No HP effecting perks where used in this chart.
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Sc0pE said:
everyone stop saying the sniper perk doen't work...
because it does...
the perk "sniper" bases the ranged critical hits on a luck roll out of 10. so if you have luck 5 that's 5 out of 10 which means you now have a ranged critical chance of 50%...
basically the computer rolls an imanginary dice (randomises no. between 1 and 10) and if it rolls your luck or below you get a critical hit!!!
eg: one out of two is a critical basically...
when you get the perk you will notice an increase of criticals...
i always get luck 6 or 7 so i have a good chance at getting criticals...
critical hits increase damage and give you a chance of doing critical body part damage like blinding a person and breaking a leg and aiming at sertain body parts helps this..

this makes sniper probably the most valuable combat perk in the game!!!!

snipers rule....

Tested and Confirmed by RobCo.

It works and does exactly as Sc0pE says.

Here is the fixed EXE need:
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Can't imagine how someone could misunderstand this; it does work and yes it works that way (as Scope said). It is the most powerful perk in the game by far (both in F2 and here, F1 didn't have it); taking this perk with even decent luck of 4 to 5 makes your char into a powerhouse; taking it with luck 8-10 makes him a god, capable of just pwning everything (esp. in F2), given that you have enough agility and action points of course.

People think that perk works (or doesn't work) based on what they see. Did you know, that combat log is a liar?)
Game says "critical" not when engine really rolled critical strike for that attack. It says "critical" in case of damage greater than X. If all weapons in game had same damage values it would be right. But some weapons do more damage, some - less. And with some weapons it _looks_ like you get no critical hits with Sniper perk and LK10. But in fact your crit damage with that weapon is LESS THAN X.

I don't remeber what this X equals to, tested like two years ago when i finally realised this shit. I was playing mod with greatly increased damage for ALL weapons, and it was like "CRITS! CRITS EVERYWHERE!"

Did you know, that combat log is a liar?)
Game says "critical" not when engine really rolled critical strike for that attack. It says "critical" in case of damage greater than X. If all weapons in game had same damage values it would be right. But some weapons do more damage, some - less. And with some weapons it _looks_ like you get no critical hits with Sniper perk and LK10. But in fact your crit damage with that weapon is LESS THAN X.

This has been an unseen thorn in my side for ages..! Last I had a working combat system it used crit.% for most every caliber and high damage tables... I'd thought even slight adjustments to the crit.% gave every weapon a insta-critical, and brought the whole thing back to the drawing board. Or textpad, as it were.

On a related note: I'm looking at the combat.txt file now, and it seems (with absolutely no testing and about 60 seconds of observation) that while we can't alter the damage threshold for which point gives a critical message (without diving into the cluster-**** known as Hex editing), we can re-write the messages in the log for criticals. A bit of typing and it shouldn't say critical hit every half-decent shot on high-damage mods.

Perhaps this would make a good side project for you, Rob. Next time you feel like poking and prodding at the hardcoding, it would be great to know the values behind lines of code like this...

CombatHitTarget_Size = 3
CombatHitTarget_1 = {<attacker> hit <target> for <amount_string>.}
CombatHitTarget_2 = {<attacker> blasted <target> hard, inflicting <amount_string>.}
CombatHitTarget_3 = {<attacker> smacked the living shit out of <target> doing <amount_string>.}

... Even a general idea would be very helpful.
Little too much free time tonight.

Level 1 = 0 XP
2 = 1,000
3 = 2,000
4 = 4,000
5 = 7,000
6 = 10,000
7 = 15,000
8 = 20,000
9 = 30,000
10 = 45,000
11 = 60,000
12 = 80,000
13 = 100,000
14 = 130,000
15 = 170,000
16 = 210,000
17 = 260,000
18 = 330,000
19 = 410,000
20 = 510,000
21 = 640,000
22 = 810,000
23 = 1,000,000 (1000K)
24 = 1,200,000 (1200K)
25 = 1,500,000 (1500K)
26 = 1,900,000 (1900K)
27 = 2,400,000 (2400K)
28 = 3,000,000 (3000K)
29 = 3,800,000 (3800K)
30 = 4,800,000 (4800K)
31 = 6,000,000 (6000K)
32 = 7,500,000 (7500K)
33 = 9,400,000 (9400K)
34 = 11,000,000 (1100K)
35 = 14,000,000 (1400K)
36 = 18,000,000 (1800K)
37 = 23,000,000 (2300K)
38 = 28,000,000 (2800K)
39 = 35,000,000 (3500K)
40 = 44,000,000 (4400K)
41 = 56,000,000 (5400K)
42 = 70,000,000 (7000K)
43 = 87,000,000 (87M)
44 = 100,000,000 (100M)
45 = 130,000,000 (130M)
46 = 170,000,000 (170M)
47 = 210,000,000 (210M)
48 = 260,000,000 (260M)
49 = 330,000,000 (330M)
50 = 410,000,000 (410M)
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Not sure exactly what you mean but, the game uses WAV files. so you need to convert all your sound files into WAV format.

Here is an online converter that can work with/convert all types of files.
Personnally I use Audacity ( Simple, freeware and compatible. There is even a way to modify your computer a little to be able to record any sound the computer can play.

But before using trigger "PLAY WAV" ingame, I think you should know some things first :

1. Each .wav file have an index that is useful to play a lot of different .wav at the same time. I suggest you to create a .txt file somewhere where you mark all index you already used in your mission, or make sure you don't use the same index twice or one sound will stop another.

2. I really don't often specify where exactly the sound appear, except if the sound is short or short and repetitive. Because if you are not at the right place when the sound start, it will be silent even I you move there, or if you move the camera away while the sound is playing and you come back, the sound will not come back unless you call the trigger again... Very frustrating.

3. .wav and World text don't go along well. all my sounds just stop when I add a world text in game... Maybe that is true for dialog window too... I can't help it, I need world texts and dialogues of course, but I don't know how to solve this. Seems like only .mp3 playing in sound ZONE can be set to continue when a world text appear...

4. If you plan on adding an alarm .wav, make if very short, one or two beep, and start it over each second. You will save a lot of trouble!

5. I had problem trying to play a .wav in loop (continuous radio interference sound when holding a radio) - same index of course. There where a short delay between sounds... So I decided to overlap two different sounds, starting the second one (other index) at the middle of the first one. It worked fine. To acheive better result, normally you should use sound zones and .mp3

I guess all of that (and the SIZE of .wav files!!!) made the original creators decide to only use very short .wav sounds...
Hey, hey! :grin:

At this point I was only looking to set up custom audio for weapons, but you've given advice that will be much appreciated in the future. Radio static is a great idea, much thanks for testing that.
It's nothing. I took that idea from fallout 3 and their low range radios. As we must put a thing that we want to have everywhere in every mission file, it is easy to setup the same radio noise everywhere, but set a real channel somewhere in the game in only one city. You just need to change the .wav file in that mission file with another .wav, add some XP or reveal a quest, and voilà!