Rowan MacTullius
First time out of the vault

Warning: the stories will take place three years after Fallout 4's main quest, won by the Brotherhood of Steel. Obviously, this decision have been influenced by my playtrought, and so it must not been considered canon. Plus my English isn't that good, since is not my native language.
Also, there will been some refrences to the mod Frost (who I personaly racomend). So, dear readers, just sit on your sofas/chairs, take your best Nuka-Cola and go ahead into the most bizzare adventures of Nick Valentine and his new assistant Roy Panucci !
First case: Kremvh's ShadowPt. 1
Also, there will been some refrences to the mod Frost (who I personaly racomend). So, dear readers, just sit on your sofas/chairs, take your best Nuka-Cola and go ahead into the most bizzare adventures of Nick Valentine and his new assistant Roy Panucci !
First case: Kremvh's Shadow
<< What do you mean you cann't help us!? >> barked furiously the raider against Nick, while the last was looking with a slumbering look his strange guest and responded with a simple: << Meh... >>
<< We've already said everything you needed to know, and still do not believe it? But I say, you're a detective or a dick who claims to be such? >>
<< Said the psycho junkie to the synth. >> Replied with his usual phlegm Nick. As if he had solved the case of a group of maniacs were not enough, that cold autumn morning had arrived at the office of the synthetic detective a couple of raiders, escorted by a pair of Diamond City guards. at first, Nick was intrigued by what the two were telling him, finding common elements with fools who had terrorized a community near the port of Boston, but now it was clear that to talk were not the two, but the substances of which they were affected.
<< Look, you, I don't know if you're here to make me a joke or if you're just trying to dispose of the blow, >> replied impatiently, and pulling up, Nick, with a somewhat angry look: << but I'm tired. Tired to the case that I closed, tired of the constant lies that you're telling me and especially tired of you. >>
<< But you MUST believe us! >> Said the desperate raidress, a woman in her thirties, Caucasian, pale, with short hair, with the lips ruined by years of drugs and God only knows and hazel, colored eyes, reddened as she took Nick's hand. Slowly, to seeing how the emotions of those two were not so "altered", he decided to listen to them again, but first he called his new assistant.
From upstairs came down a man, traits squat, plump, with two sideburns that seemed the brushes of the helmets of the ancient Romans. His name was Roy Panucci, and had been hired by Nick one month before, for another case that had involved a family of Goodneighboor's underworld, unearthed and then arrested by Hancock. Panucci had listened to the chatter of the two wastes junkies, and if Nick was deeply skeptical, he so was more.
<< Tell me everything, Nicky >>
<< Get the holorecorder. It's better if we record our conversation >>
<< Are you serious? But Nick ... >>
<< Look, Roy ... >> Nick got up from his chair, approaching Panucci and speaking softly, not to be heard by the two: << I know i'is the ravings of a junkie, but she doesn't seem under any influence of any drugs .>>
Roy snorted and began to grumble, but then came to a heap of paperwork and took a couple of holodisks, and then insert them into a machine from the rectangular shape connected to a microphone.
<< Okay, gentlemen, >> Nick turned on the unit, which began recording, and said: << tell me everything from the beginning. The smallest details. >>
The male raider, who identified himself as Cut Toe, began to tell all shook story: << Yes, then ... well, a friend of ours, that is ... a dear friend, has had, is ... well, a freaky accident up to Dunwitch Bores and ... here ... >>
Before he could go on, Nick stopped him, since it was still visually or shocked by terror or on drugs, and said it was better if the woman were the first to speak. Roy made only a grunt, while the girl began to speak: << I'm ... I'm Lena, and I come from ... >>
<< Look, chicky beauty, spare us the story of your life and speaks >> said Roy rudely, already annoyed by the fact that he hadn't finished lunch, before being taken up by Nick.
<< Yes, sotty, is that... I used to do so, in New Vegas. >> Said Lena, intriguing Nick, but motioning him to continue: << We come from a small settlement, not far from the Slog, North-East from here. Some time ago, we were part of a working group on behalf of the Forgeds... fucking psychopaths. >>
<< A working group? >> asked, as is normal, Nick to Lena, and then resume: << like carrying things from one place to another? >>
<< Yes, exactly. Anyway, there we were in our group: I, Cut Toe and our dear... let's say friend, Kremvh, besides others of which I barely remember. We were sent to Dunwithc Bores, a sort of ... what was the name, before the war? >>
<< You mean a quarry? >>
<< Yes, that. The Forged were interested only on things made of metal, so the rest could go to us or to the devil, but ... I'm losing me, sorry. >>
<< Yeh, yeh. >> Roy began, as he took a cigarette to smoke, while he took it to his flabby lips, and added, << Look, just go to the point of the talk, we don't need all this boring information. >>
<< And instead we need them, Roy, >> said Nick, particularly irritated, but aware that his colleague could not help it: << first rule of a detective, "the smallest of details ..." >>
<< "It's a big step towards the truth," look, I studied the manual. >>
<< Then shut up and let continue our customer. >> and so, with a snort, Roy fell silent, and Nick was able to continue to query the raidress: << But my colleague is right, sweetheart. Just try to tell the most important parts, from now on, ok. >>
<< Okay ... So ... Ah, yes, one day, while our group was forwarded in the quarry, Kremvh found a book, right in the middle of a kind of room created in the rock, put on a kind of black and gold marble pedestal. The name was also curious: Krivbek-something, I don't rimember it cleary. My God, it was ... fabulous. Ah, anyway, Kremvh took it with him, since the Forged wasn't interested. And here ... well, here comes the weird part.
At first, Kremvh seemed particularly interested in that book, but it was strange that he could read it! >>
<< He was illiterate? >>
<< No,absoutly. Indeed, he was once a resident of here, of Diamond City. We can even say that he was the most ... heh, "civilized" among us, but that kind of book had a writing ... that was not right. >>
Nick raised one of his rubberish eyebrows, curiously, now that he knew something more about this story. For about ten minutes, Nick asked some information about the "incorrect writing" the book had, but Lena could not even describe it well or smoothly; it was wavy, but also hard and rigid, full of points, lines and curves ending in a tip. Now, Roy was also interested, though more from the particularity of this "book" then the story itself.
<< Uh ... back to us, Kremvh began to be obsessed with the book, beginning to take it with him, intimidated by the idea that someone might steal it, and a few weeks later ... well, there was the first incident. >>
<< You mean the one with hand your friend was telling me earlier? >>
<< Exactly that, though ... >> Lena sighed, and began to briefly look at the dilapidated office floor, and then confess that telling that story didn't make her feel at ease, even though she had first been through similar situations.
Then, Cut Toe told him that he would continue, promising to be more clear and focused.
<< Yes, then, that day we were in one of the deepest sections of the quarry, and one of our companions had taken to Kremvh his damn book. Now, we had warned that it wasn't wise to touch that book, but that guy had not every Friday, and so, boom! Kremvh takes him by the few wisps of hair that that poor bastard had and drags him near one of the forklifts of the mine, and began to beat him with a piece of iron or something. Oh, for the dung of Brahmin, the look he had on his face ... >>
<< Of Kremvh ... or of the other? >>
<< Kremvh, of course. I swear, it wasn't in him, indeed! it wasn't really him! His eyes were bloodshoted like hell, and kept his lips as withdrawn and growled and screamed in fury, accusing the poor bastard of wanting to steal secrets or something fucking shithing from that bloody book. Fortunatly, then finally arrive some guys of Slag, a pair of big and muscular Forged, but they don't have time to reach Kremvh that he active the forklift and keeps the poor guy's hands just below it, and the two big guys just got even had to struggling to detach him from there. >>
<< Well, this Kremvh had to be an animal, in terms of physical! >> Commented ironic, chuckling, Roy.
<< Oh, please: he was a small man, not even an anchovy was so weak. In short, the fact is that the wretch who had taken the book leaves us with both hands, and then Kremvh begins to speak in a strange way, but strange loud, for fuck shake! >>
<< Could you be more clear? >> Nick said, now that he was able to understand something of the story.
<< Absolutely no! He spoke when inspired AND when breathed, and believe me when I tell you both that I was shitting myself in fear! >>
<< ... I ...cann't follow you again. >>
<< Kremvh wasn't Kremvh, at that time. >> Said Lena, now that she no longer had to tell that old story: << you could tell: the voice, the eyes of a madman fixed and the expression that had taken ... no, I do not think it was him. >>
<< ... No, you're probably saying that ... >> Roy began, as he leaned heavily to Nick's desk, which began to creak under the weight of the lard: << Oh, damn. Nick! You will not believe this! >>
Nick was puzzled, and could not say to believe completely in what the two customers were insinuating their friend, but there was a whole file on Dunwitch Bores and very special events. Or rather, paranormal.
<< Let them finish, Roy, then we will think about. So, we were talking about ... uh, "Kremvh not Kremvh", I think. >>
<< Right. Eventually, after he was come back among us (and after a period spent in isolation with his book) we can reach the bottom of the quarry, even though there were many more tunnels and tunnels to explore, but nobody was in the mood.>>
<< And why? Radiation? Feral ghoul or anything like that? >>
<< If I say "an indescribable and terrifying force which infested the air of that place", what do you think? >>
The two detectives remained silent, and looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment, now slightly unsettled by the new details of the already strange story in itself. Roy pulled the tight shirt's collar, while Nick settled his hat and took a cigarette, and then make her to continue.
<< A Forged's group began to explore the galleries of the lower floors. A nice group, maybe fifteen, but, even not an hour later, only four returned, shouting and crying in terror. One of them threw himself into my arms, shouting "don't let me go back in the dark, don't let me stares again into the abyss !" and huged me like a scared child. Shortly after, we barricaded the entrance to the damn tunnel, but Kremvh ... well ... >>
<< He get in there, all quiet, with his book. >> Nick added, adopting what Cut Toe had said before confusedly. Lena just nodded, as she began to fix her hair and rubbing her hands, looking at the floor in silence. The two detectives noticed that now, both accounts, had fallen as in a state of melancholy or, at least, of sadness.
<< And of Kremvh's was never heard anything again, right? >> Asked in a kinder tone Roy, doing raise the eyes of the two, who were now terrified.
<< On the contrary. Kremvh returned, but he was changed, and not in anything good. He was engraved sign on his chest and arms, and to this day I don't know how did he engraved the shoulder blades. >>
<< ... The shoulder blades, you say? >> Nick was always more curious and frightened. That story was taking on a more horror genre curve then another. Cut Toe also made an addition to what Kremvh had done to his lips. Somehow, though ara removed, so as to show the teeth perfectly white, but leaving just enough to be able to speak, even if the words he used did not need lips. Lena shooting, beginning to be shaken.
<< K-Kremvh was scary, n ... no one wanted to be around him, even the Forged. Badlam, one of Slug's reinforcements, was ... was even terrified to hear his name, after she had fled into solo in the tunnels. But one day, something strange happened, not far from the quarry. >>
<< Hm, this is new. >> With his metal hand, Nick reached for the microphone; he absolutely wanted to hear what she had to say: << go ahead. >>
<< We thought ... we thought it was a radioactive storm, at first, but then ... we've see them! They were among the few dry trees silhouetted around Dunwitch Bores: they seemed feral ghouls, but had on their head a strange bird mask with horns, and the legs were stretched. They moved in herds and ... and stirred, around a strange green light and ... >>
Lena stopped. She was paralyzed, her eyes wide and desperate and began to sob. Cut Toe hugged her, trying to calm her down, while Roy and Nick watched them embarrassed, not knowing what to do or when to do something.
Cut Toe proposed to continue, as he had witnessed the misdeed: << Whatever they were, those things seemed to dance and shout furiously. Obviously, we could not just stand there like assholes, so we armed ourself and went to see what the hell they were and when we arrived, we saw that Kremvh was right there, in front of the green light while talking in that strange language and laughing profusely. Holy shit, we were all paralyzed. Those things didn't seem to notice us, but Kremvh looked me straight in the eye, and seemed happy, very happy!
And then he said something that ... oh, m... my blood is freezing... >>
Nick and Roy layd down their necks toward the two, curious, frightened and attracted by history: <<and... if I may ask, what said Kremvh? >> Nick asked, as Roy to tell, although the two robbers were both deeply troubled.
Then, Lena decided to tell the exact words of what was once their friend: << "When the stars are aligned and the black night you will come, from the Black Pyramid in the Sea of endless Light new death and destruction will reborn!" >>
Finally, the two had ended the compleat story. As two tatos bags, they felt side by side, breathing a sigh of relief and rising as a soul burden. Nick and Roy were left breathless by the story, incredulous that it was finished so. Then, Roy wondered what happened of Kremvh, and Cut Toe replied: << I'm not sure. After those words... the... green light became intense, almost blinding, and... yes, well, he just disappeared !>>
After this last part, the two said that there was nothing more to tell, and that they just wanted to know what had become of their friend, or at least what he meant by what he said before disappearing. Nick said, after a brief moment of silence, that he would have thought on the decision, and asked the two not to stray too far. The two then were escorted outside of the agency investigation.
Roy chuckled and sat on one of the chairs across from his desk, holding a new cigarette and lighting it, observing nick with a sly grin.
<< Well, at least we have heard a good horror story with made us shit ourselves! But tell me... you don't think to take the case? >>
<< I don't know ... >>
Nick went up and down the study, calculating with his silicon brain the informations, considering even if it could be worth investing precious time on those two raiders, whereas, if they were right, this Kremvh could be a great threat to the entire Commonwealth... or even worse, for all the wastelands of America and beyond! but there were too many unknowns, as those two might have been detailed.
<< I will not yet accept the case of those two.>> Nick said to Roy, who meanwhile was eating a couple of donuts from the detective's desk, and that, gorging himself, retorted: << This is a great choice, Nicky! >>
<< I know. that's why now I ask you to stop eat like a pig and follow meto investigate a bit! >>
Roy almost choked on one of the donuts, coughing, standing up and then yell at Nick, tolding that him said that they would not investigate. With an ironic look, Nick told him he had never said this: << I just said I don't want to accepted the case yet, but I want to ensure if this Kremvh was actually a resident of here. >>
<< And from where do you want to fucking start? >> asked the still half choking Roy, with a voice clearly irritated and all scowl: << certainly we cann't ask the mayor, since your old partner have planted a bullet in that synthetic head of his, and Piper is away for a scoop on those guys who have settled in the southeast, in the Vault 88. Then, Nick? Where do you want to start ? >>
<< You just cann't grasp the clues, Roy. The girl, Lena, said Kremvh was educated, right? >>
<< Well, yes, I remember, but what are yo- >> with a flash of insight, the small brain of Roy lit up, grasping fully what his boss wanted to hear, then putting to puff and grind his teeth: <<please, I hate school. >>
<< But we will go there now. What is it, big baby, don't you know that the study is the daily bread of the mind? >>
After Roy made a very sarcastic laugh, he took his investigator hat and went with Nick to the nearby school of Diamond City, but asked the detective why they went there, not having understood what Nick wanted to do there. Nick answered all happy: although the mayor had not yet been elected, and the representatives of the Brotherhood of Steel were monitoring the logs of old and today's citizens, for sure the school records could still be found in some way. Roy could not help but nod and confirm that that intuition was quite brilliant.
Although it was too late because there was someone, they found Miss Edna still there. After a brief greeting, Nick and Roy explained the situation to the robot, which was more than happy to let them seat inside, but for the documents they would have to ask to Mr. Zwicky. Thus, the two sat down in the living room on the lower level, along with Toro, the local cat. Not even five minutes later, Zwicky came running, breathless.
<< Everything's fine, Mr. Zwicky? >> Asked Nick: << I see a little ... out of breath. >>
<< Oh, don't worry, Mr. Valentine, it's just the harsh teacher's life. However, you are here to view some documents on an old student ?>>
<< Actually, we wanted to ask a few questions, if you please. >>
<< Oh... ah, sure, sure, but it's better we sit upstairs, if it's not a problem for you. >>
<< Great, even the stairs ... >> replied bitterly Roy, taking a synthetic elbow in the stomach by Nick. Once all of them get upstairs, they saw that Mr. Zwicky desk was full of papers, some with red marks and other still intact.
<< Oh, pay no attention to that, we were just checking some exams. >> Edna said to the two guests, making snorting Zwicky: << Oh, sorry darling, I didn't mean to offend you. >>
<< Oh, my dear, you know that you can never make me angry. >> He said, and then gently caress the metal body of her companion.
<< You know, I know a chick from New Vegas, a courier, who had an affair with a robot. >> Roy began speaking, while he was still a little embarrassed by the scene, no matter how sweet it could be: << from what I know, she still attends him in his local. >>
<< Oh, it would be nice to meet them! >> said happily Edna, who approached Roy.
<< Believe me, he would not mind to met you or your...houseband and make you both happier. >>
Nick gave a cough, bringing the rest of those present with their heads as to why they were there. Once the two guests sat, Zwicky was more than happy to help.
<< Tell me, you are suspicious that one of my old student is involved in... some misdeed, so to speak? >>
<< Frankly... it was just to confirm if indeed the person in question has ever attended this school. >>
<< Ah, well, this will be a little tough, but if you have a name ... >>
<< The name Kremvh says anything? >>
On the face of Zwicky formed a look of terror, and his breathing became more labored. Edna went over to him, to see what was wrong, but he said it was nothing sending her away till he and the two hadn't finish their talk. The two detectives were split between two feelings: being aware that this Kremvh existed and the fear that he could be a monster, to cause such a reaction to a man like Zwicky.
<< Kremvh... oh, I was finally forgotten of him. How you know him? >>
<< What do you know about him, rather. >> Roy asked, leaning on the desk.
<< Oh, too much. And I was hoping not to have to speak of him never again. >>
<< We've already said everything you needed to know, and still do not believe it? But I say, you're a detective or a dick who claims to be such? >>
<< Said the psycho junkie to the synth. >> Replied with his usual phlegm Nick. As if he had solved the case of a group of maniacs were not enough, that cold autumn morning had arrived at the office of the synthetic detective a couple of raiders, escorted by a pair of Diamond City guards. at first, Nick was intrigued by what the two were telling him, finding common elements with fools who had terrorized a community near the port of Boston, but now it was clear that to talk were not the two, but the substances of which they were affected.
<< Look, you, I don't know if you're here to make me a joke or if you're just trying to dispose of the blow, >> replied impatiently, and pulling up, Nick, with a somewhat angry look: << but I'm tired. Tired to the case that I closed, tired of the constant lies that you're telling me and especially tired of you. >>
<< But you MUST believe us! >> Said the desperate raidress, a woman in her thirties, Caucasian, pale, with short hair, with the lips ruined by years of drugs and God only knows and hazel, colored eyes, reddened as she took Nick's hand. Slowly, to seeing how the emotions of those two were not so "altered", he decided to listen to them again, but first he called his new assistant.
From upstairs came down a man, traits squat, plump, with two sideburns that seemed the brushes of the helmets of the ancient Romans. His name was Roy Panucci, and had been hired by Nick one month before, for another case that had involved a family of Goodneighboor's underworld, unearthed and then arrested by Hancock. Panucci had listened to the chatter of the two wastes junkies, and if Nick was deeply skeptical, he so was more.
<< Tell me everything, Nicky >>
<< Get the holorecorder. It's better if we record our conversation >>
<< Are you serious? But Nick ... >>
<< Look, Roy ... >> Nick got up from his chair, approaching Panucci and speaking softly, not to be heard by the two: << I know i'is the ravings of a junkie, but she doesn't seem under any influence of any drugs .>>
Roy snorted and began to grumble, but then came to a heap of paperwork and took a couple of holodisks, and then insert them into a machine from the rectangular shape connected to a microphone.
<< Okay, gentlemen, >> Nick turned on the unit, which began recording, and said: << tell me everything from the beginning. The smallest details. >>
The male raider, who identified himself as Cut Toe, began to tell all shook story: << Yes, then ... well, a friend of ours, that is ... a dear friend, has had, is ... well, a freaky accident up to Dunwitch Bores and ... here ... >>
Before he could go on, Nick stopped him, since it was still visually or shocked by terror or on drugs, and said it was better if the woman were the first to speak. Roy made only a grunt, while the girl began to speak: << I'm ... I'm Lena, and I come from ... >>
<< Look, chicky beauty, spare us the story of your life and speaks >> said Roy rudely, already annoyed by the fact that he hadn't finished lunch, before being taken up by Nick.
<< Yes, sotty, is that... I used to do so, in New Vegas. >> Said Lena, intriguing Nick, but motioning him to continue: << We come from a small settlement, not far from the Slog, North-East from here. Some time ago, we were part of a working group on behalf of the Forgeds... fucking psychopaths. >>
<< A working group? >> asked, as is normal, Nick to Lena, and then resume: << like carrying things from one place to another? >>
<< Yes, exactly. Anyway, there we were in our group: I, Cut Toe and our dear... let's say friend, Kremvh, besides others of which I barely remember. We were sent to Dunwithc Bores, a sort of ... what was the name, before the war? >>
<< You mean a quarry? >>
<< Yes, that. The Forged were interested only on things made of metal, so the rest could go to us or to the devil, but ... I'm losing me, sorry. >>
<< Yeh, yeh. >> Roy began, as he took a cigarette to smoke, while he took it to his flabby lips, and added, << Look, just go to the point of the talk, we don't need all this boring information. >>
<< And instead we need them, Roy, >> said Nick, particularly irritated, but aware that his colleague could not help it: << first rule of a detective, "the smallest of details ..." >>
<< "It's a big step towards the truth," look, I studied the manual. >>
<< Then shut up and let continue our customer. >> and so, with a snort, Roy fell silent, and Nick was able to continue to query the raidress: << But my colleague is right, sweetheart. Just try to tell the most important parts, from now on, ok. >>
<< Okay ... So ... Ah, yes, one day, while our group was forwarded in the quarry, Kremvh found a book, right in the middle of a kind of room created in the rock, put on a kind of black and gold marble pedestal. The name was also curious: Krivbek-something, I don't rimember it cleary. My God, it was ... fabulous. Ah, anyway, Kremvh took it with him, since the Forged wasn't interested. And here ... well, here comes the weird part.
At first, Kremvh seemed particularly interested in that book, but it was strange that he could read it! >>
<< He was illiterate? >>
<< No,absoutly. Indeed, he was once a resident of here, of Diamond City. We can even say that he was the most ... heh, "civilized" among us, but that kind of book had a writing ... that was not right. >>
Nick raised one of his rubberish eyebrows, curiously, now that he knew something more about this story. For about ten minutes, Nick asked some information about the "incorrect writing" the book had, but Lena could not even describe it well or smoothly; it was wavy, but also hard and rigid, full of points, lines and curves ending in a tip. Now, Roy was also interested, though more from the particularity of this "book" then the story itself.
<< Uh ... back to us, Kremvh began to be obsessed with the book, beginning to take it with him, intimidated by the idea that someone might steal it, and a few weeks later ... well, there was the first incident. >>
<< You mean the one with hand your friend was telling me earlier? >>
<< Exactly that, though ... >> Lena sighed, and began to briefly look at the dilapidated office floor, and then confess that telling that story didn't make her feel at ease, even though she had first been through similar situations.
Then, Cut Toe told him that he would continue, promising to be more clear and focused.
<< Yes, then, that day we were in one of the deepest sections of the quarry, and one of our companions had taken to Kremvh his damn book. Now, we had warned that it wasn't wise to touch that book, but that guy had not every Friday, and so, boom! Kremvh takes him by the few wisps of hair that that poor bastard had and drags him near one of the forklifts of the mine, and began to beat him with a piece of iron or something. Oh, for the dung of Brahmin, the look he had on his face ... >>
<< Of Kremvh ... or of the other? >>
<< Kremvh, of course. I swear, it wasn't in him, indeed! it wasn't really him! His eyes were bloodshoted like hell, and kept his lips as withdrawn and growled and screamed in fury, accusing the poor bastard of wanting to steal secrets or something fucking shithing from that bloody book. Fortunatly, then finally arrive some guys of Slag, a pair of big and muscular Forged, but they don't have time to reach Kremvh that he active the forklift and keeps the poor guy's hands just below it, and the two big guys just got even had to struggling to detach him from there. >>
<< Well, this Kremvh had to be an animal, in terms of physical! >> Commented ironic, chuckling, Roy.
<< Oh, please: he was a small man, not even an anchovy was so weak. In short, the fact is that the wretch who had taken the book leaves us with both hands, and then Kremvh begins to speak in a strange way, but strange loud, for fuck shake! >>
<< Could you be more clear? >> Nick said, now that he was able to understand something of the story.
<< Absolutely no! He spoke when inspired AND when breathed, and believe me when I tell you both that I was shitting myself in fear! >>
<< ... I ...cann't follow you again. >>
<< Kremvh wasn't Kremvh, at that time. >> Said Lena, now that she no longer had to tell that old story: << you could tell: the voice, the eyes of a madman fixed and the expression that had taken ... no, I do not think it was him. >>
<< ... No, you're probably saying that ... >> Roy began, as he leaned heavily to Nick's desk, which began to creak under the weight of the lard: << Oh, damn. Nick! You will not believe this! >>
Nick was puzzled, and could not say to believe completely in what the two customers were insinuating their friend, but there was a whole file on Dunwitch Bores and very special events. Or rather, paranormal.
<< Let them finish, Roy, then we will think about. So, we were talking about ... uh, "Kremvh not Kremvh", I think. >>
<< Right. Eventually, after he was come back among us (and after a period spent in isolation with his book) we can reach the bottom of the quarry, even though there were many more tunnels and tunnels to explore, but nobody was in the mood.>>
<< And why? Radiation? Feral ghoul or anything like that? >>
<< If I say "an indescribable and terrifying force which infested the air of that place", what do you think? >>
The two detectives remained silent, and looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment, now slightly unsettled by the new details of the already strange story in itself. Roy pulled the tight shirt's collar, while Nick settled his hat and took a cigarette, and then make her to continue.
<< A Forged's group began to explore the galleries of the lower floors. A nice group, maybe fifteen, but, even not an hour later, only four returned, shouting and crying in terror. One of them threw himself into my arms, shouting "don't let me go back in the dark, don't let me stares again into the abyss !" and huged me like a scared child. Shortly after, we barricaded the entrance to the damn tunnel, but Kremvh ... well ... >>
<< He get in there, all quiet, with his book. >> Nick added, adopting what Cut Toe had said before confusedly. Lena just nodded, as she began to fix her hair and rubbing her hands, looking at the floor in silence. The two detectives noticed that now, both accounts, had fallen as in a state of melancholy or, at least, of sadness.
<< And of Kremvh's was never heard anything again, right? >> Asked in a kinder tone Roy, doing raise the eyes of the two, who were now terrified.
<< On the contrary. Kremvh returned, but he was changed, and not in anything good. He was engraved sign on his chest and arms, and to this day I don't know how did he engraved the shoulder blades. >>
<< ... The shoulder blades, you say? >> Nick was always more curious and frightened. That story was taking on a more horror genre curve then another. Cut Toe also made an addition to what Kremvh had done to his lips. Somehow, though ara removed, so as to show the teeth perfectly white, but leaving just enough to be able to speak, even if the words he used did not need lips. Lena shooting, beginning to be shaken.
<< K-Kremvh was scary, n ... no one wanted to be around him, even the Forged. Badlam, one of Slug's reinforcements, was ... was even terrified to hear his name, after she had fled into solo in the tunnels. But one day, something strange happened, not far from the quarry. >>
<< Hm, this is new. >> With his metal hand, Nick reached for the microphone; he absolutely wanted to hear what she had to say: << go ahead. >>
<< We thought ... we thought it was a radioactive storm, at first, but then ... we've see them! They were among the few dry trees silhouetted around Dunwitch Bores: they seemed feral ghouls, but had on their head a strange bird mask with horns, and the legs were stretched. They moved in herds and ... and stirred, around a strange green light and ... >>
Lena stopped. She was paralyzed, her eyes wide and desperate and began to sob. Cut Toe hugged her, trying to calm her down, while Roy and Nick watched them embarrassed, not knowing what to do or when to do something.
Cut Toe proposed to continue, as he had witnessed the misdeed: << Whatever they were, those things seemed to dance and shout furiously. Obviously, we could not just stand there like assholes, so we armed ourself and went to see what the hell they were and when we arrived, we saw that Kremvh was right there, in front of the green light while talking in that strange language and laughing profusely. Holy shit, we were all paralyzed. Those things didn't seem to notice us, but Kremvh looked me straight in the eye, and seemed happy, very happy!
And then he said something that ... oh, m... my blood is freezing... >>
Nick and Roy layd down their necks toward the two, curious, frightened and attracted by history: <<and... if I may ask, what said Kremvh? >> Nick asked, as Roy to tell, although the two robbers were both deeply troubled.
Then, Lena decided to tell the exact words of what was once their friend: << "When the stars are aligned and the black night you will come, from the Black Pyramid in the Sea of endless Light new death and destruction will reborn!" >>
Finally, the two had ended the compleat story. As two tatos bags, they felt side by side, breathing a sigh of relief and rising as a soul burden. Nick and Roy were left breathless by the story, incredulous that it was finished so. Then, Roy wondered what happened of Kremvh, and Cut Toe replied: << I'm not sure. After those words... the... green light became intense, almost blinding, and... yes, well, he just disappeared !>>
After this last part, the two said that there was nothing more to tell, and that they just wanted to know what had become of their friend, or at least what he meant by what he said before disappearing. Nick said, after a brief moment of silence, that he would have thought on the decision, and asked the two not to stray too far. The two then were escorted outside of the agency investigation.
Roy chuckled and sat on one of the chairs across from his desk, holding a new cigarette and lighting it, observing nick with a sly grin.
<< Well, at least we have heard a good horror story with made us shit ourselves! But tell me... you don't think to take the case? >>
<< I don't know ... >>
Nick went up and down the study, calculating with his silicon brain the informations, considering even if it could be worth investing precious time on those two raiders, whereas, if they were right, this Kremvh could be a great threat to the entire Commonwealth... or even worse, for all the wastelands of America and beyond! but there were too many unknowns, as those two might have been detailed.
<< I will not yet accept the case of those two.>> Nick said to Roy, who meanwhile was eating a couple of donuts from the detective's desk, and that, gorging himself, retorted: << This is a great choice, Nicky! >>
<< I know. that's why now I ask you to stop eat like a pig and follow meto investigate a bit! >>
Roy almost choked on one of the donuts, coughing, standing up and then yell at Nick, tolding that him said that they would not investigate. With an ironic look, Nick told him he had never said this: << I just said I don't want to accepted the case yet, but I want to ensure if this Kremvh was actually a resident of here. >>
<< And from where do you want to fucking start? >> asked the still half choking Roy, with a voice clearly irritated and all scowl: << certainly we cann't ask the mayor, since your old partner have planted a bullet in that synthetic head of his, and Piper is away for a scoop on those guys who have settled in the southeast, in the Vault 88. Then, Nick? Where do you want to start ? >>
<< You just cann't grasp the clues, Roy. The girl, Lena, said Kremvh was educated, right? >>
<< Well, yes, I remember, but what are yo- >> with a flash of insight, the small brain of Roy lit up, grasping fully what his boss wanted to hear, then putting to puff and grind his teeth: <<please, I hate school. >>
<< But we will go there now. What is it, big baby, don't you know that the study is the daily bread of the mind? >>
After Roy made a very sarcastic laugh, he took his investigator hat and went with Nick to the nearby school of Diamond City, but asked the detective why they went there, not having understood what Nick wanted to do there. Nick answered all happy: although the mayor had not yet been elected, and the representatives of the Brotherhood of Steel were monitoring the logs of old and today's citizens, for sure the school records could still be found in some way. Roy could not help but nod and confirm that that intuition was quite brilliant.
Although it was too late because there was someone, they found Miss Edna still there. After a brief greeting, Nick and Roy explained the situation to the robot, which was more than happy to let them seat inside, but for the documents they would have to ask to Mr. Zwicky. Thus, the two sat down in the living room on the lower level, along with Toro, the local cat. Not even five minutes later, Zwicky came running, breathless.
<< Everything's fine, Mr. Zwicky? >> Asked Nick: << I see a little ... out of breath. >>
<< Oh, don't worry, Mr. Valentine, it's just the harsh teacher's life. However, you are here to view some documents on an old student ?>>
<< Actually, we wanted to ask a few questions, if you please. >>
<< Oh... ah, sure, sure, but it's better we sit upstairs, if it's not a problem for you. >>
<< Great, even the stairs ... >> replied bitterly Roy, taking a synthetic elbow in the stomach by Nick. Once all of them get upstairs, they saw that Mr. Zwicky desk was full of papers, some with red marks and other still intact.
<< Oh, pay no attention to that, we were just checking some exams. >> Edna said to the two guests, making snorting Zwicky: << Oh, sorry darling, I didn't mean to offend you. >>
<< Oh, my dear, you know that you can never make me angry. >> He said, and then gently caress the metal body of her companion.
<< You know, I know a chick from New Vegas, a courier, who had an affair with a robot. >> Roy began speaking, while he was still a little embarrassed by the scene, no matter how sweet it could be: << from what I know, she still attends him in his local. >>
<< Oh, it would be nice to meet them! >> said happily Edna, who approached Roy.
<< Believe me, he would not mind to met you or your...houseband and make you both happier. >>
Nick gave a cough, bringing the rest of those present with their heads as to why they were there. Once the two guests sat, Zwicky was more than happy to help.
<< Tell me, you are suspicious that one of my old student is involved in... some misdeed, so to speak? >>
<< Frankly... it was just to confirm if indeed the person in question has ever attended this school. >>
<< Ah, well, this will be a little tough, but if you have a name ... >>
<< The name Kremvh says anything? >>
On the face of Zwicky formed a look of terror, and his breathing became more labored. Edna went over to him, to see what was wrong, but he said it was nothing sending her away till he and the two hadn't finish their talk. The two detectives were split between two feelings: being aware that this Kremvh existed and the fear that he could be a monster, to cause such a reaction to a man like Zwicky.
<< Kremvh... oh, I was finally forgotten of him. How you know him? >>
<< What do you know about him, rather. >> Roy asked, leaning on the desk.
<< Oh, too much. And I was hoping not to have to speak of him never again. >>