Hey all, i know I'm very late but I recently got back into fallout 3 and have a recording setup, so I decided I was going to make some guides. I'm doing my best to get them popular so im trying to post them on many forums, this is the first forum i joined to post, the rest i was already active on. But please don't consider this spam, that's not what I'm here for.
Unique and hidden Guns:
[spoiler:6405bd90f4]Firelance - http://youtu.be/0R5A3h8aoE4?hd=1
Hollowed Out Rock Outside Megaton - http://youtu.be/MdHu2BijVS4?hd=1
Lincolns Repeater - http://youtu.be/0Q5rc5fDcoE?hd=1
'Ol Painless Guide - http://youtu.be/iqD14veDfhQ?hd=1
The Terrible Shotgun - http://youtu.be/1ngx3dIz8Y4?hd=1[/spoil][/spoiler:6405bd90f4]
[spoiler:6405bd90f4]Bethesda Ruins - http://youtu.be/R3PBTYGhuSg?hd=1
Vault 106 - http://youtu.be/gj6LZ1P-gi0?hd=1
Alien Ammo Location 1 - http://youtu.be/UCEtwN9t0HU?hd=1[/spoiler:6405bd90f4]
Unique and hidden Guns:
[spoiler:6405bd90f4]Firelance - http://youtu.be/0R5A3h8aoE4?hd=1
Hollowed Out Rock Outside Megaton - http://youtu.be/MdHu2BijVS4?hd=1
Lincolns Repeater - http://youtu.be/0Q5rc5fDcoE?hd=1
'Ol Painless Guide - http://youtu.be/iqD14veDfhQ?hd=1
The Terrible Shotgun - http://youtu.be/1ngx3dIz8Y4?hd=1[/spoil][/spoiler:6405bd90f4]
[spoiler:6405bd90f4]Bethesda Ruins - http://youtu.be/R3PBTYGhuSg?hd=1
Vault 106 - http://youtu.be/gj6LZ1P-gi0?hd=1
Alien Ammo Location 1 - http://youtu.be/UCEtwN9t0HU?hd=1[/spoiler:6405bd90f4]