I'm surprised that we don't have one of those yet...
So, what weapons do you prefer when it comes to guns? I found that I can take on practically all enemies (bar some robots, whom I dispatch with Pulse Grenades) effectively with a 10mm SMG or a Chinese Assault Rifle Does it change at all in any point in the game? I've been sticking with those weapons for quite a time now. Does it make sense to develop Energy Weapons or those fancy do-it-yourself v3 weapons like the Rock-It Launcher or a Rail Spike gun? Did you find the Sniper Rifle of any use?
So, what weapons do you prefer when it comes to guns? I found that I can take on practically all enemies (bar some robots, whom I dispatch with Pulse Grenades) effectively with a 10mm SMG or a Chinese Assault Rifle Does it change at all in any point in the game? I've been sticking with those weapons for quite a time now. Does it make sense to develop Energy Weapons or those fancy do-it-yourself v3 weapons like the Rock-It Launcher or a Rail Spike gun? Did you find the Sniper Rifle of any use?