Welcome Briosafreak


Carbon Dated and Proud
I'd like you all to welcome Briosafreak as a news poster at NMA, he's an oldie in the Fallout scence and you've probably encountered him sometime.

Right now we're working on some surprises for you guys, so stay tuned and drop by the new forum..
Odin said:
I'd like you all to welcome Briosafreak as a news poster at NMA, he's an oldie in the Fallout scence and you've probably encountered him sometime.

Hmm, this could have been worded better. I've been looking at this on the home page for like 5 minutes trying to figure out why you were saying that Briosa is a NEW poster and that he's been around for a while at the same time. Next time please say something like "Briosa is posting the news at NMA now." Hopefully I'm not the only one who got confused :?
There`s a difference between a news poster , that posts the news you see in the main page, and NEW poster , if you read it with attention it says News Poster ok? :)
no, but you all misunderstood! he's not a newsie, but we'll use him as a template to print our posters!
Re: heh

Tzorcelan said:
Congrats Brio :D I hope you can advertise my site more now when you'r a news poster ;)
you could simply drop me an email or a private message, since I chek it several times a day... if you have an interesting update... and since FOBOS is so dull, I think me scratching my ass is a better news that FOBOS going gold
Miroslav said:
no, but you all misunderstood! he's not a newsie, but we'll use him as a template to print our posters!

Ssshhh it`s our litle secret...

you could simply drop me an email or a private message, since I chek it several times a day... if you have an interesting update...

But take your time, i`ve seen stuff from you and it`s fun, but there`s still a long way to go

I think me scratching my ass is a better news that FOBOS going gold

Pullitzer price material, compared to FOBOS...
So can i post it, "Miro scratches ass, crowd apllauds"?

whooo! the inquirer wants to do an interview about scratching my ass! I own 100% of shares, so if I go foobar on a market, I take the entire ass (or staff) down with me! and no one can quit! :)