CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

I'm now playing the series from beginning to end.
Thanks for recommending this guys.
Thanks for recommending this guys.
I'm happy you enjoyed it.
Really the only issue I have with the game is it pulls like 317 plot twists in the last hour and you're sitting there trying to comprehend all these twists and turns like
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it's actually not that bad but still
Also did you watch the post credits scene? Missed it my first time.
It's cool. He gets adopted by one of the homeless guys and there's a substory where he gives the dog up to the kids at the sunflower orphanage that kiryu grew up in."THAT DOG WILL STARVE WITHOUT YOU! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS TO DOGS THAT ARE ABANDONED!"
It's cool. He gets adopted by one of the homeless guys and there's a substory where he gives the dog up to the kids at the sunflower orphanage that kiryu grew up in.
Also if you think Yakuza 2 has pulled too many plot twists halfway through I can't imagine how you're gonna feel by the end of the game because it never really stops. In fact it even ramps up the plot twists towards the end.
To be fair I'm pretty sure they say he was surgically altered to look that (still wierd that yuya fell for it but whatever)Yeah, I'm past that part thankfully. I'm to the part where there's inexplicably an exact double of the Stardust owner.
To be fair I'm pretty sure they say he was surgically altered to look that (still wierd that yuya fell for it but whatever)
Anyways yeah insane plot twist only become more abundant and over the top as the series goes on. Actually the series gets more over the top in general as it goes on.
Glad to see you liked Kiwami. Did you manage to finish all the substories?
Going on a bit of a tangent, I started the series with 0, to be honest but after how much fun 0 was, I got hooked to the series.
If you ever get to 6, you'll notice that Kiwami 2's engine was initially used there. 6 was the Dragon Engine's debut so compared to Kiwami 2, the gameplay is not as smooth as it could be.
If that's the case, then you may have missed out on the Amon fight. Not sure if you've seen videos on Amon but in a nutshell, every Yakuza game that I know of has at least one bonus boss that appears once you complete every subs-tory. Amon is tough to beat unless you've mastered the combat of the games or in Kiwami's case, learn to spam Tiger Drop (I really love spamming Tiger Drop in Kiwami 1 btw).I didn't finish Yui's romance or the Pocket Racers one but watched them on Youtube.
To be fair, it does seem that RGG (Ryu Ga Gotoku) Studios is merely remastering the games to make them playable on PS4 so you'll be able to experience the series as it was during the PS3 era. I'm not sure if I'll try out 3, 4 and 5 as well.I don't know if I'll play any of the other games after this instead of switching around but as a trilogy I expect it to be completely solid.
I'll say that 0 does not have the mechanic where bosses regenerate unless you use a Kiwami Heat move against them. Personally, I think that's a plus over Kiwami.I honestly prefer Kiwami so I'm glad it'll be similar with 0.
Well if you don't like how kiryu plays in Kiwami 2 you're a butthole.I honestly prefer Kiwami so I'm glad it'll be similar with 0.
I thought ryuji goda could've carried the game as the sole antagonist but the game had to have 347 other villains as well.
Oh well. Overall I thought the game was a decent enough follow up. Altho when you're remaking what is basically everyone's least favorite entry into the series there isn't much you can do to fix the story without.... Well rewriting the entire series going forward.
That's fair. So you still ain't finished it yet? I got a copy of Yakuza 3 the other day. Broke the seal on it. NTSC copies of Yakuza 3/4 are relatively expensive in comparison to most other PS3 games. Gonna get 4 at a later point. Hopefully the PS4 remasters of 3/4/5 make their way to NA because as of now there is no physcial North American version of Yakuza 5.
Did you try out the Majima campaign in Kiwami 2 yet? A new addition to Kiwami is the Majima mini-campaign. It's short but does resolve a minor plot point from Yakuza 0.Have one chapter left so probably tomorrow.