Where would you want to live in the Classic Fallout games?


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Let’s say you get teleported into the world of Fallout 1/2. Where would you want to live? In what settlement would you try to go to?

(Also, for Fallout 2, NCR is off the table. That’s the answer everybody picks so I’d rather get new outlooks)

For me I’d like in The Hub for Fallout 1, and Vault City or Redding in 2.
I think Broken Hills would be a nice and stable place to live, even though the economic prospect is fleeting. Plus you'd get to live around some very interesting characters with a hundred+ years of life stories to share.
The Hub seems like a hard place to live. Break your back working for the merchant houses, get tied up in the criminal underworld, or starve in this post-nuclear bazaar. If I'm going to be living in the post-nuclear desert I'd rather somewhere quiet and self-sufficient like Shady Sands.
The Hub seems like a hard place to live. Break your back working for the merchant houses, get tied up in the criminal underworld, or starve in this post-nuclear bazaar. If I'm going to be living in the post-nuclear desert I'd rather somewhere quiet and self-sufficient like Shady Sands.

Well tbf there are only 6 places for a human to live in Fallout 1. In the Hub you could just be a farmer
Oil Rig before it gets nuked. All the pre war luxuries affordable by a bunch of powerful pricks to their post-apocalyptic descendants. Plus no raiders/radiations/horribly mutated creatures.

Edit: of course it's implied I'm one of them.
The Hub would be an interesting place if one was successful there.

Adytum under the regulators sucks, not to mention proximity to the mutants.

Shady Sands would be the best since there is the prospect of building the place up and becoming one of the founders of NCR (although it’s evident that Brahmin Barons form and merchant houses have more power than people from shady sands proper).

Junktown is a lesser version of shady sands in that it has Gizmo’s shadow over it, and the judge and jury regime Killian may establish is less fruitful than the prospect of settling shady sands.

You can’t really join the Brotherhood unless you happen to navigate blasted research facilities with radiation medicine applied. It also seems like a laconic military order in which your duties are meted out. And they accomplish nothing.

In Fallout 2 San Francisco and Modoc seem like good choices if you want to participate in research or a quiet agrarian life.

Arroyo after the geck is used.

Vault city is dystopian even for its residents.

Redding and Klamath are okay, somewhere in between the sinister element of the den and the goody two shoes NCR.
In Fallout 2 San Francisco and Modoc seem like good choices if you want to participate in research or a quiet agrarian life.

Modoc tends to have droughts, similar to that of Arroyo (before they get the GECK), which makes it hard to actually farm from crops. Might be a nice place to live in after the trade deal is established with the Slags.
Modoc tends to have droughts, similar to that of Arroyo (before they get the GECK), which makes it hard to actually farm from crops. Might be a nice place to live in after the trade deal is established with the Slags.
You bring up a good point. One gets the sense that the town is dying from agricultural problems and a lack of importance in trade.

However it is in the middle of a national forest which likely would have been untouched by the war, aside from fallout that has since dissipated. This means game and the potential for lakes, ponds, and streams. Worst case scenario they could leave and settle closer to the Truckee River. If the area is remote, then it is less likely they would be harassed by slavers and tribals.

Irrigation is an option if they had labor capital and books or outsiders with the knowledge to build aqueducts/pipelines. It is unlikely that they could get all these things; iirc the town is post-war and probably descends from survivors who wouldn’t have the knowledge, organization, or time for any long distance infrastructure projects.

Microfusion provides an easy power source if they designed a pipeline, and alternatively pre-war means can be repaired. Again, these are realistic projects for the ncr and vault city. What’s more, infrastructure is susceptible to being destroyed by raiders in a lawless Northern California. The area is a frontier in Fallout 2, and survival there doesn’t come from complex organization but self-sufficiency and adaptability. The development of infrastructure and burgeoning success means growth into a city, where life is less certain. It could become another Shady Sands or New Reno.

Arroyo is no picnic. It’s dying from drought like you said, and they are abducted by the Enclave. Arroyo isn’t worth the risk if you’re an outsider choosing to live there, and your kinsmen tell you they think nothing of outsiders. Modoc is probably also distrustful but easier to assimilate to.

Every settlement has its cons.
The Den sucks universally, while Klamath and Redding are a mix of good and bad aspects. VC, New Reno, and San Francisco vary based on your social position. Being a soldato in the Mordinos means being above water at the expense of keeping people addicted to jet. The viability of living in different locations depends on economic prospects and if you have a family.

Despite the ills of each location (especially slavery in VC and Racketeering in New Reno), their independence is preferable to the political consolidation of California we see in New Vegas. The loss of sovereignty from incorporation coupled with the appropriation of state power by powerful merchant houses is a net loss for Shady Sands and member states.
Man I don't get people saying the Hub. Seems like a rough place even though it's "civilized".
It's as civilized as it gets in Fallout 1, I guess. It's a big trading center.
Arroyo is a close second, it'd be a simple, but mostly peaceful life.
It's as civilized as it gets in Fallout 1, I guess. It's a big trading center.
Arroyo is a close second, it'd be a simple, but mostly peaceful life.

I'd say Shady Sands is about as civilized, it's just much smaller and more peaceful. Arroyo is a good pick though. Living in a primitive tribe, sleeping in tipis under the stars, eating maize, hunting geckos and telling stories about how cool the F1 player character was. All the an-prim commune fun of a Fallout tribe with a big canyon seperating it from the problems of other tribes like war, rape, and Mormons.
I'd say Shady Sands is about as civilized, it's just much smaller and more peaceful. Arroyo is a good pick though. Living in a primitive tribe, sleeping in tipis under the stars, eating maize, hunting geckos and telling stories about how cool the F1 player character was. All the an-prim commune fun of a Fallout tribe with a big canyon seperating it from the problems of other tribes like war, rape, and Mormons.
I actually meant to say Shady Sands and not Arroyo, had a brainfart. Yeah, Shady Sands would be pretty sweet.
I actually meant to say Shady Sands and not Arroyo, had a brainfart. Yeah, Shady Sands would be pretty sweet.

I was going to make a joke about calling Shady Sands first and therefore calling Tandi first but then immediately remembered she was supposed to be like 16. So, uh, go ahead friendo.