Wheres Walter? Please help


First time out of the vault
This is a problem I found on the Xbox 360 version.

I accepted the mission Walter gave me at the water plant in Megaton to fix the leaking pipes. I didn't have enough skill points in repair to do it yet, so I went out, leveled, pumped up my skill, and headed back. This took about an hour. When I got back, I fixed the three pipes, went back to the plant, and Walter was just gone. I waited each individual hour of the day inside the plant, and outside, because he would sometimes go out to smoke a cig, but he never came back. I spent more time searching every inch of the town, as well as every house. Walter is just gone, and although the mission probably isn't that big of a deal, it really urks me.

My room mate is playing a seperate game, and he was able to do the quest just fine.

I hope I didn't get some careless rare bug...

Unfortunately Walter might be dead in your game, because there's a bug that has him falling off the balcony to his death. Never let it be said that smoking isn't dangerous. It's possible that he fell off randomly one time you were back in town, and you didn't notice. Bodies vanish after a few days usually, so he's probably gone for good.

On the plus side, you can take that scrap metal you collected and save it for winthrop in the ghoul city, he trades like 5 scrap for 1 stimpack, so it's not all going to go to waste.
Aw bloody hell.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. You would think the testers would have caught something like townspeople falling to their deaths, but I guess not. Maybe next game I'll have more luck. At least I can still get some stims for my scrap metal though!
if you look at the compass and have the quest selected itll show you where he is...no green arrow no walter :P although im not sure if this was one of those quests that didnt appear in the list....if it is just ignore this post completely, lol