Which Do You Consider More Evil? *Spoilers*


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Eradicating the Ghouls for the security guard of Tenpenny Tower, or helping the Ghouls sneak into the tower so they can start slaughtering everyone?
Tenpenny folks are actually peacefull and even the guards dont go killing the ghouls

but the ghouls are trying to take over the tower and kill its inhabitants

ghouls are clearly evil

its pretty dumb that there is no way to convince the ghouls to stay away the peaceful way (or is there?)
I helped the ghouls because the tenpenny guys were a bunch of high society fags. But if the game was not so simplified (e.g. if the tenpenny people had do to "something" for their money and not magically "recieve" it from the game engine) I would help the humans.
Does the game give out hints what would happen if you let the ghouls in? Because some of the reports about that seemed like the player was surprised it happened. Does high perception help you notice something in the conservations or so?