Window size problem


First time out of the vault
I tried opening every Fallout and each is tiny. There is a little square in the middle of my screen, not large enough to play enjoyably. I didn't change anything.. I'm confused.
Has Windows 7 by the way.
It could be the setting on your video card making it do exact pixel by pixel no expanding, or the monitor. My monitor can do stretched (looks like shit for morons), Aspect (keeps same proportions but blows up to max height), or Real (that's the pixel to pixel one).

Video cards have stupid names for whatever. Like ATI "centered" etc or this or that. half of it is broke anyways and the rest is labled wrong. I am doubting it's the game. However, on that topic, you need to use High Resolution patch and jump over those hurdles. Windows 7 doesnt run it right at all, but it doesnt have a problem with sizing it however.
el_jefe_of_ny said:
it doesnt run the graphics right unless you apply non standard patches.

That's not a 7 Specific problem. Its not even 7's fault either, its a DirectX issue.