
I would much rather read about Destroying the Earth myself.
The International Earth-Destruction Advisory Board said:
Current Earth-Destruction Status (CEDS)


A "Green" Earth-Destruction Alert Level (EDA Level) indicates that the Earth has not been destroyed. This is the default EDA Level in peacetime. In the event of the Earth being destroyed, the EDA Level will change to "Red".


The Current Geocide Count (CGC) indicates in real time how many geocides have taken place; that is, the number of times the Earth has been destroyed. A value of "0" indicates that at present, the Earth has not been destroyed. In the event of the Earth being destroyed, the CGC will be increased by one, to read "1".

Or, at the very least, watch a Japanese commercial.
Ok, that commercial is rather disturbing... what are those Japanese up to over there? Well at least one thing is sure commercials are just as crappy anywhere in the world.
Oh and the whole zero thing, it's nill.
A chance to try out Firefox's Video Downloader extension. Too bad it can only save to flv, have to convert manually.

The language is NULL, and I correctly misread the title of the video as "Japanese Sick Commercial".
The internet could seriously do without this "zero" garbage. It isn't really all that creative. It's just a rip-off of 1337.
Arachnivore said:
The internet could seriously do without this "zero" garbage. It isn't really all that creative. It's just a rip-off of 1337.

Didn't you know that being incomprehensible MAKES you 1337?

Seriously, it's the r0><><0rs or something.
Lazarus Plus said:
Didn't you know that being incomprehensible MAKES you 1337?

Seriously, it's the r0><><0rs or something.
Dude, I totally understood that.
[Rusty Chopper said:
]So you Poles like Hitler best?
Neither. But at least Hitler was clear about his intentions, nd di not conquer us under the facade of 'liberation'. Your oh, so praised communism has costed Poland, Ukraine, Belarus etc. thousands of lives, including gen. Leopold "Niedzwiadek" Okulicki, the last commander of Armia Krajowa and gen. Emil "Nil" Fieldorf, head of Armia Krajowa Diversion Command.

So really, the Victory Day for me is a day like any other, except for the fact that it marked the 'official' beginning of a new occupation.

If an ideology can be warped so much, that it costs the lives of thousands, it's an evil ideology.