Recent content by Charwo

  1. C

    Fallout Boston fanfic Brainstorm session

    I think this was made in jest. So you don't think this is a good idea? Fair enough. Could I get some serious critique then? Ideas on how to improve the premise? If I get more shitpost I get more shitpost. It's worth a shot. I think the idea of a pre-war soldier in a Boston that doesn't get...
  2. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

    Hey is there a save game editor that works with Fallout Et Tu? Falche doesn't. And I wanted to give my character two things I thought would be lore friendly and not too OP at the beginning of the game: a motion sensor and a laser pistol. Also once I get Gizmo's 9mm, a save game editor is about...
  3. C

    Fallout Boston fanfic Brainstorm session

    I'm not calling this a Fallout 4 fix idea because well, fixing Fallout 4 as it is doesn't seem ambitious enough given the failing of that lazy, intellectually and spiritually bankrupt piece of crap. See I personally liked the head cannon I've build over the quarter century about America and my...
  4. C

    I nuked Fallout 4 off my Steam Client and I feel great

    You know I pent six years waiting for mods to fix Fallout 4, two to make 76 something remotely playable, and I finally realize you MFers are right in it's totality and Bethesda is bankrupt in every sense of the word that ain't money, they never cared, they care about stories period. This is why...
  5. C

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    That's very true! Bethesda's game design is creatively so bankrupt it boggles my mind, but then again, I don't play a lot of video games. Sometimes this no grand vision thing works WONDERS. Fallout 2 I'd say is better because there's no unifying vision. Every region feels very distinct. The...
  6. C

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    Yeah...but they did that both with Fallout 1 and 2, way more in 2,, but if you think that meta humor is just in the random encounters and don't count, you've been away from Fallout 2 for too long. Fallout 1 had a fucking Robinhood ripoff complete with an English accent running the thieves guild...
  7. C

    Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland

    Oh great, a half decent story and justified ruined city to fuck around it with Fallout 4's engine. That I will have to green mod the hell out of just to get it looking semi realistic. BUT....if I can use Vault Tec Workshop to restore the Capital Wasteland Vaults to proper settlements, I might...
  8. C

    Is it bad that I consider Bethesda Fallout's power armor to be canon?

    In my opinion, yes. BUT, hear me out. Only because you need to take it broad strokes. First of all, power armor in civilian uses would predate military uses by a dam site and power armor frames are a genuinely good addition, and that have NUMEROUS civilian uses from disability/elderly...
  9. C

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 mod on Fallout 2

    I've recently seen a mod that allows you to run Fallout 1 on Fallout 2's engine. So I'm wondering if anyone's played it here and can tell me how it plays? I'm also wondering what other mods can be played with this Fallout 1 mod. I've also heard there's a kind of mod organizer for Fallout 2 mods...
  10. C

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    Yeah, but no one should be bound to bad lore because bad lore simply doesn't make sense, the world simply cannot function as described. Plus the fix is easy enough, as far as Synths go. Boson being a ruin despite its massive geographic advantages AND not being nuked, that's the one I can't get...
  11. C

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    The problem with the "lore" Dip Shit Emil (henceforth DSE) is physically impossible. You cannot make something that is indistinguishable from humans in terms of flesh and blood and it not run on food. Biology requires metabolism and metabolism requires FOOD. Also IF this were the case Danse...
  12. C

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    This isn't a constructed world. The real world is a part of the Fallout lore, in fact it's the VAST majority of Fallout's lore, until at least 1945, so even going by mentions in human history we have 4 billion years of real-world physics, climatology, paleontology, biology, anthropology...
  13. C

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Oh So Cal? Didn't you read up on global warming? Even back in the 90s people were saying it would only exacerbate California's tendencies towards megadroughts, and So Cal being a total desert in Fallout 1 made sense not because of nuclear war, but because So Cal is a desert by it's very nature...
  14. C

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    I don't think a Fallout Tv series HAS to suck, just as I think you absolutely can have a great Fallout Western set in a very verdant true-to-life verdant east coast (Last of the Mohicans IS a western and it's set in upstate New York after alll). But this is AMazon and modern woke Hollywood and...
  15. C

    The Degregarion of Fallout has nothing to do with FPS

    OK, I have to respect Tim Cain more than I do Chris Avellone but Tim Cain has woefully bad ideas too. More hit and miss than anything, but between the ghouls are created by radiation (problems are addressed below) but the Enclave does not NEED the Vault experiments to exist, it's only the other...