Francis H
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  • Did ya do that on MS paint too? :P
    Francis H
    Francis H
    Nope, it's from Beast Wars. Never watched it, but I did like the design on this character
    Did you add the hat and moustache or am I crazy?
    Francis H
    Francis H
    Say no to drugs man! (Yeah, I added the hat and moustache :P)
    English version of Enderal just released, if anybody is interested
    Francis H
    Francis H
    Total conversion of Skyrim. The exploration is a lot of fun, imo
    They released a limited edition version here in Brasil. Keeping the can because I liked the design but it has to be the worst soda I tasted.
    Tried Cherry Coke. Tastes like medicine vomited out by a std ridden hooker, what the fuck were they thinking?
    It´s easier to edit the drawing on the computer, although I might take a look at vector, ty
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