Stone Cold Robert House

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  • Now that NMA's interested on viruses we can talk about my favorite subject - global prevention of diseases! Read along in the comments...
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Back when the Panama Canal was being constructed, one of the most extensive sanitary campaigns in history was conducted in order to prevent mosquitoes from depositing their eggs, vastly reducing malaria and eradicating yellow fever from the region. That's the biggest example I can think of.
    Malaria is still a gigantic killer though, but I guess it would be worth the attempt to at least try something similar, as in localized erradications. Complete erradication would be humongously ambitious, especially since one would sabotage only small percentages of each years reproductions :I
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Absolutely. The biggest obstacle is that these things take a lot of time and effort. Look at the Gates foundation - amazing work, eradicating multiple diseases all over the world, but it's not just because they have a lot of money, but because they work smart and know what they're doing. If we want results, that's exactly what we need, not just money, but a lot of dedication, planning and intelligence.
    I had wisdom teeth removed yesterday and my face is so swollen I'm afraid to go out in public. My cheeks look like freaking softballs.
    I had all four of mine taken out in Iraq. Got a week off work.
    Nah, I ain't angry, I just took 30 seconds of my day to reply to you and will probably forget about it in an hour. Considering [cont...]
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    ... you use expressions like "spying", put the $ in the name of the company you don't like (classic move of trying to criticize while not getting the situation), and then pull the "it's just an opinion!" card while citing "facts" that don't actually exist, I'm willing to say you're just overreacting to stuff you don't really understand so I'm not really going to blame you for it, or spend time arguing over it.
    Are you fucking with me? Do you even read the shit you link? After I show a post explaining in detail why the [cont. in comments...]
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    ... has "Automatic Spying" in its headline even though what is actually happening has NOTHING to do with that, as if this irrefutably proves your argument which was based on nothing in the first place? Come on. Even though...
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House're evidently quick to jump on bandwagons and shout baseless bullshit because "Fuck the corporate! We're all being manipulated" or whatever you believe in, I'd suggest you actually inform yourself properly instead of just reading...
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    ... headlines and regurgitating their crap. If you'd rather mantain the current ultra-reactive attitude, well, that's more immaturity than I care to handle. But I think there's value in just learning more about what you're dealing with here.
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