
  1. Homer2137

    Fallout LARP

    "Bitches be like: I don't like Caesar's Legion because they cosplay ancient Rome!" Almost every faction in Fallout LARPs in some way or another, intentionally or accidentally. Let's go through factions: All Vaults - I'm not entirely sure, maybe they're cosplaying Star Trek or something like...
  2. KingArthur

    The True Moral Quandary of Fallout 4 (no, not how to destroy the disc)

    So, like it says on the tin. In my mind, and, I suppose, in most minds, the Fallout 4 faction system is utterly stupid and pointless. Which got me thinking; what’s the real moral “dilemma” (used loosely) in that game? It can’t be the racism against ghouls in most settlements except...
  3. jazzgoodbruh

    America is Doing Great! Post-Nuclear Ecological Collapse RPG

    Two centuries have passed since we flooded the Earth. For decades, humans struggled to survive, clustered on the new archipelagos, committing violence over what crude oil and arable land remained. The United States collapsed and was divided among the world's remaining nations. ~~~ America is...
  4. KingArthur

    The Enclave: Evil or Machiavellian?

    So I saw a lot of threads with similar reasons for being but 1) I don't wanna gravedig and 2) I was hoping for more of an argument discussion like in @Apollyon's Lanius thread. So without further ado... I believe that the Enclave, as a group, are not strictly "evil", in the conventional sense...
  5. KingArthur

    Yet Another Thread About Robert Edwin House

    So playing through New Vegas for the hundredth time, I came across a conundrum: when you kill House, you lose karma, but winning the game through his route causes the ending slides to essentially label him a tyrant ("...a despotic vision of Pre-War glory..."). I guess my question is what does...
  6. NMLevesque

    Which minor faction(s) would you make a major one?

    As in, which one would you give a main questline to, for whatever reason (for shits and/or giggles is acceptable), and what would that look like. E.g the quests, how the faction might be different as a result either from the outset or as the quest lines progress, how that would affect the New...
  7. Twicklerm

    Fallout 4's lack of rebuilding

    Besides the terrible dialogue system, lack of role playing, and voiced protagonist the lack of an attempt at building ACTUAL civilizations bugs me to no end. For example, Vault city in Fallout 2 was a community built after the great war and managed to create a functioning society with laws, a...
  8. Slayerite

    Fallout: New Vegas non-main factions

    Okay, so here it goes. This thread is about the Fallout: New Vegas factions that one can't do for the main game ending, but would actually like to officially join anyways. You have to join a single faction, no neutrals, and no main faction. Any faction not mentioned but still a faction in the...
  9. S

    Create your own Fallout nation!

    I know it sounds stupid, but I just had the idea, and I just want to see your guys' ideas Basically think of a post-apocalyptic civilization to that of NCR, Caesars Legion, BoS, or Enclave, hell you can make factions based on them (Considering the Legion is going to get balkanized, the Enclave...