A motor bike

I don't know if it would work in Fallout 3 either, since the world map is already pretty small and you can walk across the whole thing in probably 30 minutes, if not less, liek someone already mentioned.

But it's worth experimenting with... for quick get aways maybe, and it should also be hard to repair and fragile, since it's so old.
You know what would be real nice? Ride armor/mech. If there can be a Liberty Prime trudging through the Wastes blasting things to pieces, then I don't see why a mod-quest involving a ton of scrap metal, leather belts and all sorts of other things, which results in your very own gigantic robot of doom which you can hop into and plow through the Wasteland with. Personally, I got the idea for the cockpit from seeing the whole VR seat in Vault 112. The lid opens, you climb in, the lid closes and you enter first-person sitting inside, as the thing gets to its feet. (Insert further awesome here.)
The Wandering Milkman said:
You know what would be real nice? Ride armor/mech. If there can be a Liberty Prime trudging through the Wastes blasting things to pieces, then I don't see why a mod-quest involving a ton of scrap metal, leather belts and all sorts of other things, which results in your very own gigantic robot of doom which you can hop into and plow through the Wasteland with. Personally, I got the idea for the cockpit from seeing the whole VR seat in Vault 112. The lid opens, you climb in, the lid closes and you enter first-person sitting inside, as the thing gets to its feet. (Insert further awesome here.)

Fallout meets Mechwarrior :p
The game does support mounts, and I bet this could be done. What we need is basically one motorbike that's flagged as a horse (with no AI obviously) and proper mounting/dismounting/riding animations. The game also supports mounts having HP, so the motorcycle will break if you do too many crazy jumps on it(the broken highways do spring to mind). My only problem with this is that not a single NPC will gawk in awe at your amazing motorbike, as they are all made of cardboard and impossible to improve since we're in the age of spoken dialogue.
I think it will be possible (doesn't imply it will me made) once the FOSE comes out (and maybe if the SDK will ever be released).

I'd personally want the good ol' Chrysalis Highwayman and to ride a Vertibird.
Magnus said:
The game does support mounts, and I bet this could be done. What we need is basically one motorbike that's flagged as a horse (with no AI obviously) and proper mounting/dismounting/riding animations. The game also supports mounts having HP, so the motorcycle will break if you do too many crazy jumps on it(the broken highways do spring to mind). My only problem with this is that not a single NPC will gawk in awe at your amazing motorbike, as they are all made of cardboard and impossible to improve since we're in the age of spoken dialogue.

At least not unless you have subtitles on and script reactions for that. Or, pushing it a bit further, getting voice-actors.
Magnus said:
The game does support mounts, and I bet this could be done. What we need is basically one motorbike that's flagged as a horse (with no AI obviously) and proper mounting/dismounting/riding animations. The game also supports mounts having HP, so the motorcycle will break if you do too many crazy jumps on it(the broken highways do spring to mind). My only problem with this is that not a single NPC will gawk in awe at your amazing motorbike, as they are all made of cardboard and impossible to improve since we're in the age of spoken dialogue.

Great news Magnus! I'm really dying for this SDK to come out. Only have to wait for a few expensive DLC's to be released first and then they let us make our own stuff.
To be honest, due to the terrain, I think something like a makeshift jetpack (not actual flight, but rather for hovering about a foot off the ground.) would be more useful. There could be high quality versions that have no side effects, but are VERY expensive, and then there could be workbench versions, that have a small chance to randomly cause a bit of damage to you (like backfire)
Honestly, I thought about it ever since I started playing. So many motorcycle parts, even biker goggles and helmet :shock:
I really thought there was a Motorcycle Schematics, and got disappointed when I found out there wasn't.
It would rock, I mean, just imagine riding a classic style motorcycle through the wasteland avoiding the ruins and stuff, it would be awesome and shouldn't be that hard to do. It could even use fuel, like the flamer fuel or something. I find it useful since I hate being able to teleport myself through all known locations...
I'd like to bring up something I've been wondering regarding motorbikes in the game. Yes, we've talked about large drops damaging it (and it potentially a'sploding when it finally breaks in some cases), about its effectiveness in covering the wasteland terrains and how it would be more maneuverable compared to a larger vehicle..

..But what about water?

I mean, let's face it, there IS the chance that you might mess up and go flying off the edge of a bridge or cliff, and sail through the skies.. straight into a lake or river. But what then? Obviously you can't ride on the bottom. And it doesn't make a lot of sense for your bike to blow up just landing into the water.. So it'd just.. sink? Sink and be irretrievable from the dank, radioactive depths? And what then? Back to building a new bike? Would there be a bike merchant?
What about making the motorbike like a car in F2? after buying or reparing one in megaton you could activate the fast travel by clicking onit, it woud be a great pack mule for all this loot too.
That is what I was mainly thinking about Requent ;)

But for looting, it should a bit smaller than a car in FO2.
Anglish said:
The Wandering Milkman said:
..But what about water?

What if you could just grab the bike with the 'z' key and drag it out of the water?

Well, I've never tried to carry things out of water, so I wouldn't know if that's possible. However, if you can, I'd assume you'd still need to repair it a little.
You forgot to mound the mini gun on the front of the tricycle for defensive purposes use only. hehehe.

Right Children... :crazy: